My Poised and Elegant Seven Sisters

Chapter 1302: Deep Treasure

The space magic weapon full of resources is in front of you, as long as Ye Fan takes a shot, he can catch it.

Take it or not, that is the question.

And it's a big problem.

Fairy said: "Don't think about it, you can't escape even if you get us, you don't think you can escape from the red-haired ghost, do you?"

Ye Fan shook his head.

In addition to the red-haired ghost, there are many strong people in the spooky gate. They could have made friends.

Resources can be earned slowly.

Not in a hurry.

Ye Fan suppressed the restlessness in his heart and continued to pay attention to the battlefield.

The red-haired ghost was indeed a mess.

The twelve elders of the late stage of breaking the void could not withstand the blow with the immortal monument.


In the end, the twelve elders used the Immortal Monument as their foundation to set up a defensive formation.

It is like a big hood, covering them, and the space magic weapon is also inside.

The red-haired ghost sneered: "Turtle shell? You think that you can live in peace when you hide!"

The Twelve Elders were speechless.

Delay time.

As long as the reinforcements from the Holy Land arrive, it will be safe.

This array is one of the most powerful defensive arrays in the Holy Fire of Heaven. They paid a huge price and cooperated with the Immortal Monument, which should be able to stop the red-haired ghost for an hour.

The red-haired ghost held a black knife, attacking frantically, and the machete defense formation kept shaking.

But not broken.


The red-haired ghost stopped, and he also knew that it would not be broken at all.

He is also waiting for reinforcements.

Not long after, the elders of the spooky gate came, all of them were in the late stage of breaking the virtual, but unfortunately there was no peak of breaking the virtual.

In fact.

The big forces in the hinterland of Xianshan have several peaks of breaking the void, but they will not come forward easily.

As a result, most of the Void-breaking peaks are old monsters, and they have reached their old age. Fighting is not good for the body, and it will speed up the passage of vitality.

Therefore, if you can't do it, you can't do it.

Second, these peaks of breaking the void will be closed all year round, looking for breakthrough opportunities.

Therefore, on the bright side, there are only two or three Void Breaking Peaks.

For example, in the Holy Land of Skyfire, the Holy Master, the Great Elder, and the commander of the army are the pinnacles of breaking the void.

The remaining peak old monsters are retreating or sleeping.

The same goes for the sprite gate.


The red-haired ghost gave an order.

The elders formed a joint attack to punish, and were brewing terrifying means, which made the twelve elders of the Heavenly Fire Holy Land worried.


"Open your eyes and see, how did you break this turtle's shell?"

The red-haired ghost laughed wildly.

"A group of shameless people who dare to steal the resources of my sect, they will have to pay the price, the price of their lives!"

"Red-haired ghost, you don't want to spit your blood. That resource land is not within the territory of your spooky sect, so how can it become your spooky sect's resource land."

"On the edge of my spooky gate territory, it belongs to us. In any case, it will not be your turn to explore the Holy Fire of Heaven."

"You are arrogant!"

"Hey, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Anyway, you will die today, and no one can save you. Your Holy Master of Heavenly Fire is here, and it will not help you."


The red-haired ghost shouted.

He held the black knife high and shouted: "Activate!"


The energy brewed by the elders rushed out and submerged into the black knife. In an instant, the black knife seemed to be transformed into a thousand times as big.

Horizontally above the sky.

Ye Fan and Fairy were terrified when they saw it, the black knife was so simple, as if the sky had been cut open.

"not good!"

Heavenly Fire Holy Land elder was shocked.

At this time, the black knife had already split, the space was shattered inch by inch, and the surrounding mountains and rivers collapsed.

"Get out!"

Fairy voice transmission.

Ye Fan seized the Cold War, followed closely behind, and frantically stayed away from the battlefield.


From behind, there was a huge explosion.

Energy waves spread.


Ye Fan took out the Kun Ding and greeted the fairy and the cold war manager Ai. He had a great body protection technique in actual combat, and at the same time, the emperor's armor on his body was revived.


The energy wave hit the Wuxu Kunding.

The hit Kun Ding flew thousands of miles and smashed deeply into the ground.

In the Kun Ding, Ye Fan and the three spurted blood.

Ye Fan and Fairy both have some powerful means, and some are better, but only slightly injured.

But the Cold War was different.

His body cracked, with thousands of lines, and he was seriously injured.

"Great Healing."

Ye Fan took out some resources and used the big healing technique to help Cold War recover from his injuries.

The fairy was surprised again.

Seeing that the injury from the Cold War quickly improved, and it didn't take long for him to recover half of it, he couldn't help but smack his tongue secretly: This magical power is really powerful, and the quick recovery from the injury is simply a cheating device, how can Ye Fan have so many means.

Fairy is full of incredible.

Sixty percent of the cold war injuries have recovered, and the rest is up to him.

Ye Fan settled the Cold War and returned with the fairy again, and saw the red-haired ghost and the elder of the spooky sect gasping for breath. It was obvious that the blow with all his strength just now took a lot of energy.

And the elders of the Heavenly Fire Holy Land were pale and blood dripping all over their bodies.

The defensive circle did not shatter.

However, they were almost killed by the shock. All twelve of them suffered a huge blow. Several elders had their organs shattered, and they were holding on at the moment.

"This turtle shell is very hard."

The red-haired ghost sneered.

He waved the black knife and mocked: "I want to see, this turtle shell can withstand a few attacks."


At this time, an elder of the Heavenly Fire Holy Land shouted: "Red-haired ghost, we are also old acquaintances, we have something to talk about and we can talk about."

