My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 156


Chapter 156 Cloyster with Gatling slaughter all sides

Although Cloyster doesn't know what Lu Qingyun wants to do , but he didn't bother to think about it, he just did it.

The next second, a large amount of Spike Cannon was released from him, and then fell from the sky into the lake ahead.

“pēng pēng pēng ~”

Suddenly, a sound like a cannonball exploding in the water appeared, and a lot of high water splashed from the water.

At the same time, the entire lake began to become choppy.

"Soon, keep doing this, don't stop."

Lu Qingyun applauded when Cloyster successfully used the Spike Cannon to make the otherwise calm lake lively.

"Team Liu, are you planning to lure the Water Type Pokémon out of the lake?"

At this time, Zhang Housheng, who had been standing beside Lu Qingyun, was suddenly curious. Ask Lu Qingyun.

"That's right, we're going to Volcano next, most of the Wild Pokémon that live there are definitely Fire Element or Rock Type.

Our team In addition to Cloyster, Shellder, Cubone and Meditite, other Pokémons are not very pleasing to go there.

In addition, we only have an elite Pokémon like Cloyster, and the battle strength is still It's too thin, and we must add some strong battle strength.

If we can have a few more elite Water Type Pokémon on hand, then the safety of our entering the Volcano zone will definitely be Great increase.

The big lake in front of me was discovered by Mental Force before, and there must be some powerful Water Type Pokémon living in it, and maybe there are professional-level ones.

Fortunately, most of the Water Type Pokémon are half cripple when they land, and the movement speed is very slow. Even if we encounter professional-level Water Type Pokémon, we can escape with great probability.”

Lu Qingyun Nod, said with a smile.

Isn't it true?

He didn't say one thing just now, the Totem Pokémon in Volcano might be Fire Element or Rock Type.

With an extra powerful Water Type Pokémon in hand, when the time comes, you can have a little extra capital when you team up with others to fight that Totem Pokémon.

When everyone present heard Lu Qingyun's explanation, they couldn't help but feel a sense of being with each other. Among them, Zhang Yunyun and Lin Shiyun already had little stars in their eyes.

That's it, the only way to have a future is to take risks with such a solid leader.

And they had heard from Lu Qingyun on the road that Shellder could teleport. Although it was a little difficult to bring six people together at one time, it was still possible.

That is to say, even if they encounter an invincible enemy, they can also have a quick escape card.

Wild Pokémon's awareness of territory is very strong, and once an outsider breaks in, he will definitely take the initiative to attack.

Nowadays, Lu Qingyun's act of letting the Cloyster bomb the lake is not only a simple trespass, but also shit and pee on their territory, according to Wild Pokémon.

It's really unbearable and unbearable!

In less than one minute, some Wild Pokémons living in the lake jumped out on their own initiative and used long-range attacks such as Water Gun and Bubble rays to attack Lu Qingyun and the others.

Unfortunately, Lu Qingyun and the others were far away from the lake at this time, and with Zhang Yunyun's Cubone Help, they had built a solid rock wall for defense.

Those Wild Pokémon attacks in the lake couldn't hit them at all.

These Wild Pokémon can't attack Lu Qingyun and the others, but Cloyster's attack can attack them.

Cloyster, who continuously attacks Characteristic Trait, can release five cannons stably every time he uses Spike Cannon, and after these Spike Cannons are blessed with the speed of falling from high altitude, the formidable power becomes very terrifying.

And at this time, Lu Qingyun has already made Cloyster use three times to break the shell to strengthen, and the double attack has been improved to the maximum.

With a large number of formidable power terrifying Spike Cannon falling from the sky, some Water Type Pokémon who had no time to escape were beaten all over, lost their combat capability, and then turned their stomachs and floated on the water.

A one-man show, it's a one-man show that's entirely self-initiated by Cloyster, and there isn't a single Pokémon in the lake at this point that is Cloyster's one-shot enemy.

At this moment, Cloyster is enjoying himself very much, and he has not experienced this feeling of invincibility since he was beaten half to death by Gyarados.

Break the shell to strengthen, and then perform a long-distance Snipe Shot, which is undoubtedly a very physical and repetitive exercise.

In the past, Cloyster estimated that he could enjoy about one minute of invincibility, but after following Lu Qingyun, he found that his invincibility was extended.

He drank the juice called Sitrus Berry that Lu Qingyun gave him just now, and immediately found that the stamina consumed was recovering at an alarming rate, allowing him to continue galloping on the current battlefield. .

At this moment, Cloyster is very grateful to Lu Qingyun.

“Babebe~” (ah hahahaha~~)

As he continues to harvest enemies, Cloyster himself does not realize that the confidence he once shattered by Gyarados is quickly regaining He couldn't help but let out unbridled laughter.

the more fights the more brave is, that is the state of Cloyster at this time, he is now like a steel warrior with two Gatlings galloping across the battlefield, showing invincibility posture.

"Very well, that's it, Cloyster, let's stand up. As the famous Tu Longbei in the Pokémon world, he must not be a coward."

See Lu Qingyun The more fights the more brave is of Cloyster's posture and the expression of incomparable enjoyment, a satisfied smile suddenly appeared on his face, nodded thought.

In fact, he came back this time, on the one hand, to conquer the powerful Water Type Pokémon, on the other hand, to enhance Cloyster's self-confidence.

Although he has been with Cloyster for a short time, he has already found that the Cloyster he has captured is seriously lacking in self-confidence.

Similar to some defeated generals, all of their courage has been wiped out. When they encounter a strong enemy, they immediately want to run away.

Lu Qingyun hates Pokémon like this.

Because such a Pokémon, even if it has strength, is just something to be slaughtered by others.

However, Cloyster, with his shell-breaking moves and continuous attacking Characteristic Trait, is undoubtedly amazing in his output ability.

Even skipping grades to defeat pro-level Pokémon isn't a dream, as long as his teammates can give him space for output.

So, Cloyster, a Water Type Pokémon, will be a very important DPS in the next adventure in Volcano.

It's just that Cloyster's performance in entering the Volcano zone just now is obvious to all, and it becomes coward just after entering.

When the time comes, if you run into the master and go head-to-head with that Totem Pokémon, Cloyster might have fainted before he even started fighting.

Therefore, in order to maximize the safety of the team's adventure in the next Volcano zone, Lu Qingyun must find a way to get Cloyster back on his feet as soon as possible.

And victory is undoubtedly a spirit pill and marvelous medicine for self-confidence.

Right now, it's obviously very effective for him to let Cloyster re-establish itself and let Cloyster re-experience his invincibility.

Like Cloyster now holding a Gatling slaughter all sides, Lu Qingyun guessed that he would face Gyarados again, and he dared to raise a gun at Gyarados.

(end of this chapter)

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