In the long river of time.

Liu Di's face became a little strange, "Mo Tong, I seem to have discovered something terrible."

Mo Tong: "I seem to have discovered it too."

Liu Di pondered: "The wooden frame just now was nearly a hundred meters long. According to the crude binding techniques of those natives, it can't support my body at all."

"Besides, I just realized one thing now."

"Near the cosmic singularity, it should be absolutely low temperature and no oxygen."

"When the earth was formed, the place where I was should be super high temperature and harmful gases."

"In the dinosaur era, I didn't have oxygen intoxication."

Liu Di's pupils shrank suddenly, and he turned back suddenly, seeing the blue light in the long river of time, reflecting his face.

"This question is so obvious, but I was attracted by the bizarre scenery before and completely ignored it!"

"The truth is."

Liu Di: "I am a ghost."

Mo Tong: "You are a consciousness."

Liu Di: "That's right."

Liu Di looked at his palm and said in surprise: "Now I am the same as in the brain world?"

Mo Tong said: "This explains why you can fly across the long river of time, because the speed of consciousness is unlimited."

Liu Di still didn't understand, "Then am I a physical being or a consciousness now?"

Mo Tong pondered: "Time is four-dimensional, and the brain world is five-dimensional, so now you are theoretically a 4.5-dimensional life, neither higher nor lower."

Liu Di looked at his body strangely, but in fact, he didn't feel weird at all.

But what made him doubtful was whether his current body could touch the reality within the time point?

Thinking back, he really didn't touch any objects during these few trips.

The only water drop pendant he brought back also disappeared inexplicably.

Brother Liu seriously suspected that he was in a ‘ghost’ state. No matter what he touched, he would be directly penetrated.

"Brother Liu."

"Actually, there are other terrible things I wanted to say just now."

The demon boy paused for a moment and said slowly: "I can always feel that something is chasing you, and it is an electronic signal. No matter where we go, it will bite you like a precision-positioned missile."

"The road ahead is confusing, and there are pursuers behind."

Brother Liu suddenly smiled, "Don't be afraid, I may be a ghost, who can do anything to me."


Brother Liu looked at the long river of time, and resolutely threw the time halberd towards a position where he could sense clearly.

Even if he repeats the same mistakes and returns in vain, he will repeat it over and over again until he finds you.

Light and shadow shuttle.

Brother Liu stepped out of the vortex!

But he saw an ancient Western city appeared in front of him, and the moat around it gave off a foul smell.

At the same time, Brother Liu smelled a faint smell of blood in the air.

Looking back, he couldn't help but feel his hair stand on end.

There was a solitary black castle not far from the city, and in the open space in front of the castle, there were countless black wooden poles, with corpses hanging on top.

Some of them had just died, and dark red blood flowed down the long poles to the ground.

Some had died for many days and had turned black and dried.

There were tens of thousands of corpses, all with Western faces, including men, women, old and young.

They were hanging tragically in the land that had been stained with blood for many years, causing the soil to be black.

A veritable jungle of death.

Liu Di's scalp was numb, knowing that the cruelty of ancient European torture was enough to subvert modern people's cognition.

This was probably an era of war.

The city gate in front of him suddenly opened, and aristocratic carriages drove out, followed by many peasant-looking people, as if the city was opening.

But even civilians were still dressed exquisitely.

Liu Di felt relieved inexplicably, at least there were people, and it was a civilized era.

A woman in a luxurious long dress walked past Liu Di, and immediately showed disgust on her face.

They spoke in ancient Latin, "vulgar."

Liu Di's white shirt and jeans were almost perverted in their eyes.

He covered his face slightly.

Walking towards the city, he saw a sheepskin on the city gate, with words written on it similar to coal - 1461, the city of the Grand Duke of Wallachia.

Liu Di suddenly realized.

The time point now is the Middle Ages in Western Europe.

The Grand Duke of Wallachia is a historical celebrity!

This is an era full of war, blood, darkness, but also aristocrats.

At this time, the golden-haired noble beauties around him had a foul smell on their bodies, which made Liu Di dizzy.

They believe in Jesus and firmly believe that facing God in the state of birth can get the best treatment, so they almost never take a bath for the rest of their lives.

It is also an incomprehensible aristocracy.

The next moment, Liu Di caught a glimpse of a huge oil painting on the wall.

His body froze.

It was a woman in a noble white dress, elegant and gorgeous.

"Gu Fan!"

"She is here!"

Liu Di looked down and saw the ancient Latin words at the bottom of the painting - Grand Duchess of Wallachia.

