Soldiers and residents of Wallachia.

At this time, my heart was full of panic and huge doubts!

"It's the poultry-eating devil in the city!"

"He...I've seen him before, but now his wings are bigger!"


At this time, someone shouted again, "He wears a cast iron mask. It is the unique symbol of the Grand Duke. No one dares to imitate it!"

"He is our Grand Duke of Wallachia!"

"He is our Count Dracula!"

"He gained the power of the devil!"

"But he's here to protect us!"

The pupils of countless residents of Wallachia trembled, and while huge storms arose in their hearts, they also aroused inexplicable hope!

"People, we can only rely on our own strength to protect our homeland."


"follow me!"

The god-demonic boy in the air roared, and then his body turned into a black stream of light, streaking across the entire battlefield!

The 50,000 Ottoman Empire troops on the opposite side saw the demon swooping down from the sky almost at the same time.

"What it is?!"

Many people's expressions changed, and even their uniform steps suddenly became chaotic.

"Fire the arrow!"

An Ottoman commander immediately shouted.

Boom boom

The sound of cables being tightened kept coming, but in the center of the Ottoman army, there was a row of hundreds of bow and arrow chariots.

Hundreds of bows and arrows comparable to spears shot out of the air at the same time, heading straight for Dera!

And the young Dracula's huge wings instantly closed together, and his body rotated in the air like a whirlwind.

The densely packed arrows were blown away by the air current, and none of them hit.

The bat's wings suddenly spread out again, and the boy's strange eyes scanned tens of thousands of enemy troops without any disturbance.

The Ottoman army below just felt terrified!


Della's body suddenly swooped down and went straight to the front of the enemy army, the commander riding a tall horse.

Like a bird of prey attacking.

The moment Della's body came into contact with the general, he grabbed his body away from the horse and flew into the sky!

In front of tens of thousands of enemy troops.

Della let out a low roar and bit into the general's neck with four fangs. Blood spattered and the general's body twitched violently, and all the blood was sucked away in the blink of an eye!

The corners of Della's mouth turned red, and with a flick of his arm, the body of the local general fell from the sky!

"He is the devil!"

Seeing this scene, the Ottoman soldiers were heartbroken!

"That's right."

Della shouted in the air: "You are the devil on earth, and I am the devil from hell!"

This moment.

5,000 Wallachian soldiers and thousands of civilians, their morale was greatly shaken, and they had already charged in!

It's like a life-threatening state, confronting the enemy, killing and slashing wildly!

Della also rushed into the battlefield, like a black lightning, swung out his claws and took away countless lives!

Although the Ottoman Empire's army was in a chaotic position, after all, it was large in number and had strong soldiers and horses, but it could not kill them all. They fought one after another!

At this time, Brother Liu was standing on the city wall, watching everything with his hands behind his back.

Next to him was the shadow of Gu Fan's 'mark'.

‘Gu Fan’ was still worried.

Brother Liu also frowned slightly, the war ahead was quite fierce.

According to historical records, Daraa will win this battle with a small number and a large number, but most of the soldiers and residents under his command will be killed or injured.


Liu Di felt an extremely cold and sharp gaze sweep across his body.

A few hundred meters away, he saw a figure much taller than ordinary people standing beside the Ottoman army, looking at him from a distance.

This man was wearing silver armor, and standing next to him was a huge metal bow. The bow and arrow were at least two meters long, the same height as the man in silver armor.

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes slightly.

This guy is probably the opponent's master archer.

He must have been the mastermind behind the attack that spanned a hundred meters and accurately hit the eye of the Wallachian general!

And the reason why he looked at Brother Liu.

I'm afraid that seeing Brother Liu's extraordinary bearing, he mistook him for the opponent's general.

To put it simply, this man is equivalent to a modern sniper!

Brother Liu made eye contact with him and said a few words in ancient Arabic, "Look at your sister."

But he saw the other party's body stiffened.

Brother Liu chuckled. He was an expert archer after all. He seemed to be able to read lips!

But then I thought about it.

The other party should not understand the modern vocabulary of "look at your sister".

So Liu Di thought for a moment and said again: "You shameless bee."

The other party's face stiffened again.

Brother Liu nodded and expressed satisfaction.

Because this sentence is very consistent with the swearing tone of medieval aristocrats, and it is very consistent with the local customs.

But I saw that the other sharp archer did not lose his mind because of Brother Liu's sarcasm.

Instead, he grabbed the bow and arrow and looked at Della, the unrivaled young man in the field, with gloomy eyes.

The archer made a sign of the cross on his chest, and then a cold light burst out from his eyes.

He put a pitch-black bow and arrow on it and raised his arms to form a full moon.

Brother Liu immediately looked at Della, "Boy, be careful!"


The pitch-black bow and arrow came out of his hand, like a silent bolt of lightning, crossing a hundred meters, passing through the crowd, and shooting straight to Della's back!

At this time, Dela's eyes were red from killing, and she was so engrossed that she didn't realize the crisis was coming!

Just when the black arrow was about to penetrate Dela's back.

Another figure with bat wings on her back fell from the sky.

She was agile and light, but as fast as lightning.

She grabbed the arrow, exerted a little force with her arm, and broke it directly!

Liu Di was also stunned.

But when he saw the figure clearly, he was relieved.

The visitor was wearing a dark green cloak, with golden hair scattered on her shoulders. Although her face was pale, she was extremely beautiful.

And her face was highly similar to Gu Fan's!

The woman smiled slightly, revealing four sharp fangs in her mouth.

Dela, who had turned around, almost burst into tears instantly. In the sword light and shadow, the two hugged each other tightly.

Liu Di grinned inexplicably.

He kept muttering in his mouth.

That's not Gu Fan, that's not Gu Fan.

I already remembered that it was Dracula's wife, a noble of the Hungarian royal family, Elila!



At this moment, in Wallachia, there was a sudden pig hum and rumbling vibration!

It was a super fat pig, running rampant from the city!

The super fat pig was extremely powerful.

Its skin was hard enough, and it seemed to understand Della's command. It rushed into the enemy camp and threw four or five enemies away with a casual push!

Liu Di's eyes twitched.

Isn't this Sal from Yulia Village?

Did Della live on its blood before?

Am I dazzled, or has it survived for 600 years?

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