"What can I talk about with you."

"Of course we can talk about it. You want the resources of this space magic weapon, right? If you forcibly kill them, then we will definitely detonate these resources. At that time, let's not say that we will perish together, at least half of you will be buried with us."

The red-haired ghost's face darkened.

The elder of the Heavenly Fire Holy Land continued: "Isn't it just resources? This huge immortal mountain has endless resources. If life is gone, then there is really nothing left."

The red-haired ghost snorted: "Speak straight if you have something to say!"

"It's very simple. We will give you some of the resources of this space magic weapon, and you will let us go. Isn't everyone happy for mutual benefit and win-win results?"

"Really, then tell me, what is the distribution method?"

"First, that resource land really doesn't belong to your sect; second, we spent a huge amount of manpower, material resources and energy to excavate; third, your elders have killed so many of our disciples in the Holy Fire Holy Land."

"These three factors add up, and we must have more Heavenly Fire Holy Land."

"That's it, three or seven points."

"You three, we seven, how?"


Immediately, the red-haired ghost and the other group of sprite gate elders laughed, as if they were looking at the clown.

The elders of the Heavenly Fire Holy Land blushed, knowing that three or seven points would definitely not work.

"June 4th, this is the head office."

The red-haired ghost still sneered.

"Okay, it's divided equally between five and five, so there's nothing to say. This is our bottom line, and everyone will make a fortune peacefully."

"No no no."

The red-haired ghost bit his huge head.

The elder of Tianhuo Holy Land angrily said: "This is our bottom line, it is enough to save face."

"Although this is your bottom line, it has not met my psychological expectations, so it is difficult to do."

Saying that, the red-haired ghost raised the black knife.

The elders of the sprite gate are ready to brew again.

The elders of the Heavenly Fire Holy Land were shocked, and the representative shouted: "Then tell me, how do you want to divide it?"

"We are nine hundred and ninety-nine, you... 1."


"Don't understand? One thousandth, we are nine hundred and ninety-nine, you take one thousandth. This is my psychological expectation, you can think about it."

I think about your sister!

Heavenly Fire Holy Land elder's eyes were splitting and he was furious. This was obviously humiliation.

One thousandth, that's a fart.

Give it all directly.

"Red-haired ghost, you deceive people too much."

"It seems that you don't agree? Then there is no way. Elders, go ahead."

The red-haired ghost's voice just fell.


In the distant place, a purple beam of light rushed out, straight into the sky, and it did not dissipate for a long time.

A sprite gate elder shouted: "That's a resource land, is there something wrong with the chief elder?"

The red-haired ghost's expression changed.

The elders of the Heavenly Fire Holy Land looked at each other, and then laughed: "Hahaha, you great elders are not good, they are not our great elders' opponents. Let's see if you are still stunned."

"To shut up!"

The red-haired ghost reprimanded.

Immediately, he ordered: "You are here to guard, they are not allowed to escape, I will go and see."

Before the voice could fall, the red-haired ghost had already disappeared.

Ye Fan and Fairy looked at each other.

"Would you like to go to the resource land?"

"Go and have a look. I feel that the purple light beam should be a vision. There may be giant treasures in the resource area. These resources such as spiritual stones and treasures are secondary."

"That's what I meant."

The two chased after him.

at this time.

resource place.

The two great elders of the Spirit Sect and the Heavenly Fire Holy Land stopped and stared at the spiritual stone ore vein in the center of the resource area.

Just now, the aftermath of their war blasted away the high-grade spirit stone mine below, and then rushed out of the purple light.

Could it be that there are huge treasures hidden in the depths of this mineral vein?

The two great elders were surging.

"Big elder."

The red-haired ghost came.

Seeing that the elder was fine, he was relieved. His eyes fell on the ore vein, and he said in surprise: "It seems that there is a huge treasure in the ore vein. We are really lucky."

The elder Tianhuo said coldly: "Don't talk too early, this treasure is not necessarily yours."

"Why, do you think you can grab the treasure from us?" Elder Qi said forcefully: "I'll put my words here today, if you dare to grab the Holy Land of Heavenly Fire, then you will start a full-scale war."

"You think our Heavenly Fire Holy Land is scary, and we will start a war when we start a full-scale war. Who is afraid of who?"

"Very well, then you'll be the first to hit the road."

The Great Elder had a fiery temper. He shot again, attacked and killed, and shouted at the same time: "Red-haired ghost, quickly enter the depths of the mineral vein and get the giant treasure."

"court death!"

The Heavenly Fire elder roared in anger.

But he couldn't stop it, the red-haired ghost rushed into the depths of the mineral vein like lightning, tearing the purple light.


The scene from the depths of the veins is revealed.

"Amethyst stone!"

The battle between the two great elders stopped again, and they looked at the depths of the mine in disbelief.

It was an amethyst stone.

The so-called amethyst stone is bound to be a rare ore with a higher-grade spirit stone.

Amethyst is also divided into low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade and top-grade.

"This is the best amethyst stone!"

The red-haired ghost made an identification.

The elder Qi took a breath of cold air and said in shock: "The best amethyst stone, such a huge and high-quality amethyst stone, my God!"

Ye Fan and Fairy were equally shocked to the point that they couldn't be more.

That top-grade amethyst stone is really huge, with a diameter of thirty meters at the thickest part and a height of fifty meters.

I am afraid that all the forces in the hinterland of Xianshan have never seen such a huge and superb amethyst stone.


appear here.

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