Dela didn't give any explanation.

She clumsily took off her skirt.

When she looked up again, her expression suddenly changed.

She saw that Liu Di had put his hands behind his back and walked towards the back door with his head held high.

"Who is it!"

"Stop right there!"

The heavily armored guard at the door grabbed a spear and pointed it at Liu Di with a bang!

Della's eyes widened, and he was horrified.

This friend is so brave? !

But, what does his gesture mean?

Is it some kind of signal?

Della clearly saw that Liu Di's palm hidden behind his back was constantly grabbing in the void.


The sharp spear pointed at Liu Di's nose, the cold light was cold, and there was even a faint smell of blood.

This is not a civilized society. If you don't agree with me, you will be nailed with a spear!

Liu Di narrowed his eyes.

His expression did not change, but he was panicking because he grabbed someone from behind.

Seeing that Brother Liu didn't say anything, the guard had no patience to question him and stabbed Brother Liu in the eye with a gun!


But Brother Liu didn't move at all, as steady as an old dog, and said calmly.

The guard's spear suddenly paused, and he looked at the young man in front of him in doubt.

This young man is so calm?

And his clothes are very strange, but if you look closely, the material of the clothes is very delicate, probably some kind of top-notch fabric.

Could he be a newly promoted noble?

The guard began to be suspicious and asked tentatively: "Excuse me, who are you?"


Brother Liu slightly side-glanced, and his cold eyes stared at the guard with anger.

The guard was shocked, "Are you a duke?"


Brother Liu's eyes widened a little, like a repeater.

The guard felt his back cold and his hands began to tremble.

At this moment.

A curly-haired lady in a noble dress rushed out and hugged Brother Liu's arm.

It was the cross-dressing Della.

He glared at the guard, "Foolish guard! This is Sir Cummings who invented the toilet for the Duke!"

The guard paused.


Before, the nobles in the castle had a headache about going to the toilet.

Squatting is not elegant and tiring.

Until a foreigner brought something called a 'toilet' to the Grand Duke.

The Grand Duke liked it very much!

Sometimes he even sat on the toilet during meetings!

And this legendary Sir Cummings naturally became a celebrity in the eyes of the Grand Duke.

The guard sighed.

He turned out to be Sir Cummings!

He is indeed a learned celebrity, and even his clothes are so unique!

The next moment, the guard quickly put away his spear and bowed, saying, "Hello, Sir Cummings, I am deeply sorry, please go in!"


Della glared at the guard cunningly, twisted her waist, and pulled Liu Di forward.

Just about to enter the door.

But Liu Di, who had already entered the play, raised his head and turned back, glared at the guard, and shouted: "You are so bold!"

"Sorry, sorry."

The guard trembled and nodded and bowed.

Dela's mouth twitched.

And then.

Liu Di and the others entered Dracula's castle in a solemn and dignified manner!

But it was magnificent, and there were exquisite candlesticks and candles lit in any remote corridor.

Although the architectural style was the dark castle style of the Middle Ages, it was brightly lit at this time, giving a completely magnificent visual sense.

And in the center of the hall, a cocktail party was being held.

Countless noble women in gorgeous clothes were drinking and exchanging cups, peaceful and elegant, with laughter everywhere.

But their drinks were not wine.

It was a strange object in the center of the hall, an iron sculpture, with a rough outline of a woman.

The sculpture was placed on the long table in the center, and a torrent of red liquid flowed out from below.

Della, dressed in women's clothing, looked at the red liquid and swallowed subconsciously.

But Brother Liu frowned.

It was a torture device invented in the Middle Ages in Western Europe, called the 'Iron Maiden'.

The interior was a vacuum and full of spikes.

A girl was imprisoned in it, and then the torture device was closed. The girl was stabbed with holes, and then blood slowly flowed out.

It is rumored that a noble woman in this period accidentally smeared the blood of a virgin slave on her cheek, and her face actually shone with a bright golden light.

She believed that the blood of a virgin had the effect of beautifying and keeping the face young.

So she ordered people to create the 'Iron Maiden' torture device. Whenever there was a noble banquet, there would be ladies and nobles tasting the blood of virgins!

Brother Liu was angry.

Foolish, ignorant, cruel!

Claiming to be a noble, he was not even as kind as the 'vampire' Della next to him!

At this time, Della suddenly felt his scalp tingling.

This feeling seemed familiar, and his enemy appeared in the dark.

He was a burly man in an exquisitely embroidered dress with long golden hair, delicate and luxurious.

However, the man was wearing a cast iron mask, so his face could not be seen clearly, but his elegant aristocratic temperament exuded a charming charm.

It was the owner of the castle, the Grand Duke of Wallachia.

He stood on the towering steps and glanced at everyone.

The noble women in the room also raised their glasses to him, and in their respect, they showed the courtesy between nobles.

Della's body trembled inexplicably.

He subconsciously hid in the corner.

His heart was pounding.

Although he doesn't know me, I slept with his wife.

Moreover, he is cruel and bloodthirsty, known as the Grand Duke of Impaler. Once he finds out

Della only feels her buttocks tighten.


Della exhaled slowly, calmed her mind, looked around, and found that she had forgotten to drag her friend away.

He hurriedly searched.

But she saw Liu Di staring at the scene with an angry face.

And the Grand Duke of Wallachia, that is, Dracula himself, had already walked in front of him!

But the handsome man looked Liu Di up and down, nodded slightly, and said kindly: "My friend, I don't seem to have seen you?"

Liu Di was neither humble nor arrogant, slowly put his hands behind his back, turned around and said: "Bold, I am Sir Cummings!"

Della was stunned.

Her jaw almost dropped to the ground, "My dear friend, you"

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