Chapter 91

“I did buy it. Didn’t I mention this place to my mom before? Didn’t she tell you?”

Lin Chuan used his fingerprint to press the smart door lock that opened the door, and said with a smile.

There is no need to explain anything, just such a move is enough to explain a lot of things.

“I thought this was the place you rented temporarily. You bought it after a long time of trouble.”

“Those creditors often praised the villa that came that time after that day, how beautiful it was.”

“I didn’t believe it before, but now I see it really isn’t an exaggeration at all.”

“How much does it cost to spend such a good villa.”

Gao Ping walked into the villa with bright eyes, and became Grandma Liu again, without knowing where to put her eyes.

She has never seen such a luxurious villa on TV, let alone in reality.

Don’t think about it, it must be very expensive!

“Chuan’er, tell the truth to your sister, where did you make so much money?”

“Our family is indeed short of money, but we must never do anything illegal!”

Lin Juan saw the villa in front of her, but her expression was a bit solemn, staring at Lin Chuan and asked.

She knows how difficult it is to make money.

Lin Chuan, a college student who has just graduated, suddenly has enough money to buy a big villa. It’s not normal to think about it.

After hearing the words, Lin Dashan and the couple couldn’t bother to look at the luxurious villa in front of them. They all looked at Lin Chuan, waiting for his explanation.

“Well, I know it won’t last long, so I will tell you.”

“Actually, I worshipped a master as a teacher and learned the art of spiritual practice.”

“After apprenticeship, the master gave me several porcelain bottles, each of which is worth millions!”

“So before I told you that I picked up the baby, I actually lied to you. These are all sent by my master.”

“I sold all those porcelain bottles, so I saved the money to buy this big villa and renovate the old house, so that our whole family can live a prosperous life.”

Lin Chuan had guessed it a long time ago. When the family were brought to the big villa, they would definitely ask this question. The draft was written early in the morning, and Lin Juan blurted out as soon as he asked.

Many things now and in the future are unclear, and Lin Chuan does not want to make up so many lies to deceive his family.

Simply reveal a small part of the truth to make everything reasonable.

“You worshiped a master as a teacher, and then he gave you some antiques, and you became rich?”

Lin Dashan and the others didn’t expect things to be like this, they looked at each other.

“Brother, if you make up a story and make up a more reliable one, and still practice, you can just say that you want to go to the mountain to be a monk.”

Lin Juan felt that Lin Chuan’s words were very unreliable no matter how she heard it.

“I know you don’t believe me. Let me show you the results of my recent practice.”

Lin Chuan also anticipated this reaction, and said to the three mysteriously.

The three of them looked at Lin Chuan attentively, waiting to see his so-called success in practice.

Lin Chuan saw that they had already seen it, and his heart moved. The T-shirt on his body suddenly turned into a shirt and then into a suit.

The clothes styles and patterns changed dozens of times in just a few seconds, and the three of them were dazzled and dumbfounded.

“How about it, now you always believe that I am really practicing?” Lin Chuan stopped changing and said with a faint smile.

“This feel is exactly the same as real clothes, how did you do it?”

Lin Juan ran to Lin Chuan, touching her hands on the seamless robes, her eyes full of wonder.

“It seems that Chuan’er, you have really practiced with an expert. You masters don’t have any rules, for example, you can’t get married and have children or something?”

After being shocked, the old couple gradually accepted this fact, but their focus was off track.

“Our teacher’s rules are that there are no rules. Parents, please rest assured.” Lin Chuan responded casually.

The so-called mentor is exactly him alone, and the rules are naturally that he decides what he wants.

“That’s good, that’s good, where is that expert now, you have got such a great advantage, we should thank you.”

Lin Dashan relaxed and had another question.

“My master is Xianyun Yehe, but he just accepted me when passing by.”

“As for where he is now, I’m afraid I can only go there and look for it.”

Lin Chuan pointed to the sky and said.

Most of his current things were obtained from gods, saying that his master was the entire heavenly court, and there was nothing wrong with it.

“Sure enough, you are an expert, Chuan’er, you have to follow your master in the future and study hard, and respect your master in the future.”

Lin Dashan stared at the sky for a while, suddenly seemed to understand something, and told very seriously.

“I see.” Lin Chuan responded.

“Chuan’er, you can turn this dress into a skirt for me to see. I want to try the effect.”

At this time, Lin Juan said enthusiastically.

“I’m a big man, it’s not suitable for you to change me into a skirt, right?” Lin Chuan was a little speechless.

“Then let’s change it. I’ll put on your clothes, and you can change the skirt and come out for me to wear.” Lin Juan was still a little unwilling.

“What’s the difference? I’m still wearing women’s clothes, it must be impossible!” Lin Chuan rolled his eyes, and sternly refused.

Is this really his sister? How can he change the law to make him wear women’s clothing?

Women’s clothing is impossible for women’s clothing, it is impossible for women’s clothing in this life!

“Let’s talk about your business, do you want to divorce Deng Wei?” In order to avoid Lin Juan’s entanglement, Lin Chuan brought up another matter.

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere on the scene instantly became depressed.

Divorce is a big deal for a family.

The situation of Deng Wei and Lin Juan at this time has actually reached the brink of broken marriage.

The old couple and Lin Chuan didn’t say anything, they looked at Lin Juan quietly, waiting for her to make a decision.

“I’ll think about it for a while, after all, there is a Xinxin between me and him.” Lin Juan was silent for a long time before she spoke.

“Well then, you and Xinxin will live here in the future. Anyway, the old lady of the Deng family will never show your face anymore.”

Seeing that Lin Juan was still hesitating, Lin Chuan did not urge her to make a decision, but formally handed over the villa to them.

The three of them hesitated about this, Lin Chuan Haosheng persuaded them, and they agreed to add popularity to this villa with an actual use area of ​​1,500 square meters.

After making up their minds, they removed the parcels from the car, assigned the rooms, cleaned them, and were very busy.

“Dingling…” During the period, Lin Chuan received a call from Fatty Yao.

“Brother Chuan, I seem to have made a fortune.” As soon as the call was connected, Lin Chuan heard Fatty Yao’s vague voice.

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