What, what's going on.

Could it be that Gu Fan traveled here, was attracted by the elegant and deadly Grand Duke, and then married him.

So absurd.

I don't believe it.

I want to kill the Grand Duke.

Suddenly, I heard the neighing of a fierce horse in the distance.

On the street in the center of the city, a luxurious carriage rushed out, and 4 tall horses rushed forward. The noble grooms on the carriage waved long whips with barbs, whipping the pedestrians who blocked the road.

He shouted: "Get out of the way when the Wallachian coach is traveling!"

The nameless fire suddenly sprang up.

Brother Liu stood in the middle of the street and looked angrily.

If I were a ghost, you could penetrate me. If I wasn't, you would be dead.


The barbed whip went straight to Brother Liu!

Feeling the strong wind so close at hand, Liu Di raised his hand slightly to mobilize the liquid metal.

However, there was no such thing.

Brother Liu was stunned.

My ability?

No more?

At this critical moment, a thin figure suddenly rushed out from the roadside and knocked Brother Liu down, avoiding the speeding carriage!

Brother Liu was stunned, I can be knocked down at will?

Looking at the face in front of him, he saw a handsome blond boy.

He grinned.


But it was the vicious groom who whipped back the young man's back, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere!

The groom yelled: "You blind bitch, you will have to be taught a lesson in the future!"

Brother Liu became even more angry, stood up suddenly, and waved his hand again, but the scene remained unchanged.

He watched helplessly as the carriage drove away.

The demon boy said weakly: "Brother Liu, I finally know what is chasing us. Remember, this world is composed of a kind of cosmic code, and what is chasing us is your own complex code. That is your various abilities.”

"Their transmission speed in the long river of time lags far behind your consciousness."

Brother Liu was completely confused.

Can I still be dismantled?

"Hey, I said friend, the pose was beautiful, but they're gone."

But he saw the blond boy holding his back and slowly getting up.

Brother Liu turned around blankly, if it weren't for this young man, I'm afraid I would have died here?

But he saw the young man smiling, showing his white teeth, "Friend, are you here to escape?"

Brother Liu nodded blankly, "That's right."

"Oh? Then come with me, otherwise the Grand Duke will find out and will impale you on a stick!"

The young man tensed up and pulled Brother Liu through the streets and alleys until he hid in a dilapidated wooden house.

at this time.

The young man looked at the somewhat confused Brother Liu and said with a smile, "Do you not even know where this place is?"

Liu Di hesitated slightly. Although his abilities were no longer there, the demon boy's data was still there.

He exhaled slowly: "This is Romania, which is being invaded by the Ottoman Empire. The ruler is Vlad III, the Grand Duke of Wallachia."

The young man nodded repeatedly, "As a refugee, you know quite a lot."

Brother Liu smiled bitterly, "Six hundred years later, the Grand Duke of Wallachia will be a celebrity, almost a household name, because he is also known as Dracula, the ancestor of vampires."


The blond boy was stunned and said, "This name is really majestic!"

Brother Liu continued to smile bitterly, "Of course, these are all made up by later generations. Vampires do not exist."

"And Dracula just suffered from some kind of mental illness and was cruel and bloodthirsty. He killed 20,000 enemy soldiers and slaves in just 2 years, and nailed him with a spear in front of the famous vampire castle. Therefore, he was also called He is known as the Duke of Impalement, which is frightening.”

But the blond boy showed contempt on his face, "Afraid of hearing the news? Bullshit! I would like to solemnly introduce myself now. I am Drashid. I am the servant of the grand duke. I have been having an affair with the duchess for a long time, and I am preparing to marry him under the full moon. Elope with her at night!”


Gu Fan?

An affair?


Liu Di's eyes twitched.

He reached out and grabbed it in the air, very stubbornly.

Drachid was confused, "Friend? Are you okay? What are you doing?"

Liu Di gritted his teeth and said, "I'm trying to catch my abilities, they're on their way here."

The young man laughed.

Immediately, the pupils quickly turned yellow and turned into two upright date pits, the complexion and skin instantly turned pale, the eyes were dark and sunken, and four fangs sprouted from the mouth!

There was a bang.

The clothes on his back were torn to pieces, and his two wings, which were three meters long and looked like bats, suddenly spread out!

His dark purple lips opened and closed slightly, and his voice became deeper.

"I like the name you just mentioned."

"So, you can call me - the ancestor of vampires from now on."

"As for you, my friend, if you want to gain power, I will give it to you!"

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