My right eye is a god-level computer

$10. 5 million for respect

"What?" When Yan Qingwen heard Liu Di's words, his heart suddenly skipped a beat! Thin and frivolous! Obscene! "Brother Liu, what are you talking about!" Yan Qingwen suddenly stood up, her pretty face red to the root of her neck.

"Haha!" Mr. Yan's eyes lit up and he seemed to have grasped hope. He laughed heartily and said, "We are all young people. It's normal to be in love. It's normal!" Brother Liu scratched his head and said, "I'm not in a hurry. This matter After all, we need Wenwen’s consent, right?

""I disagree! "Don't call me Wenwen!" "Remember in one second http://"I don't expect to join your Yan family, but after all, you need some assistants when getting tattoos, right? I can start with work first! "Brother Liu continued to smile.

"There is no shortage of people around me!" Yan Qingwen stamped his feet angrily.

"Wenwen, don't be unreasonable!" Mr. Yan glared at Yan Qingwen, then turned to look at Brother Liu, "Brother Liu, whatever position you want, just pick it, I will make the decision! No one can interfere!" After that, Mr. Yan glanced at Ouyang Fengyu standing aside meaningfully.

"Well, let me think about it..." Brother Liu clapped his hands fiercely, "Then find someone closer to Wenwen and be her driver!" "What, driver?" Everyone was also stunned.

Mr. Yan shook his head slightly, as if he had seen through everything, and said with a smile: "A driver is a driver, but Brother Liu, our company has a rule that if you become Wenwen's driver, you must be on call 24 hours a day.

"So, you must live in my Yan family manor from now on. Even if the old man wants to play chess with me in the future, you must be there at my call and you are not allowed to refute my face."

"Brother Liu sighed softly. Mr. Yan's meaning was self-evident.

He never gave up on wanting to accept Brother Liu as his adopted son.

On the contrary, I became even more determined! But who is his brother Liu? He is already used to being unrestrained. Once the Ouyang Fengyu matter is resolved, if he wants to leave, no one can stop him! The so-called attraction to Yan Qingwen is nothing more than an excuse! As for the Yan family driver? It's even more of a joke.

Brother Liu just couldn't bear to see Yan Qingwen being hurt by evil people! "Okay, I accept.

"Brother Liu nodded slightly.

"You...Brother Liu, you are so shameless!" Yan Qingwen was so angry that his father actually turned his elbows outward to favor this outsider! "I'm so angry!" "His success really depends on our Yan family!" Yan Kaikai also secretly clenched his fists and whispered to Yan Xinxin: "Look at how angry he made Third Sister, we will never We can't accept him! Let's find a way to get rid of him later!" Mr. Yan was finally satisfied this time and smiled again: "Let's not mention the driver. Anyway, Brother Liu is also the benefactor of my Yan family. I'm ready here. A little thank you gift, I hope Brother Liu can accept it.

"As he said that, Mr. Yan waved to the butler behind him.

The old housekeeper took out a bank card from his arms and placed it respectfully in front of Brother Liu.

money? Brother Liu was slightly startled. Money is indeed a good thing. And he is really poor and short of money. He has no house, no car and no job.

However, in the Yan family's environment, this money may not be so easy to get.

There was Ouyang Fengyu in front of him, eyeing him eagerly.

Later, sisters Yan Qingwen belittled and despised her.

Once you take it, how can you raise your head in the Yan family in the future? Where is dignity? If you take advantage of others, you will be trampled on! "I can't ask for this money. I save people not for reward, but for a clear conscience!" Liu Di said calmly and pushed the card back.

What he doesn’t want, he just wants more! His goal is to marry Yan Qingwen and directly control all the Yan family's property! He wants both money and beauty! Ouyang Fengyu was so angry that he wanted to expose Brother Liu's conspiracy on the spot! "Oh, is that so?" Mr. Yan was a little disappointed and sighed: "Brother Liu, the 5 million in this card is indeed not much, and with your talent and learning, it is not difficult to make this money, but you don't Come on, I feel guilty! "What?" 5000000? Is there 5 million in this card? Brother Liu regretted it instantly! Dignity, what's the use of that thing? How can this 5 million be real? Devil Boy: "Brother Liu, you want money, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Ding... Brother Liu received a text message on his cell phone: You have successfully registered a coal futures trading account.

Ding...the cash payment from your account: 16,000 yuan.

"Demon boy, what are you doing?" Liu Di exclaimed in his head. He only had 50,000 yuan in his card! "I know you need money.

"Don't be impatient and let the data fly for a while."

"Ding... your account expenditure is RMB 6,000.

Ding...your account has been debited with RMB 4,000.

"Are you still in the mood to say movie lines?" The constant spending of the remaining balance made Brother Liu frightened.

Ding...the amount transferred into your account: 16,240 yuan.

The amount transferred to your account: 5120 yuan.

Your account has been transferred... "Do you have the money to turn back?" Liu Di suddenly opened his eyes wide, and the transfer information on his mobile phone continued to increase.

All were tens or hundreds of yuan added to the previously transferred amount.

The amount transferred into your account: 6,235 yuan.

The amount transferred into your account: 15,386 yuan.

What happens when your account is transferred to...? My savings are growing! And it’s a little bit every time.

The devil's voice came with a smile, "I just used your identity to register a coal futures trading account, and in this kind of trading, speed is everything, and every millisecond is money.

“At the open, all futures will have slight fluctuations.

"I called your account and bought coal futures at a very low price the moment they opened, and then sold them quickly at a very small profit."

"That's it, use the time difference of a few milliseconds to make money for you!" "Only my tens of millions of floating-point computing speeds can do it!" "Ding... your account is transferred out... your account is transferred in... The text messages are dense and continuous.

Brother Liu stood stunned on the spot.

What is most unacceptable to Brother Liu is that in just one or two minutes, his account balance has changed from 50,000 to 1.25 million! Although the profit is only 100-500 yuan each time, the transaction speed is too fast! Ding ding ding ding ding... Liu Di's cell phone was almost stuck.

"Mr. Liu Di, are you okay?" It was the butler beside Mr. Yan who spoke up. He said sincerely: "Mr. Liu, as soon as I got your news, I asked me to check your relevant information.

"After learning about your eye injury, I became even more uneasy. I am a kind man. If you don't accept the money, I'm afraid I will blame myself for the rest of my life. Please accept this 5 million!" "Brother Liu smiled bitterly.

Just a few minutes.

Now I really don’t need the 5 million! As of now, my account has been traded at least tens of thousands of times, and the balance has reached an astonishing 7.5 million! Moreover, it is still increasing! It is unimaginable that ordinary people may not earn so much money in their lifetime.

And I only spent 5 minutes! "Okay, then I will accept it first, and please rest assured, Mr. Yan!" Liu Di's smile was bitter, and the emotion in his heart was indescribable.

"Tch, this Brother Liu wants money and is playing hard to get! Shameless!" the twin beauties muttered in a low voice.

"Haha, then I feel at ease!" Mr. Yan finally relaxed and said cheerfully: "Wenwen, you take Brother Liu to the mall in the afternoon to buy some clothes. Since Brother Liu has become the driver of my Yan family, You must be well dressed!" The luncheon ended in such a harmonious atmosphere.

But Brother Liu, while no one in the Yan family was paying attention, secretly hid the 5 million bank card under the tea set in the sun room on the second floor.

In this way, not only did he not lose Mr. Yan’s face.

He doesn’t take advantage of the Yan family either.

As for that card, sooner or later the Yan family will find it!

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