My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 154


Chapter 154 Totem Pokémon?

Combat is really a through train for Pokémon Growth, especially in the field where you need to dance on the tip of a knife, Pokémon's potential is continuously stimulated, and the growth rate is terrifyingly fast.

After going through yesterday's life-and-death battle and today's dozens of battles.

Both Vulpix and other Pokémon in the team have steadily entered the Ordinary Level, and Vulpix has grown to the level of a well-known figure in the Ordinary Level Pokémon.

Also, the childishness that originally belonged to Rookie Pokémon on Pokémon such as Vulpix has completely faded away, replaced by a mature and capable temperament.

When fighting, their eyes will reveal a cold and severe look at the enemy, and they will try to be quick, accurate, and ruthless, defeating the enemy in one fell swoop, without giving the enemy a chance to counterattack.

Gradually, an experienced imposing manner gradually emerged from them.

Nowadays, no one may think that these Pokémons in the hands of Lu Qingyun and the others are just some Rookie Pokémons that may be less than a month old.

After Lu Qingyun defeated the newly attacked Wild Pokémon such as Dou Li Mushroom, they set off again and continued to look for Dongfang Linglong and the others under Growlithe's Help.

The purpose of their entry into the forest this time is naturally to find the conductor, but the conductor is obviously a trainer who knows how to survive in the wild, so he hides his whereabouts and leaves too few clues. .

Even Growlithe couldn't find the smell left by the conductor, apparently the conductor used something to get rid of his own scent.

As a last resort, Lu Qingyun had no choice but to follow the smell left by Dongfang Linglong and the others. He believed that Dongfang Linglong and the others were not stupid, and they must also be looking for the conductor.

And even if they can't find the conductor for a while, as long as they can find Dongfang Linglong and the others, their power can also grow a lot.

Lu Qingyun has already seen from the great family younger generation Sun Ping that there must be many life-saving methods on the great family younger generation like Dongfang Linglong.

Maybe these people still have some Pokémon whose family gives some body protection, and there may be some professional Pokémon among them.

In fact, this is the only possibility that Lu Qingyun thinks that Dongfang Linglong and the others dare to break into the forest of dangerous lurks on every side at night.

Oriental Linglong and other young great family younger generation are obviously not as good at hiding their whereabouts as the train Elder, and they have left many traces along the way.

In fact, Odor Sleuth of Growlithe, Lu Qingyun and the others can find their whereabouts by relying on some newly opened forest trails and some untreated battle traces on the way.

Following the traces left by Dongfang Linglong and the others, gradually, Lu Qingyun and the others penetrated deep into the Central Zone of the island, a new geographical appearance appeared in the eyes of Lu Qingyun and the others.

The area of this island is actually not very large, maybe about ten-twenty thousand square kilometers, and in the center is a living Volcano that keeps spitting out Volcanic Ash.

It can be seen that this island is most likely the Volcano Island formed by the seabed Volcano explosion.

Volcanic Ash from Volcano's Spit Up brings fertile soil to the island, thus giving birth to lush subtropical forests on the island.

However, the area of the island where the dense forest is born is only the outer area of the island.

Its central area is completely a Volcano landform, the vegetation is not only sparse, but also covered with a thick layer of Volcanic Ash, resulting in generally not high growth.

Obviously, the reason for the appearance of the central area of the island is that this living Volcano erupts frequently, and the lava burns everything around Volcano to ashes.

"They actually went in the direction of Volcano. Is it really possible for the train conductor to come to such a place? What will be on this Volcano?"

Lu Qingyun passed through Dense forest, and then looking at this very typical Volcano landform in front of me, I couldn't help thinking with some doubts.

At the same time, there is a sense of crisis in my heart for no reason.

In fact, not only Lu Qingyun felt this way, but everyone else in the team felt this way, especially the Pokémons, all of them had solemn expressions on their faces.

Among them, Shellder and Cloyster, who was still in the Poké Ball, reacted the most abnormally. At this time, both of them had fearful eyes in their eyes, and the direction looking towards Volcano seemed to be looking at something terrifying.

The two closed their shells one after another and acted as coward.

In this Volcano area, there seems to be an inexplicable coercion, which makes the creatures who enter here feel uncomfortable, the chest is stuffy, and the breathing is a little difficult.

Lu Qingyun couldn't ignore Shellder and Cloyster's abnormality, and immediately asked Vulpix, the intermediate translator, to ask Shellder what was going on.

“Kongwukongwu~ ~”

Vulpix hearing this, she immediately touched Shellder's head with her small paw, comforted him, and said she liked the brave Pokémon.

Shellder heard Vulpix say this, and suddenly a burst of courage surged in his heart, and immediately overcame the fear in his heart and emerged from the shell again.

Vulpix, pleased with Shellder's response, gave a quick compliment, then began to ask what Shellder was afraid of just now.

Shellder knew everything about Vulpix's problems, and immediately explained to Vulpix this kind of Volcano thing.

It turns out that this Volcano is the residence of the uncrowned king of the island.

The Uncrowned King is very powerful. Its power can radiate to the entire Volcano area. Once any creature enters Volcano, it will be quickly informed by him, and then it will send its powerful minions to destroy the invaders.

Although Lu Qingyun speaks Vulpix very well, he can't read Vulpix's body language and facial expressions very accurately, and can only read it roughly.

At this moment, he read from Vulpix's body language and facial expressions that this Volcano is inhabited by a very powerful Pokémon, and its power is enough to radiate throughout the Volcano area.

At the same time, he has many powerful men under his command.

"A very powerful Pokémon, able to radiate power to the entire Volcano area, and there are many subordinates, shouldn't it be that kind of Pokémon."

Lu Qingyun combined himself from Vulpix The information read there, immediately realized what kind of terrifying Pokémon exists in this Volcano.

There is no doubt that all of the above features make for a different kind of Pokémon.

Yes, that's the Totem Pokémon.

Only Totem Pokémon may have the ability to radiate his own power to the entire Volcano area. Obviously, the inexplicable pressure shrouded in the Volcano area at this time is the Totem aura owned by Totem Pokémon.

In addition to the feature of Totem aura, the biggest feature of Totem Pokémon is that it has many subordinates, and even an entire tribe serves it.

It's just that Lu Qingyun doesn't know how powerful a Totem Pokémon that can radiate its own Totem aura to the entire Volcano area is.

“Dongfang Linglong and the others are too daring to go deep into this kind of place. Also, what are they looking for?”

Lu Qingyun will After the fact of Totem Pokémon was speculated, I was surprised at the boldness of Dongfang Linglong and the others, and at the same time I couldn't help but feel deeply curious about their real purpose.

(end of this chapter)

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