My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 123


Chapter 123 Valuable auction items

When Lu Qingyun entered the low-level auction venue with the pass , the time has come to 2:40, at this time, the low-level auction has entered the auction link of the seventh Auction House.

"It's okay, I caught up, it's only the seventh round, and there are still two rounds before the auction of what I want."

Lu Qingyun listened to the beauties on the auction table. Auctioneer's words immediately sighed in relief, and said with joy.

Thanks to the two auction item lists, he was able to manage his time well and didn't waste extra time waiting for some unsightly auction items to go up for auction.

The start time of the low-level auction and intermediate rank auction is different, the low-level auction is 2:00 pm and the intermediate rank auction is 3:00 pm.

Lu Qingyun has successfully found the item he wants to buy through two auction listings with clear pictures and texts.

"Congratulations to the gentleman in seat 23, this notebook from Pokémon Secret Realm belongs to him."

Lu Qingyun just sat down, the seventh round of auction The auction of the product has been settled, and the beautiful Auctioneer quickly picked up the small hammer and knocked on the auction table three times in a row, loudly announcing the auction result.

When the dust of the auction item was settled, the one who successfully took the notebook was immediately cheering excitedly, and some people around also congratulated, but many of them had eyes with envy and jealousy.

Lu Qingyun couldn't help being a little stunned when he heard the final price, once again secretly sighed there are so many rich people.

At the same time, he also deeply warned himself that he must not reveal the knowledge in his memory until his strength has risen and he has a reasonable explanation.

Too terrifying, a notebook that appeared in a low-level auction actually sold for a sky-high price of 20 million.

In auctions, the most auctioned items are undoubtedly the various items from the Pokémon Secret Realm.

Normal from Pokémon Secret Realm can be divided into three categories.

The first type is naturally a variety of renewable rare resources, such as Liechi Berry, Dragon Fire Fruit, Salac Berry, and other rare Berry that can effectively enhance the power of Pokémon.

The second category is non-renewable rare resources, such as evolution stones, Mystic Water, Life Orb (leftovers) and other treasures that take a long time to be born.

The third category is the relics unearthed in the major ruins, such as the fairly well-preserved notebook from the auction desk just now.

In the current Blue Star market, the third category of stuff from Pokémon Secret Realm is the most valuable.

A large number of facts have proved that Pokémon Secret Realm once appeared high and the others civilizations. Bluestar's current advanced technologies are almost all invented by researching some human relics in Pokémon Secret Realm.

And almost every new invention can generate huge profits and influence on Blue Star, and it is like a Treasure Gathering Pot Normal, which will create wealth continuously.

So whenever a human relic appears in a Pokémon Secret Realm, there's always a buzz, and everyone wants to make a fortune from the relics in the relic.

Of course, not all relics are treasures.

Most of the relics are actually just some useless things, which may not have any meaning except to be displayed in the exhibition hall or collected in the museum.

Normal, there are only three valuable relics.

First is naturally a variety of ready-made treasures.

There are a lot of treasures collected by humans from nature in the ruins, such as the second type of non-renewable rare resources mentioned above, there are many in the ruins.

And some well-preserved ruins may also contain processed Supreme Treasures.

These things can often enhance the battle strength of Pokémon in the hands of Trainers in a short period of time, and can also be quickly realized, so they have always been sought after by Trainers.

second is some mechanical equipment left in the ruins.

Although most of these mechanical devices are broken and unusable things, for most Trainers it is simply a pile of junk.

But in the eyes of Bluestar scientists, these piles of junk are priceless treasures, with very high research value.

Many of the epoch-making new inventions on the Blue Star were developed from these a pile of junk.

The last is some surviving literature.

Knowledge is priceless, and this sentence is absolutely true in any world.

It turns out that these precious items, which may record various knowledge of the Pokémon world, have shown their value to the humans of the Blue Star more than once.

Many new inventions on Bluestar actually broke through core technology and found core materials after deciphering these documents, and then were born on Bluestar.

In addition to providing great Help for new inventions, these precious treasures have also spawned powerful Trainer families.

In fact, many ancestors of the Trainer family in Blue Star were able to climb to the Peak of the Trainer.

In addition to their own innate talent and hard work, there is a lot to do with their various Trainer inheritances from the Pokémon Secret Realm relics.

They were the first to eat crabs.

After all, the profession of Trainer is free from the birth of Blue Star, which is only two hundred years of trifling history.

If you try to cultivate Pokémon from scratch, it is impossible to produce a powerful Trainer like Ji Guozhu in a short period of time that can compete head-on with Super Divine Beast.

Precisely because these documents unearthed from Pokémon Secret Realm are of such amazing value, they often become the sweet buns in auctions and become the target of bidders.

Especially some upstarts or new Trainer families with shallow family background, they tend to buy these things at any cost.

Just like the notebook on the auction stage just now, it sold for a sky-high price of 20 million, which the average person can't imagine.

In fact, this note will appear in the low-level auction, which can already explain a lot of problems.

One of the biggest explanations is that the notebook itself is not of high value, otherwise it is impossible to put it on a low-level auction for auction.

Auction House's Treasure Appraisers aren't idiots, they're all people with some knowledge of the Pokémon world text.

Although it is impossible for them to read the entire notebook, just by looking at a page or two, they can definitely figure out what the notebook is about, and then make a reasonable assessment of its value.

So, that notebook worth 20 million might just be the diary of an ordinary person in the Pokémon world.

But that's it, it still sold 20 million, far beyond its own practical value.

However, in the eyes of many rich people, especially the upstarts, the greatest value of this notebook from the remains of Secret Realm is obviously not its practical value, but its symbolic value. .

The vision of the rich and the ordinary person is obviously different.

When the ordinary person is still pursuing survival and wealth, the rich begin to pursue spiritual satisfaction and social status, and strive to take off the label of the upstart and pursue integration with the upper class.

This notebook with the text of Pokémon world will become a cultural heritage in rich families.

"These upstarts are really rich. I want to secretly take the flashy things at home and sell them to these people. They are very rich."

Suddenly, a fragrant wind hit, followed by a familiar voice next to him.

(end of this chapter)

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