My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 190


Chapter 190 Slowking Gems

These three stones are nothing but three slate fragments, They are Thunder Element Slate Shards, Ground Type Slate Shards, and Water Type Slate Shards.

Lu Qingyun already had Grass Type Slate Shards and Dragon Type Slate Shards on hand, and now he has obtained the remaining three Attribute Slate Shards here.

He finally collected the slate fragments for the five attributes of the weakened version of the Jade of Life.

However, gathering the slate fragments of the five attributes can only be regarded as the foundation. The key is how to make the slate fragments of the five attributes fuse together.

And the key to this is how to stimulate the fusion power of the Thunder Element slate fragments.

Only by successfully activating the power of the Thunder Element slate fragments can he successfully create a weakened version of the Jewel of Life.

As for how to stimulate the fusion power of the Thunder Element slate fragments, Lu Qingyun already has nodded clues, but there is still a lack of experiments.

As for the remaining gem and the tooth.

They are the Slowking gem and the Bruxish tooth, respectively.

Slowking gem is actually a rare treasure stone formed in the shell hat on the top of the head after Slowpoke uses Kings Rock and Shellder to evolve.

This is a precious treasure left over after each Slowking dies.

Every Slowking is a sage of the sea, they can always maintain a leisurely attitude to face any problem.

And there seems to be a calming power in them, able to quickly calm down the creatures around them unconsciously.

Some Pokémon scholars have researched on this and found that the reason why Slowking has such ability is that his Mental Force is special.

Since Slowking has been biting tightly by the Shellder on the top of his head, in order to alleviate or even ignore the pain caused by Shellder, they must always keep themselves in a relaxed state of mind.

Only in this way, Slowking can ignore the headache and think normally.

It is precisely because Slowking maintains a relaxed state of mind for a long time that the nature of Mental Force he acquired through Calm Mind training in this state has gradually transformed in this respect.

The main reason why other creatures feel calm around the Slowking is that they are affected by the special Mental Force fluctuations emanating from the Slowking.

The Slowking gem is where Slowking usually stores Mental Force.

Nurtured over the years by Slowking's vast special Mental Force, this gem has apparently been greatly influenced as well, and has given birth to some miraculous functions.

As far as Lu Qingyun knows, it has three effects.

The first effect is calmness.

This is its most basic effect, and the creature holding it can maintain a leisurely state like Slowking.

Don't underestimate this state, in the Psychic world, this state is like a buff, which can improve the daily Calm Mind effect.

It is precisely because of this that when Psychic practitioners perform Calm Mind, Normal will clear the distracting thoughts in their heads and strive to achieve an ethereal state.

And being at ease is a manifestation of the ethereal state, and it is also a very high-level manifestation.

The second is to supplement Mental Force.

Slowking gems are spiritual gems, which contain the huge Mental Force left by Slowking during his lifetime. These Mental Forces will not disappear because of Slowking's death, but are sealed inside.

Once another Psychic creature holds it and successfully activates it.

Then the Mental Force inside will emerge, continuously replenishing the consumed Mental Force to the holder until the stored Mental Force inside is exhausted.

Lu Qingyun, as a new Psychic practitioner, has undoubtedly very few reserves of Mental Force, and he can't last for too long when using Mental Force to detect.

Considering the difficulty in growing Mental Force and the long recovery time, Lu Qingyun felt that it was very important to have a Slowking gem in his hand, a treasure that could replenish Mental Force anytime, anywhere.

In addition to replenishing the Mental Force, the Slowking gem can also store the Mental Force.

This is the third effect of the Slowking gem.

The Mental Force overflowing from Lu Qingyun's daily Calm Mind can be stored in the Slowking gems, so that the Mental Force stored in the Slowking gems will not be depleted.

There is no doubt that the Slowking gems alone are enough to make all Psychic creatures excited.

After all, Mental Force is the source of power for Psychic creatures, and they never mind adding a little more to their source of power.

In this treasure trove, there are quite a lot of slowking gems. Lu Qingyun counted them more than 30. They are obviously left over from the slowkings of the past dynasties here.

It can be seen that the inheritance time of the Slowpoke family in this Seafloor Cavern is really very long.

Among these Slowking gems, Lu Qingyun naturally chose the one with the best quality.

If his vision is not wrong, the Slowking gem he chose belongs to an Elite-level Slowking, and the strength is quite close to the champion level.

Lu Qingyun noticed that when his hand touched this Slowking gem, the nearby Slowking obviously showed a painful expression.

This indirectly proves how precious the Slowking gem he chose is.

Obviously, the Mental Force contained in this Slowking gem left by a slowking with a strength close to the championship level must be quite large, and it shows that it can store a lot of Mental Force.

Lu Qingyun can now fully imagine that this Slowking gem can make him use it all the time in the late game and will not become outdated, which makes him feel like he has picked up Divine Artifact in Novice Village.

As for the pair of teeth he chose at the end, it was very large, two meters long, and exuded a metallic luster, and at the same time exuded a very sharp Psywave.

The size of this tooth alone is not difficult to see how huge its original owner is.

If Lu Qingyun guessed right, the huge set of teeth likely came from a Bruxish named Totem Pokémon.

Bruxish is a Pokémon with the same Attribute as Slowpoke.

But compared to the mild-mannered Slowpoke, they are a very ferocious Pokémon that will feed on any Pokémon he considers weak.

These murderous Pokémon's sharpest weapon is undoubtedly their set of teeth, with which they use Psychic Fangs to tear their prey to shreds.

This pair of teeth is where Bruxish usually stores Mental Force. Like Slowking gems, it has many magical effects after being nourished by Bruxish's Mental Force for a long time.

These effects are all offensive just like their basic functions.

And among these offensive effects, the most powerful effect is tearing the spirit.

Any creature bitten by Bruxish will suffer not only physical pain, but also mental damage, and the damage is more serious than physical.

Obviously, the Mental Force of most creatures is normal.

They are not like some Psychic creatures that will not faint immediately even if their mind is severely injured. Once most creatures are severely injured, they will faint almost 100%.

Because of this, Bruxish is a very scary Pokémon in the sea.

They hardly have any natural predators, and even Dark Type's Sharpedo would run away if they saw them.

The third correction is being written, it is estimated to be quite late.

(end of this chapter)

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