My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 146


Chapter 146 Mysterious Pokémon in the Sea (Three Updates on Day 12) (Subscription)

Cloyster The backlash against Shellder Legion obviously tilts the Scales of Victory in favor of Lu Qingyun and the others, but that's definitely not what Gyarados wants to see.

Gyarados was furious at the revolt of Cloyster and Shellder Legion, and stared at Cloyster beside Lu Qingyun with a pair of angry eyes.

For a time, the intimidating Characteristic Trait on Gyarados' body was activated.

Cloyster naturally felt the Rage of Gyarados towards him at this time. He noticed Gyarados' furious eyes, his whole body trembled, and he immediately closed the shell.

The reason why he listened to Gyarados' orders was because he couldn't beat him. Now that it's broken, he has to bear Gyarados' Rage next.

"Don't be afraid, Cloyster, that Gyarados out of the water is impossible to beat you, because with me your speed weakness is gone, trust me.

Besides, don't you still have Shellder Legion, if you are afraid of what he will do, you will beat him up if you can't beat him."

Lu Qingyun noticed Cloyster's fear of Gyarados, and immediately attacked him. encourage.


Vulpix jumped on Cloyster’s hard shell, patted the shell with his claws, smiled and said to Cloyster, posing a big sister’s head to comfort him. Later the younger brother's attitude.

Although Cloyster's strength is temporarily stronger than her, Vulpix believes that she will definitely be stronger than Cloyster in the future, so she must show her demeanor as a big sister in front of Cloyster as soon as possible.

Cloyster was comforted by Lu Qingyun and Vulpix, his body stopped trembling immediately, his head appeared again, and then he looked at Lu Qingyun and Vulpix suspiciously.

However, he looked towards Gyarados. After being threatened by Gyarados again, the scene of being beaten by Gyarados immediately came to his mind, and he couldn't help shaking his head at Lu Qingyun.

It means that Gyarados really can't afford to offend.

"It seems that he was cast into a psychological shadow, and yes, for a brutal Pokémon like Gyarados, the method of subduing his subordinates must be very violent."

Lu Qingyun still looks like Cloyster when he sees it. As soon as he saw Gyarados, he shook his head like a bear.

However, Cloyster is afraid of Gyarados, and he really is not afraid of Gyarados, but hopes that Gyarados can come and trouble him.

Because he knew that as long as Gyarados dared to come to the beach from the sea, he was here to deliver food.

In the sea, Gyarados can also quickly dive into the sea to avoid the joint attack of the Electric Type Pokémon of Zhang Hong and other train staff.

Don't look at Gyarados' brutal and violent appearance, but Lu Qingyun knows very well in his heart that as long as he finds the weakness, this Gyarados is a paper tiger, which can be broken with a single poke.

Under the quadruple restraint of the Electric Attribute, no matter how cruel Gyarados is, it can only lie on the ground obediently.

It just made Lu Qingyun absolutely didn't expect that, Gyarados is obviously already very Rage, but still did not come to the beach from the sea, just continued to use Surf to send new Wild Pokémon to the beach to fight .

If the big boss behind him does not join the battle, the morale of the younger brother is definitely not very good.

So even though Gyarados roared again and again to force the other Wild Pokémon to fight, the Scales of Victory had already tilted little by little to Lu Qingyun's side.

After Tentacruel fell, the Giant Claw Crab was also defeated by the Electric Type Pokémon in the hands of Zhang Hong and other train staff.

The two elite Pokémon fell, and Legion and Tentacool Legion fell into the leaderless state before Shellder Legion.

Immediately after, as Cloyster commanded Shellder Legion and Lu Qingyun and the others to join forces, the two Pokémon Legions were hit hard.

And the Wild Pokémon that Gyarados later sent to the Beach through Surf were all Ordinary Level Pokémon that could not form an army, and could not control the situation of the battlefield at all.

And the further back, the fewer Wild Pokémons Gyarados can feed onto the Beach via the Surf, many of which come up and immediately turn around and run away.

The tide is over, and this is where Gyarados is currently facing.

"It's really strange, this Gyarados is so calm, he doesn't even come here."

Lu Qingyun saw Gyarados until it became clear that the battle was going to be decided. They were all reluctant to come to the beach to participate in the war, so they couldn't help being secretly surprised and thought a little bit confused.

In the memories of the trainer powerhouses in Lu Qingyun, Gyarados is obviously a Pokémon who is very easy to lose his mind due to rage, why is this Gyarados so abnormal?

The more he thought about it, the more strange it became, and finally he looked at the dark sea behind Gyarados.

What if Gyarados wasn't the real boss?

Lu Qingyun suddenly had this amazing but concerted doubt in his heart. In order to cite his own thoughts, his Mental Force suddenly expanded rapidly.

However, when his Mental Force crossed Gyarados and continued to move to the Underwater in front of the sea, a Mental Force stronger than Lu Qingyun immediately swept out of the sea.

The two Mental Forces collided with each other, and Lu Qingyun's Mental Force was immediately defeated.

In an instant, Lu Qingyun let out a scream as if it had been hit by a sledgehammer, and Seven Orifices fell to the ground bleeding.

“empty wu wu~”

Vulpix was horrified when he saw Lu Qingyun’s tragic state, and jumped off Cloyster quickly, looking at Lu Qingyun anxiously .

Not only Vulpix was frightened, but also Zhang Yunyun and the others who had come to Lu Qingyun at this time, they all turned their attention to Lu Qingyun.

At this moment, Lu Qingyun is already the leader of Zhang Yunyun and the others in mind, and he may not have enough trouble now.

Otherwise, after this battle, their situation will probably be worse than it is now.

For a while, Zhang Yunyun and the others looked at Lu Qingyun with worried expressions and asked what happened.

At the same time, Zhang Hong and several boys hurriedly carried Lu Qingyun to a safer position.

"Don't worry, you won't die, but listen to me, don't go after those Wild Pokémons, and don't go near the sea, where there's a big guy bigger than Gyarados."


After a while, Lu Qingyun felt the severe pain in his head begin to ease. By this time, he was already dripping with cold sweat. He heard the eager voices of others and said to others weakly.

Lu Qingyun's tragic situation at this time is obvious to all. Now that he said so, Zhang Yunyun and the others naturally completely trusted them and agreed.

On the other side, in the dark water, a Pokémon with a large shell on his head was standing with his hands behind a Sharpedo, his blue glowing eyes were looking at a certain Sharpedo. direction.

At this time, his blue glow eyes seemed to be able to see through layers of space.

Gradually, the gaze in his eyes became more dignified and fearful.

Finally, with a very helpless look on his face, he hits a long Yawn before turning his head in the other direction.

And at the end of this direction is where Lu Qingyun is sitting at this moment.

At the same time, when Yawn was released, the Gyarados on the sea immediately stopped roaring and quickly dived into the sea. The Wild Pokémon on the Beach, such as the amnesty, fled back to the sea one by one.

(end of this chapter)

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