My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 112


Chapter 112 Stone Master Zhao Shi

With the sound of "shipping".

The trainers who were watching the big screen suddenly burst into an uproar and became short of breath, and then continued to stare at the big screen, wanting to see what kind of evolutionary stone would be opened inside.

At the same time, the Trainer who successfully photographed this High Level fortune stone is finally sighed in relief.

However, his face is still quite heavy, and the presence of goods in it only means that he has a consolation prize. If you want to not lose money and make a profit, at least the evolution stone in it must reach the middle grade level.

Of course, if he can get a high grade evolution stone, he will make a lot of money.

Thinking that he might have a high-grade evolutionary stone, this Trainer couldn't help but breathe quickly, and kept shouting "Blessed by lucky Goddess" in his heart.

"Grass Stone, it looks like it should have middle grade, so you can earn it."

Lu Qingyun was also looking at the big screen, but when he saw the big screen appear With that green light, he immediately judged what the evolution stone and its level were in the High Level Fortune Stone that was undergoing calcification.

After a while, as professional calcites continued to peel off the stone coat, the treasure in the High Level Fortune Stone was finally revealed to everyone.

Like Lu Qingyun's judgment, the Treasure Appraiser, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately announced to everyone that it was a grass stone of middle grade level when the evolution stone was freshly released.

And also announced that since the quality of this grass stone is quite close to high grade, he valued this grass stone at seven million.

As soon as the estimated price came out, the trainer who had successfully photographed was immediately ecstatic, not only laughed out loud on the spot, but also danced a hot dance to vent his ecstasy.

There is no doubt that at this time, this Trainer who was in a state of ecstasy had a very explosive publicity effect on the trading of Fortune Stones at this time.

2.8 million was exchanged for 7 million. This high profit seriously stimulated the hearts of every trainer who came to buy Fortune Stones.

For a time, a large wave of transactions quickly appeared in the middle and lower fortune stone area.

At the same time, a large number of Trainers were staring at the remaining High Level fortune stones.

Soon, when the second High Level fortune stone was put on the auction table, enthusiastic bidders scrambled to bid and pushed the price to a higher price than the first High Level fortune stone. Stone higher price.

Regarding the intensifying price war on the auction stage of the High Level Fortune Stone area, Lu Qingyun had no interest in watching it after watching one. Fortune stone.

"Hello Little Brother, my name is Zhang Dashi, this is your first time to buy a fortune stone, let me tell you, this fortune stone actually has a trick for selection, if you do it casually. If you choose, unless you have good luck, it will definitely be a loss.”

Just as Lu Qingyun was carefully observing the Fortune Stone, a potbellied Little Fatty Trainer suddenly came to his place with a large backpack on his back. beside him, and then said to Lu Qingyun very spontaneously.

This Little Fatty named Zhang Dashi has a simple and honest face, giving people a very safe illusion, plus a big belly, smiling, and giving people a very Funny feeling.

All in all, this is a fatty with a high affinity, and it is easy to let people down.

For example, Vulpix, under the bribe of Zhang Dashi's simple and honest smile and a little delicious snack, she soon showed a happy smile to Zhang Dashi.

But Lu Qingyun knows that this Big Fatty must be a liar right now.

The reason is that he discovered not long ago that Zhang Dashi had been reprimanded by some people, and looked at him with disgust. If it weren't for the Alliance police here, he estimated that those people would directly face Zhang Dashi. hands-on.

Those people are the victims who have been cheated by fatty before.

Lu Qingyun didn't have time to pay attention to the fatty of the glib tongue, turned a deaf ear to his words, and continued to focus on the medium-sized fortune stones in front of him.

As a liar, Zhang Dashi's face has long been thrown away by him.

When he saw Lu Qingyun, the little fat sheep, ignoring him, a stranger, he was not discouraged, and continued to talk freely, constantly telling Lu Qingyun some tips on how to identify the fortune stone with evolution stones.

I have to say, this chapter Dashi dares to deceive here, he really has several points of understanding of Fortune Stone, speaking of which is very reasonable, and fooling Rookie is not a problem at all.

Unfortunately, what he now encounters is Lu Qingyun, a person whose understanding of the fortune stone has reached the blue star ceiling.

In the eyes of Lu Qingyun, the tricks that sounded reasonable to identify fortune stones in this chapter are simply talk nonsense and full of loopholes.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy gave Vulpix snacks and helped him temporarily make Vulpix happy, Lu Qingyun would have let him go as far as he could.

"Little Brother, you know, my dad is Master Shi Zhao Shi's discipline, you see, this is a photo of my dad with Master Shi Zhao and his senior and junior brothers, this is me I took a photo with my dad, what I just told you was what I learned from my dad."

Seeing that Lu Qingyun couldn't move after a lot of talking, Zhang Dashi decided to Using the ultimate move, he took out two photos from his body and put them in front of Lu Qingyun, said laughed.

The king of stone Zhao Shi, his reputation in the business of making a fortune stone is definitely famous, and his fame is not blown out, but through the real record.

The two Top Grade Evolution Stones that were auctioned on Blue Star mentioned earlier, one of which was opened by Zhao Shi, and was picked out by his discerning eye from a pile of medium fortune stones.

From this, it can be seen that this person really has the ability to identify the fortune stone.

Lu Qingyun collected a lot of information last night in order to find out about Fa Cai Shi, including information about Zhao Shi. Now that he heard Zhang Dashi say this, he immediately became a little interested.

He remembered that the Top Grade Evolution Stone that Zhao Shi opened was the Fire Stone, and that Top Grade Fire Stone was a pass-through in the end.

As for what happened later, it is not mentioned on the Internet.

Top Grade evolution stone, this precious evolution stone is a treasure that is rarely seen even in the Pokémon world.

Although Lu Qingyun has mastered the memories of strong trainers such as Steven, he does not dare to say that he will be able to find a Top Grade Fire Stone for Vulpix in the future.

Now there is such a ready-made piece, Lu Qingyun is naturally very interested.

However, it has been more than ten years since Zhao Shi auctioned the Top Grade Fire Stone. Whether he still keeps such a Top Grade Evolution Stone in his hand is still unknown.

But at least this is the channel that Lu Qingyun currently knows to be able to obtain Top Grade Fire Stone, and it is worth trying it out in the future.

If this Little Fatty is really related to Zhao Shi's disciple and grandson, he may be able to climb up the relationship with this person, maybe it will be useful in the future.

Thinking of this, Lu Qingyun immediately looked down and found that the two photos were old and new, which did not look fake, and the person in the old photo was indeed Zhao Stoneman. Appearance in middle age.

In fact, these two photos are indeed not fake, at least half of what Zhang Dashi just said is true.

His father, Zhang Quanshi, is indeed the disciple of the stone king, Zhao Shi, but he is just an unremarkable honorary disciple. He only learned a few things from Zhao Shi. Later, he was expelled for not knowing what he did. sect.

(end of this chapter)

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