My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 205


Chapter 205 Return to Charlotte Island

"It is indeed a very valuable thing."

Lu Qingyun naturally couldn't draw the mysterious pattern in Shell Bell just by looking and imagination, but he knew through memory that this Shell Bell was very precious.

Normal Shell Bell has no pattern inside, and this Shell Bell is just some consumables.

As Gao Xin just said, as long as the special energy inside is exhausted, then it is a Decorate product and loses its recovery effect.

But this Shell Bell with mysterious patterns inside is different. As long as it is given time, the special energy in it can be restored by itself.

After research by a Pokémon Professor who discovered the speciality of this Shell Bell, the reason why this special Shell Bell can restore its internal special energy by itself is closely related to its internal mysterious pattern .

Those mysterious patterns spread out like a vortex, Shell Bell is able to suck in the energy from the outside, and then convert this energy into the special energy inside it.

After the Pokémon Professor discovered this magical imagination, he immediately thought of using this mysterious pattern to create a machine that gathers energy.

Unfortunately, this mysterious pattern seems to be effective only in Shell Bell this thing, and it doesn't work if it is replaced with other substances.

It can only be said that there is no lack of strange things in nature, and there are many unsolved mysteries waiting for human beings to explore.

Therefore, the Shell Bell given to him by Dongfang Jingyun is really very precious.

It may not be as convenient and effective in combat as the Healing Orb, but it is more expensive to be able to reuse it.

Lu Qingyun didn't know Dongfang Jingyunqing didn't know the particularity of this Shell Bell, but he actually sent such a precious treasure.

But judging from the words Dongfang Jingyun sent Shell Bell just now, he probably didn't know that he actually sent such a special Shell Bell.

But there is no doubt that Lu Qingyun has this Shell Bell, and he adds a little more confidence to the Rookie Cup he will participate in next.

Pidgeot's Flying speed is undoubtedly the top among Flying Type Pokémons. In less than half an hour, Shiloh appeared in the eyes of Lu Qingyun and Vulpix.

Although they haven't seen each other for a few days, Lu Qingyun and Vulpix saw this Charlotte Island again at this time, and they couldn't help but feel a deep sense of joy in their hearts, and their hearts were finally at ease at this time.

"Go back and have a good rest, the past few days you must be exhausted. You don't have to worry about training. You should combine work and rest when appropriate.

With Vulpix's current Her strength, it is estimated that without training in the next few days, the Pokémon of other people in the grade will also be impossible to beat her.”

Gao Xin asked Pidgeot to stop at Lu Qingyun’s residence in the half-mountain residential area, and then spoke to him. Lu Qingyun, who was looking at his villa with a smile on his face, said.

Lu Qingyun really doesn't care if he doesn't train in the future. The two or three days at Pokémon Secret Realm are more effective than his one week training at Shiloh Island.

With Gao Xin's eyesight, how can you not see the difference between Vulpix and the Pokémon of other students in the same grade, the strength has opened a long distance.

After all, Vulpix is already a Pokémon who has experienced many life-and-death battles, and its potential has been greatly stimulated, and its strength has been greatly improved.

In battle awareness, Vulpix is much stronger than other Pokémon in the same grade.

"This is not good, take a day off at most. In Pokémon Secret Realm, I learned a lot, and I also understand a lot, but I can't Slack Off.

Teacher Gao, thank you Take me back, I'll go back to rest first."

Lu Qingyun heard this, shook his head and said with a smile, then led Vulpix into his villa with a smile.

After the experience of being almost killed by Turtonator, Lu Qingyun never dared to forget his powerlessness and the oath he had made in that situation.

How many days off?

impossible, he now feels that he is committing a crime if he takes a day off. How could he possibly take a few more days off?

“empty wukongwu~”

Vulpix heard Lu Qingyun say this, the thought of wanting to watch cartoons in his heart was suddenly dismissed without a trace, and he was equally serious about it. Gao Xin shook his head.

She told Gao Xin that she had no sense of accomplishment in defeating Pokémon in the same grade, and she wanted to keep up with powerful Pokémon like Slowking and try to surpass them as soon as possible.

"This kid and this Vulpix have become so competitive. It seems that the sky of Guangcheng No. 2 Middle School will be covered by them for a long time."

When Gao Xin heard Lu Qingyun's words and saw Vulpix's serious expression, he couldn't help laughing, and then he began to observe a few seconds of silence for the other students of Guangcheng No.

Back at their place, Lu Qingyun and Vulpix were really relaxed at this moment, they immediately rushed into the bathroom and started to take a shower happily.

In Pokémon Secret Realm, wanting to take a shower is a luxury.

In the past two days, my body has long been a little bit that, that is, I am used to it, so I can't smell it.

The bathroom in Villa 1 is very large, and there is a large bathtub like a small pond.

Lu Qingyun released Shellder, Little Slowpoke and Cloyster, three Water Type Pokémon together, and let them play with Vulpix in the large bathtub of the pool Normal.

After a while, Lu Qingyun started having a water fight with a group of Pokémon in the bathroom, so as to vent the depression of the past few days in Pokémon Secret Realm.

This water battle was a very enjoyable one.

Unfortunately, Lu Qingyun and Vulpix couldn't beat Shellder, Little Slowpoke and Cloyster three Water Type Pokémon after all, the two were defeated first and had to retreat out of the bathroom, and then prepare dinner for the three of them .

Since Lu Qingyun has not yet prepared suitable Pokéblocks for the three newly captured Pokémons Shellder, Little Slowpoke and Cloyster, he can only temporarily let the three of them eat some Pokémon bought from the residence area. Food is out.

Of course, Lu Qingyun is now pregnant with 400 million, rich and imposing.

The Pokémon food he prepared for the little Slowpoke is the most Top Rank in the residence area, and it is the Pokémon food suitable for Water Type Pokémon.

Little Slowpoke The three Pokémon are apparently the first to eat Pokémon food from the outside world.

After they took a bite, they were immediately captured by Breeder's carefully crafted Pokémon food, and then devoured them until they could.

After dinner time, Lu Qingyun gave Vulpix a difficult task.

That is to let her take Little Slowpoke and them to visit the villa, and let them integrate into the life here as soon as possible.

Vulpix readily accepted this, saying that as the eldest sister, her Help brothers should be.

She immediately took the little Slowpoke and them around the villa, and one after another introduced the various things in the villa and showed their uses.

Little Slowpoke, Shellder and Cloyster immediately showed the reaction of Lu Qingyun when he introduced various objects of the human world to Vulpix, constantly showing shocked expressions and shouting "Waaaaaa~".

On the other side, Lu Qingyun was lying comfortably on the sofa, then took out his mobile phone and the gilded card given to him by Zhang Yunyun's father and Zhang Linyu.

"Let me see what kind of surprise this card will bring."

The third update will be very late, it is recommended to wake up in the morning

(end of this chapter)

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