My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 175


Chapter 175 Vulpix's hope of rapidly becoming a pro-level Pokémon

In an instant, Slowbro's Hydro Pump Collision with Magcargo's Overheat.

Although Slowbro's Hydro Pump is obviously similar to Magcargo's Overheat in terms of the size of its moves, Water Type energy restrains Fire Element Energy after all.

Therefore, the water column was not instantly defeated by the fire column that was several times larger than the water column as Lu Qingyun and Gao Xin imagined.

The result of the confrontation turned out to be a stalemate for a while.

However, the Fire Element Energy released by Magcargo under the Desperate Outburst this time is obviously very amazing, and the formidable power of the Overheat move becomes very high.

Soon, Slowbro's Hydro Pump was running out of steam, and a huge pillar of fire came rushing in.

"Onix, Golem, Rock closed."

"Clefairy, use Help for Cloyster, Cloyster, Icicle Spear."

Gao Xin and Lu Qingyun see So, help right away.

In the next second, Onix and Golem worked together to create a solid rock wall in front of the rock through the Rock, which firmly blocked Magcargo's Overheat fire column.

At this time, Clefairy has successfully used Help for Cloyster.

After getting Clefairy's Help move, Cloyster, a Pokémon who had already completed three shell breaks, unleashed five long spears of ice on Magcargo from the side.

After obtaining the ice attribute formidable power of Never-Melt Ice, the Icicle Spear formidable power released by Cloyster is greatly improved.

Coupled with Clefairy's Help move that Lu Qingyun temporarily borrowed from Lin Shiyun, the output ability has been surprisingly improved.

Cloyster's original five-shot icy long spear couldn't even break through Arbok's shield.

Now with a combination of powers, Cloyster finally has the power to knock down pro-level Pokémon with one hit.

The protective film formed by Fire Element Energy on Magcargo's body was broken after sustaining the three long spears of Cloyster, and the subsequent two long spears made Magcargo unbearable. He let out a scream of pain.

This is not the end, Never-Melt Ice not only improves Cloyster's ice attribute moves, but also further speeds up Cloyster's ability to condense ice attribute energy.

Because this Never-Melt Ice immediately contains a huge amount of ice attribute energy, and it will be emitted continuously, leaving Cloyster with the process of extracting ice attribute energy in the body.

I saw that the five ice long spears had just been released, and the new impenetrable ice long spear had already taken shape.

Less than two seconds later, Cloyster's Icicle Spear unleashes again and hits Magcargo with precision again.

On the other side, Dongfang Linglong also reacted quickly, and immediately ordered Slowbro to cooperate with the attack: "Use Psychic to restrain him."

Slowbro did not dare to neglect, the blue glow in his eyes skyrocketed again, and he released Out of the tyrannical Confusion, stubbornly suppressed Magcargo, preventing him from escaping and making other actions.

“Babebe~” (ah ha ha ha ~~)

With Slowbro as a powerful control, Cloyster immediately entered a crazy state of full output, one after Another ice long spear was continuously released from him.

In just two or three seconds, Magcargo was defeated by Cloyster and Slowbro, and then Slowbro used Psychic to pull in front of Lu Qingyun and the others.

On the other side, as Magcargo, the Slugma's boss, was knocked down, the Slugmas fled and returned to the lava lake, which had gradually recovered its original appearance.

"This time, the Slugma in Lake Lava It shouldn't be messed up."

Gao Xin saw that Lu Qingyun and Dongfang Linglong jointly defeated the Magcargo Boss, and said nodded.

However, even without the obstacles of the Slugmas, it is still not easy for Lu Qingyun and the others to cross the lava lake and reach the small island in the lake.

Lu Qingyun didn't think about this trouble for a while, his attention was all on the Magcargo in front of him, to be precise, the thing on his Rock snail shell.

The stuff on this Magcargo's Rock snail shell is all good stuff.

