My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 199


Chapter 199 finally leaves Pokémon Secret Realm

No doubt, as long as time allows, Lu Qingyun will definitely be If he wants to participate in both Rookie Cups, he must not let go of this reasonable good thing.

If it weren't for the fact that the time was too tight, he would even want to participate in the Rookie Cup, which is also very well-known in the capital.

But for now, Lu Qingyun can only think about it in his heart for the time being. He has to wait for the Rookie Cups in these two regions before he can make a decision.

Of course, with Jiang Shenmeng's guarantee, Lu Qingyun was inclined to participate in the Magic Rookie Cup.

Although not participating in the local Rookie Cup will have an impact on the school, if he can obtain the appropriate resources to improve his Pokémon from the Magic Rookie Cup, it will also be of great help to the school.

After all, as the card of Guangcheng No.2 Middle School, the stronger the better.

This concludes the conversation.

After Lu Qingyun waited for Shellder to successfully dilute the bitter taste on Lickitung with sea water, he quickly used the Poké Ball to retrieve the four Pokémon, and then let Jiang Shenmeng take him out of the Pokémon Secret Realm.

"Sit tight, the space express is starting."

Jiang Chen dreamed that Lu Qingyun was ready to leave, so she grabbed Lu Qingyun's shoulder with her hands, Faintly smiled and said.

The next second, with the blue glow in the eyes of Jiang Shenmeng and Alakazam beside her, Lu Qingyun didn't have time to ask what would happen next, and the scene immediately changed.

At the same time, a sense of dizziness began to appear in Lu Qingyun's mind.

For a time, Lu Qingyun seemed to be passing another roller coaster, Normal, which went through nine curves and eighteen bends.

This feeling lasted for about ten seconds, and the dizziness in Lu Qingyun's mind finally stopped, and the scenery in front of him turned into an endless sea. And he was on the deck of a ship at this time.

After the dizziness ended, Lu Qingyun found a strong nausea in his stomach.


Lu Qingyun immediately covered his mouth, trotted all the way to the nearby railing, and then threw up on the railing, eating all his breakfast today. Spit it out.

Jiang Chen, who was beside him, dreamed of Lu Qingyun's embarrassed appearance, and immediately smiled unkindly, but her eyes showed admiration.

She just performed a continuous Teleport with Alakazam just now. It felt much more powerful than riding a roller coaster. Many people fainted before they got halfway there. People like Lu Qingyun can spit it out. of.

And many of them include Psychic's for most of their apprenticeships.

She had contact with Lu Qingyun's Teacher Gao Xin before, and thus obtained first-hand information about Lu Qingyun, she knew that Lu Qingyun was just a Psychic who had just awakened.

Starting Calm Mind is the past few days.

But in the past few days, Lu Qingyun's Mental Force has reached the apprenticeship stage.

What does this mean? This shows that Lu Qingyun Mental Force innate talent is amazing. Before he awakened, he was a person with a very strong Mental Force. The natural Mental Force is stronger than the Normal Psychic.

And from now on, Lu Qingyun is not only astonishing in Mental Force innate talent, but even Mental Force's toughness is much stronger than Normal's apprentice Psychic.

"Where did this freak come from, I really don't know how high he will go in the future."

Jiang Shenmeng was secretly shocked.

When Lu Qingyun vomited almost, she began to say to Lu Qingyun with a serious face:

"It seems that your Mental Force has not been able to exercise at home, go back and remember every day. all To keep Calm Mind, but Calm Mind time should not be too long, preferably no more than two hours.

Also, Dojo will soon have someone come to contact you, when the time comes What kind of treatment you can get from the inspector depends on your own ability.

Okay, leave it alone, I have to bring people in, so I won't send you ."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Shenmeng turned around and disappeared into Lu Qingyun's eyes together with Alakazam.

Seeing this, Lu Qingyun immediately stood up with difficulty and waved goodbye in the direction where Jiang Shenmeng left.

"Classmate, you've worked so hard for you, come and rest here."

After Jiang Shenmeng left, a tall and strong sailor nearby came quickly and vomited. Some collapsed Lu Qingyun supported him and said with a smile while taking Lu Qingyun to the cabin.

Lu Qingyun seemed to really have no strength at this moment, and could only nodded and let the tall and strong sailor drag him away.

Seeing this, the others on the deck were very sensible and did not step forward to disturb Lu Qingyun, allowing Lu Qingyun to follow the Gao Zhuang sailor smoothly.

Soon, Lu Qingyun was taken to a room by the tall sailor, who threw him on the empty bed, and then closed the door and left.

After the tall and strong sailor left, Lu Qingyun quickly got Vulpix and Cloyster out, and asked them to guard the door, then took a Sitrus Berry cube from the space ring and put it into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he began to take out Slowking gems for Calm Mind.

With the Sitrus Berry block rapidly restoring stamina, Lu Qingyun's weakness quickly disappeared.

At the same time, because of the calming effect provided by the Slowking gem, he quickly entered the best Calm Mind state, and Mental Force rapidly restores.

In a short while, Lu Qingyun will lively dragon and animated tiger again.

"hu~, it's finally alright, Mom, that feeling just now was so bad, it's better to die."

Lu Qingyun quits Calm Mind state , a long exhales one breath saying, said with lingering fears.


Vulpix saw Lu Qingyun open his eyes, and immediately jumped on his shoulder, then pointed at the door with his small paw, and called softly , motioning Lu Qingyun to take her out quickly.

The cabin room is too small, and it exudes an unpleasant smell, which makes Vulpix, who usually likes to clean, uncomfortable.

If Lu Qingyun hadn't left, she would have slipped out by herself.

Lu Qingyun felt the same way and immediately understood it.

He then threw a Sitrus Berry cube to Cloyster, who said he was a little hungry, put the Cloyster away with a Poké Ball, and pushed Vulpix out the door.

Lu Qingyun still doesn't know the situation about the ship he is on board. He first needs to ask someone, preferably an acquaintance.

The next second, his Mental Force began to expand rapidly, using this to find suitable candidates in the vicinity.

If he guessed correctly, Zhang Yunyun and the others must also be on this ship at this time, and it would be better for him to ask them about the situation here.

However, what Lu Qingyun didn't expect was that his Mental Force had just spread out for detection, and a familiar silhouette appeared in his detection range.

The other party obviously noticed the Mental Force that he had spread out in a vague way, and turned around and smiled slightly in the direction where Lu Qingyun was at this time.

(end of this chapter)

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