My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 136


Chapter 136 Coalition and Assault

Lu Qingyun did not hide these people, but briefly Introduced himself, and then explained their current situation to the talented Trainers of these schools in short language.

Then, he saw faces that quickly showed fear.

Different from Lu Qingyun, although he is not a descendant of the Great Family, most of the talented Trainers in these schools are descendants of Trainers, and many are descendants of Trainers of the first or second generation.

So they are no strangers to Pokémon Secret Realm under the guidance of their parents and elders.

It can be said that they even know more about Pokémon Secret Realm than the Eldest Young Lady, Dongfang Linglong, because it is their parents' personal experience.

"How is it possible, this time is over, we will definitely die here, how can we be so weak to fight those violent Wild Pokémon."

A courageous The relatively timid girl suddenly squatted on the ground hugging her head and crying, her face full of fear.

For a time, fear was spreading, which made the expressions of fear on the faces of other Trainer descendants present even stronger, and some girls' eyes gradually began to have tears.

"It seems that the danger of Secret Realm is stronger than I thought. These Trainer descendants are actually scared to cry."

Lu Qingyun saw this, his face showed A hint of astonished, I couldn't help but raise the danger level of Secret Realm again, and told myself that I must be very careful.

However, the current situation that shakes people's hearts obviously cannot continue.

So, Lu Qingyun thought about it, looked at the crying girl with firm eyes, and encouraged:

"You can't give up, I believe the country and our family will definitely not. Will give up on us, they must be working very hard to rescue now, so we can't give up, must do our best to persevere.

Let's work together, I believe as long as we are united and united Unanimously, we will definitely be able to overcome the suffering in front of us."

At this time, Vulpix also stopped from Lu Qingyun's shoulder, patted the hand of the crying girl with his small paw, and encouraged softly: "Kongwukongwu~"

Although it's just a very simple chicken soup for the soul, it is clear that Lu Qingyun's cheering words are very useful at this time, and they have re-injected the power of hope in their hearts.

The girl who was crying stopped crying quickly after hearing Lu Qingyun's words and being comforted by Vulpix, and then hugged the lovely Vulpix.

Vulpix did not resist, he used his tail instead of his hand to touch the girl's head, and continued to comfort the girl softly by following Lopunny's movements to comfort Buneary in "The Legend of Vulpix".

The spread of fear was finally contained.

"That's right, we can't give up, we must persevere. I believe our father mother and Teacher are definitely trying to rescue us."

"Yes. , must insist, as long as we are united, we will definitely be able to persist for a long time."

"Let's go and wake up the others, we must strive to unite everyone."

Soon, the descendants of the Trainers in the carriage cheered on each other, and the morale of everyone rose rapidly.

"Student Liu, thank you for your encouragement just now. I was so useless that I actually cried. I must have caused you trouble just now. I am very sorry. I will definitely try my best to help."

After the crying girl calmed down, she first bowed to Lu Qingyun with Vulpix in her arms, and then bowed and apologized like everyone else in the carriage.

Even this timid girl has made a statement, and the others present naturally have no reason to say anything dejected. They immediately started to act according to Lu Qingyun's words, and quickly went to wake up the others on the train.

However, just as they were about to start moving, the Zhengjo train suddenly shook violently, and at the same time, a huge explosion sounded from the direction of the front of the train.

As soon as the explosion appeared, the power system in the train seemed to be short-circuited again, and Lu Qingyun and the others were suddenly blacked out.

Fortunately, there is Vulpix, a Fire Element Pokémon. As a Nancy-like flame ignites on one of Vulpix's tails, Lu Qingyun and the others regain their sight.

But the vibrations and explosions of the train did not stop. Within a few seconds, the vibrations and explosions on the train reappeared. Obviously, there were creatures attacking the train.

"There must be a Wild Pokémon here. Everyone, please release the Pokémon. We must hurry up and wake up other people. If you have a flashlight, take it out and light it. If you don't have it, use the lighting function of your mobile phone.

, everyone, come with me."

Seeing this, Lu Qingyun immediately said to everyone around him who were all looking at him.

As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly took out a flashlight from the space ring, and took Vulpix to explore the path ahead.

Others saw this and followed Lu Qingyun's words one after another. They first released their Pokémon, then took out their flashlights or mobile phones and quickly followed Lu Qingyun.

Unconsciously, Lu Qingyun has become the backbone of these people in the carriage.

After a while, Lu Qingyun led these people through three carriages. There were not many people in each carriage, only five more and only two less.

Some of these people have already woken up, but some seem to have fallen into a deep coma. The loud explosion outside was so loud that they were not able to wake them up.

In the end, Lu Qingyun and the others had to use a little Physical method to wake up those who had not woken up in a hurry.

The crisis is expanding. After the train finds a series of violent attacks, the external defense is finally broken, and because the explosion caused a fire, the raging fire began to spread in the train.

As the fire broke out, some choking and toxic fumes spread across the carriages, causing Lu Qingyun and the others to cough and start feeling dizzy.

As a last resort, Lu Qingyun and the others quickly opened the door of the carriage and escaped from the train.

At this time, the enemy who attacked the train finally appeared in front of them, and they were quickly surrounded by these cunning enemies.

It was a lizard-like Pokémon, but most of the body was really grey and black, with a red pattern similar to the flower Normal on the back, and a very treacherous face.

This kind of Pokémon that makes people and Pokémon feel bad when they see it is Salandit of Poison Fire Double Attribute, who are looking at Lu Qingyun and the others with scarlet eyes.

Without any room for communication, the dozen or so Salandit who appeared in front of Lu Qingyun and the others just spotted them and immediately Spit Up flames from their mouths or directly used their big mouths exuding purple light. Bite up.

There is no other way but to fight.

Lu Qingyun rolled back, successfully avoiding the attack of a Salandit that suddenly pounced on him, and then loudly said to Vulpix: "Vulpix, Spark flashes."

Next For a second, just using the tail sweeping Pound to knock up a Salandit's Vulpix hearing this, a certain tail Barry lit up pink rays of light, and then turned into a red light, continuously launched a violent attack on the enemy in front of him.

"pēng pēng pēng ~" A series of colliding sounds appeared.

Under the flash attack of Vulpix's Spark, the five surrounding Salandit turned into afterimages and flew out one after another, and then crashed heavily on the steel outer wall of the train in the vicinity.

(end of this chapter)

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