Chapter 97: Calligraphy and Painting Enter the Dao!

When the people around heard Lu Maocai’s words, they were all dumbfounded.

After all the hard work, I got an invitation, and then I came to Lin Chuan to learn calligraphy.

“Fatty Yao, can Lin Chuan know how to calligraphy?” Ling Xiaoxiao asked Fatty Yao quietly.

“I have known Brother Chuan for so many years, and I never knew he could calligraphy.” Fatty Yao said with a dazed expression.

Could it be that this man named Lu Maocai knows Lin Chuan better than him?

“Ahem, you come to me to learn calligraphy, this doesn’t seem appropriate.” Lin Chuan’s mentality was actually a little broken, and he felt that this person came to play with him deliberately.

Although his handwriting is not as ugly as a dog crawling, it is also not good-looking at all, so he is not qualified to teach others calligraphy.

But in front of so many people, he was too embarrassed to directly say that he did not know how to calligraphy, so he could only respond to Lu Maocai tactfully.

“Just accept me, I will definitely learn.”

“I brought my work, you can take a look first.”

Lu Maocai was a dead brain. No matter what Lin Chuan said, he insisted on apprenticeship and took out a large pile of rice paper full of words from his bag.

“No, you go in first, my Qinghuang Xiaozhu opened today, and I’ll talk about it after I’m a teacher.”

Lin Chuan pressed his works back in one hand, and then dragged him into Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

“Why didn’t I expect that there is such a way to close the relationship with Lin Chuan?”

Wang Xi watched Lin Chuan pull Lv Maocai away, patted his forehead suddenly, and said regretfully.

“Yes, blood loss this time!”

“Look at people, that expression, that action, to hold the big guy high, will definitely please the big guy.”

“No wonder he just refused to give us the invitation no matter how high we paid, he was making this idea.”

“Sure enough, we are still inexperienced when it comes to flattering. Next time, we must introduce new ideas and make this flattering fresh and refined.”

Hearing this, the other brothers also felt very regretful.

Yesterday, when I was looking for invitations, there were too many people. They got only three of them, and the others were taken by others.

These elder brothers used their ability to make money and successfully bought three cards from others.

But when he came to Lu Maocai, no matter how they bid, Lu Maocai just killed him and refused to give it, making these young men very angry.

But they can’t help it, after all, this is Lin Chuan’s activity.

It’s better to say that someone else voluntarily transfers it. What kind of method is really needed to force others to give them the invitation, let Lin Chuan know, they will definitely not be able to eat.

Originally, they didn’t care. After all, Lu Maocai was just an ordinary person. He just went to Qinghuang Xiaozhu for a meal and couldn’t do much.

Who knows if people come up directly to zoom in on the move, they have to follow Lin Chuan as a teacher!

This is something that these elder brothers dare not even think about, they have already done it, and it seems that there is still some possibility of success.

Obviously they came first!

The depressed brother, entered Qinghuang Xiaozhu listlessly, and was immediately shocked by the surrounding scenery.

“It’s worthy of being a god-like character, even where it’s cooked is like a fairyland!” Wang Xi murmured and sighed.

The other brothers nodded one after another, and were equally shocked.

“Qinghuang Xiaozhu, it is really well-deserved, this trip is worth it!” At this moment, they heard a familiar voice again.

“Zou Ren, you guys obviously didn’t have invitations, why are you here?” Wang Xi frowned and said as he looked at Zou Ren walking slowly.

These prince brothers, they didn’t communicate much with Zou Ren. After the last car race, they didn’t even contact him. I didn’t expect to ran into them here.

They came in without invitations, they should have sneaked in, and then the opportunity for them to show their courtesy came.

Wang Xi and the other elder brothers looked at each other, and then they were about to step forward and grab Zou Ren.

“What kind of look are you looking at? Maybe you thought I came in secretly, I was invited by Brother Chuan!”

Seeing that their eyes were wrong, Zou Ren said immediately.

“Are you invited by Lin Chuan?”

“Brother Chuan is yours.”

“Catch him up, he must have sneaked in.”

The brothers didn’t believe Zou Ren’s words.

They worked so hard to get the invitation, but Zou Ren said he was invited by Lin Chuan on his own initiative, so how could they believe it.

“It’s really like that. As early as that motorcycle race, Brother Chuan had already sent me an invitation. If you don’t believe me, let’s ask him.”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zou Ren stepped back quickly and said in a hasty voice.

“At that time, it seemed that Zou Ren was helping Lin Chuan to speak, and it seemed normal to be invited.”

A younger brother recalled that time and whispered.

Upon hearing this, Wang Xi felt depressed and regretful.

If he had a better attitude towards Lin Chuan before, he should be the person invited now.

“It’s not too late. Sooner or later I will be able to repair the relationship with Lin Chuan!” Wang Xi quickly strengthened his conviction and cheered herself up.

The group all entered Qinghuang Xiaozhu and wandered under the leadership of the two girls.

Lu Maocai rushed directly to the wall where the words were written, his eyes fiercely watching the line of words, fascinated, and Lin Chuan’s heart was numb.

Looking at the state of this guy, it is clear that he is the one who swears not to give up until he achieves his goal.

The problem is that he doesn’t know how to calligraphy at all. The writing on the wall was brought by him after using the blueprints of Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

“I have to find Fairy Baihua. She is responsible for this. I have to ask her for an after-sales service.”

Lin Chuan looked at the writing on the wall, and immediately contacted Fairy Baihua while everyone was not paying attention.

Xiaoyao Xian: Fairy, you have a problem with the blue phoenix Xiaozhu drawing. After seeing the writing on the wall, someone was immediately fascinated.

Fairy Baihua: (Fairy wondering) What does someone’s fascination have to do with my drawings, can only show that he is obsessed with calligraphy, OK?

Xiaoyaoxian: Then you can help me find a way to liberate him. You can’t always let him be like this.

Fairy Baihua: You can get rid of this state by smashing him directly, but he can be obsessed with it, which shows that he is a good seedling of painting and calligraphy.

If you use brute force to pull him out of the obsession, you may not have the opportunity to enter the art again in the future.

Into the Taoist calligraphy and painting?

Looking at this unfamiliar word, Lin Chuan was not aware of it, and seemed to be very advanced.

Xiaoyao Xian: What does it mean to enter Taoism in calligraphy and painting, fairy, please explain in detail.

Fairy Baihua: You don’t know this. Fairy friend, are you a ten-thousand-year-old monk who hides in the cave every day for cultivation?

The so-called entry into the Tao of calligraphy and calligraphy refers to the practice of art such as calligraphy and painting. People of advanced realm can use ink as a knife and wield a few lines in a row, which is very powerful.

The Blue Phoenix Xiaozhu drawing I gave you is actually a masterpiece of painting immortals. If you really paint a masterpiece, you can directly get you a fairy palace with both offensive and defensive capabilities!

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