Let's not talk about the three huge quenched crystals, that one red bead that burns constantly makes Lu Qingyun coveted.

"That kid is really lucky. This is your treasure. This Magcargo actually has a flame orb on it. This is the treasure that countless Fire Element Trainers are thinking of."

Gao Xin experienced and knowledgeable, he naturally knew what Lu Qingyun was paying attention to at this time, and immediately explained to Lu Qingyun.

"Is the Fire Orb really an apt name? Does it have any effect?"

Lu Qingyun heard this, pretending to be surprised.

"The Fire Orb contains a very pure Fire Element Energy. If Fire Element Pokémon carry it, it can speed up their daily storage of Fire Element Energy, and it also has the effect of continuous tempering Fire Element Energy.

Simply put, it is an upgraded version of Quenching Crystal, and one Fire Orb can be worth at least one hundred pieces of Quenching Crystal to purify Fire Element Energy.

Moreover, If Vulpix carries it now, inhaling other Attribute energy in the future can also greatly avoid the probability of mixed energy in the body, and can also improve the strength of Raging Flames of Vulpix to a certain extent.

However, due to the ability of the flame orb Due to the continuous release of high-temperature flames, only the Fire Element Pokémon can carry it in Normal."

At this time, Dongfang Linglong explained.

Lu Qingyun heard Dongfang Linglong's explanation, and secretly nodded in his heart, and praised that this daughter, Eldest Young Lady, still has real talents and practical learning, and she said quite comprehensively about the effect of Fire Orb.

But according to Lu Qingyun's memory from some powerful Fire Element Trainer, the effect of Fire Orb is more than that.

Fire Orb has four effects on Fire Element Pokémon:

One is to speed up Fire Element Pokémon's storage of Fire Element Energy.

The second is to continuously purify Fire Element Energy.

The third is to improve the strength of Raging Flames of Fire Element Pokémon.

The fourth is the carrier that can become the second Fire Element Energy core of the Fire Element Pokémon.

Among these four effects, the most effective one is undoubtedly the last one, but it is estimated that Bluestar's Trainer has not yet explored this effect.

The so-called energy core is actually the qualitative transformation that occurs after Pokémon raises a certain energy to a certain stage.

And when the qualitative change of this energy appears, it means that Pokémon has officially entered the professional level.

That's right, the protective film on the professional-grade Pokémon is actually one of the effects of the energy core, and its appearance is a sign that Pokémon is stepping into the ranks of the strong.

If Vulpix wants to step into the professional level at the fastest speed in the future, her easiest energy core to condense is undoubtedly the Fire Element Energy core.

However, once this Fire Element Energy core is condensed, Vulpix will not be able to condense other Fire Element Energy cores in the future, and the amount of Fire Element Energy it can reserve will only be capped.

Unless Vulpix can continue to bring the Fire Element Energy core into new metamorphic forms, this energy reserve cap will not disappear.

It's just that when Pokémon steps into the professional level, it is not so easy to continue to improve. It takes a long time for Normal to step into a new stage of strength.

And this growth time is calculated in years.

Therefore, during this period of time, if Vulpix wants to continue to increase its own Fire Element Energy reserves, it needs to find a suitable carrier to create a new Fire Element Energy core.

The Fire Orb is one of the best carriers of the Fire Element Energy core used by the Fire Element Pokémon to create the Heart.

Once Vulpix is able to create a second Fire Element Energy core from the Fire Orb, her shield's defensive ability will definitely increase, along with many other benefits.

And one of the biggest benefits of this is that Vulpix can quickly become a pseudo-professional-level Pokémon.

This is because Fire Element Pokémon can use Fire Orbs to create the second Fire Element Energy core in advance, and it is less difficult and time consuming than making their own first Fire Element Energy core much more.

(Note: Only the energy cores formed by Pokémon's own energy step by step have the growth potential, and the secondary energy cores produced by using flame orbs and other carriers do not have growth potential.)

Two updates first

(end of this chapter)

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