My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1010 He is also very brave

Clap, clap, clap!

On one side of the empty castle, there was a sudden clapping sound.

Under the full moon, a strong man with a cast iron mask suddenly appeared on a high wall.

He was wearing a luxurious robe with golden embroidery on the collar and cuffs. He was elegant and clapped very slowly.

His expression could not be seen clearly, but his eyes were closely fixed on Della and the others.

The man's sight became sharp in an instant.

The temperature dropped sharply.

There was a special red light flashing in his eyes under the mask, and his voice was low, like the roar of a beast.

"Five months ago, I smelled the scent of other men on my dear Duchess."

"But I didn't expect it to be a lowly and ugly slave like you."

Della's body began to tremble instantly, looking at the strong man in horror, "Duke Dracula"

But the next moment.

Della gritted her teeth and took the trembling Duchess into her arms.

He said angrily: "A cruel man like you is not worthy of being her husband!"

The strong man laughed in a low and strange voice, "Not worthy? It's her who is not worthy of being my wife, Grand Duke Dracula. No woman is worthy of being her. They are just playthings. No matter what gorgeous clothes they wear, they are dirty and vulgar!"

The man said.

He stretched out his hands and rubbed his wrists against each other. He didn't know when his palms had changed. Brown hair grew out and his nails became black and sharp.

The Grand Duke grinned, "So, when I learned that she was having an affair with someone else, I didn't choose to expose it, but chose to ravage her madly!"

"Women are so mean! She is in pain but still has to force a smile, trying to make me happy. It's really irresistible."

The Grand Duke's eyes narrowed slowly and looked at Della: "Haven't you seen her body?"

But the Duchess suddenly looked horrified, as if she recalled some horrible and unbearable scenes.

She subconsciously tightened her collar.

Della's face also changed. Regardless of the Duchess's objection, he directly turned up her collar, and saw that there were scars crisscrossing under her neck, as if she had been scratched by the claws of some beast.

Della turned up her wrist again.

And slowly pulled her skirt and looked at her calves.

But she saw that there was almost no inch of skin on her body that was intact, all covered with scars, as if there was a crazy beast biting and scratching her all day long.

The only thing that the cruel Grand Duke of Wallachia did not hurt was her face, and only in this way could she show herself normally every day.

No one would know what kind of evil she suffered behind people's backs.

And Della, with the help of the moonlight, finally saw clearly that the Duchess in front of him was pale, completely without the blood color of a normal person.

His eyes trembled, and tears welled up in his eyes, "Why didn't you tell me."

The Duchess smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Della knew it in his heart.

She told me

What can I do?

The other party is the Grand Duke of Wallachia, Duke Dracula, the king of this land.

Who dares to resist him?

If he moves his finger, I, a little servant, will die without a burial place.


Dela gradually lowered his eyes, not daring to look directly at the Duchess in front of him, his hands gradually retracted, and his body curled up.

At this time, the Duchess was trembling all over, with crystal tears in her eyes. She immediately turned around and kowtowed in the direction of the Grand Duke of Wallachia.

She cried out: "My Lord Duke, I beg you to spare his life. I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life. No matter what you ask, I will obey!"


Dela muttered in his mouth, his pupils kept shrinking, turning into upright jujube seeds, and his eyes turned dark yellow in an instant!

The four fangs in his mouth slowly stretched out!

He suddenly stood up, pointed at the Grand Duke of Wallachia, and shouted angrily: "So, I must kill you today!"


A pair of three-meter-long bat wings, with wind and waves, spread out with a bang.

Under the moonlight.

This blond boy is like a handsome devil!

The Duchess covered her mouth in fear, looking up at Della beside her, shocked and speechless!

And Liu Di, who was trapped in the dungeon, saw the whole process clearly.

He subconsciously drank a sip of grape wine.

This kid's so-called affair, he didn't even see the other person's body, it's really simple.


He is also very brave.

Liu Di nodded slowly.

In such a situation, we can't stand by and watch.

Liu Di grabbed the air with one hand, but still grabbed nothing.

The corner of his eyes trembled slightly.

But Duke Dracula on the wall paused for a moment.

Suddenly he laughed out loud, "So the dark devil that's been circulating in the city is you? Haha, the rumors are right, you're so ugly that neither heaven nor hell will accept you!"


The bloodthirsty light in Duke Dracula's eyes became stronger, "If I nail you outside the castle, then my reputation will probably increase exponentially. I can even kill demons, how dare the enemy approach my castle easily?!"


Dracula laughed grimly, stretched out his hairy palm, and slowly took off his cast iron mask.

Revealing an unimaginable face.

Even Della's body trembled subconsciously.

Only the Duchess was prepared, but it was as if a nightmare had suddenly revived, and her expression became even more terrified.

On that face, there was also a slow appearance, the corners of the eyes were cracked to twice the size of an ordinary person, the nose was twisted and light, the nose was black, the mouth was full of wrinkles, the fangs were extremely sharp, the lips twitched like a ferocious beast, and saliva kept falling to the ground.

It was at this time.

The full moon in the sky reached its peak.

The Grand Duke of Wallachia suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a beast-like howl!

Then his body began to deform.

The exquisite noble dress was torn by the constantly expanding body, the legs bent, the fangs grew, and the claws grew!

The body also grew from about 1.8 meters before to 3 meters!

Liu Di in the dungeon took a breath of cold air.

Is this the historical truth?

The Grand Duke of Wallachia, the so-called Duke Dracula, was actually a werewolf?

And the ancestor of the vampire was actually the unknown young slave Della?

How did the feud between the two parties unfold?

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