Chapter 8 What is it? Dark

A separate luxury box entrance.

The two waitresses outside the door looked strange and whispered.

“Are the rich people so heavy now?”

“I have been in Linglongfang Palace for almost four years, and I have never seen it. I have seen a man and a woman or even many men and women, but I have never seen two men…”

“The city will play!”

“The hair is creepy, the hair is creepy.”

“Xiaofang, guess which one of them will attack and who will suffer?”

“Does this still have to be guessed? That thin handsome boy must be affected!”

“It’s not necessarily, I guess it’s the opposite.”

“Oh, it’s a pity that little handsome guy is so handsome!”

Inside a luxurious box.

Neither Lin Chuan nor Fatty Yao knew what was going on.

“Take it, hold it, this is a good thing.”

“What the hell? It’s dark.”

“Nonsense, can I harm you? Swallow it, then go in and take a bath, I’ll just look at my phone here for a while, and wait for you to come out.”

That’s right, Lin Chuan took out a low-grade and high-level Spirit Gathering Pill.

Lin Chuan values ​​the friendship with Fatty Yao for many years.

Unexpectedly, Fatty Yao’s face collapsed.

With a cry: “Brother, your god mysteriously brought me to the bathing center, isn’t it for that or anything?”


“Bath center! What do you mean?!” Fatty Yao looked resentful.

Lin Chuan slapped the back of his head in an annoyed manner: “What’s in my head!”

“Swallow this stuff? What is it? Kidney?”

Lin Chuan kicked him again: “Yes, Kidney Treasure! After eating the bag, you will be strong! Go!”

Fatty Yao raised his eyebrows trivially: “It’s really a kidney treasure? Say it earlier!”

Without even thinking about it, he swallowed it in one bite, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, and guzzled.

Lin Chuan urged: “Quickly go in and wash, the effect will be there in a while.”

“Hey, hey.” Fatty Yao ran to the shower room impatiently.

Lin Chuan smiled, sat down on the sofa and took out his mobile phone.

The balance is six million.

Lin Chuan looked at it again and again, satisfied.

In the inventory of WeChat, Lin Chuan also has 63 sacred elementary-level Gathering Pills and 198 low-grade high-level Gathering Pills.

Lin Chuan intends to use up the architectural drawings of Qinghuang Xiaozhu after going back at night, and come back to the city tomorrow to give his parents, sister, brother-in-law, and little niece a pill for gathering spirits.

This Spirit Gathering Pill is indeed very hanging.

Not only has the harmful substances in the body been eliminated for many years, the meridians have been straightened out, and even the five senses have become more acute.

This kind of elixir should naturally be shared with the family.

Forget it today, it’s too late.

Lin Chuan closed his eyes and emptied his brain without thinking about anything.

In two days, Lin Chuan’s life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It has to be straightened out.

After a while.

Lin Chuan suddenly felt warm in the lower abdomen.

It’s the kind of heat after taking the Spirit Gathering Pill!

Lin Chuan is very familiar.

The heat flow starts to work.

Hey, the speed of this time is much smoother than before.

Lin Chuan didn’t know what this meant, only that the physical constitution had undergone tremendous changes.

He didn’t even know.

Because of the function of the Spirit Gathering Pill, he has directly stepped past the Ming Jin realm in the martial arts, and directly joined the ranks of the dark Jin masters.

He didn’t know martial arts at all, and he had never been in contact with Ming Jin and Dark Jin.

With his current state, as long as he knows a little bit about how to use inner qi, it’s not a problem to slap and slap a cow.

He now only thinks that the heat flow in his dantian improves his physical fitness and is of little use.

Inside the shower.

Suddenly there was a scream.

The corner of Lin Chuan’s mouth raised, and of course he knew what Fatty Yao had shouted.

This product must have sensed the heat in the body too!

“Fuck! Chuan! You medicine…it’s so awesome! Magic medicine!”

Coldly, Fatty Yao opened the door halfway and poked his head out.

Lin Chuan smiled and said, “Brother treats you well, right?”

“More than good, you are my second parent!”

“Call Dad!”

“Dad!!!” Fatty Yao yelled outright.

Lin Chuan was full of black lines: “You really call it!”

“It’s so called! I’m not exaggerating at all. I feel like I have replaced the Snapdragon 888 flagship processor with a new one. It’s so good!”

“Now you know how nice brother is to you!”

“Yes, yes, I’ll mix up with you in the future! After all, if you have such a handsome follower, you will still have a lot of face!”

“Damn, walk with you and lower your face!”

It’s already more than five o’clock in the afternoon when I came out of Linglongfang Palace.

Because Lin Chuan was thinking about the architectural drawings of Qinghuang Xiaozhu, he went to Shaxian with Yao Fatty and hurried back to Taoyuan Village.

In the village, it was already dark.

The countryside is naturally no less than the city, there are fewer young people, there are no leisure activities at night, and people go to bed early.

Although Lin Chuan’s house is relatively remote, he waited cautiously for two hours before finally extracting the architectural drawings of Qinghuang Xiaozhu.


In an instant, with Linchuan’s vegetable garden as the center, a wave of air suddenly spread out.

The air wave enveloped all the land, and a lingering fairy air was like steam in a steamer, spreading rapidly.

Lin Chuan’s eyes widened, and he looked at the scene in front of him incredulously.

In less than two minutes, the airwaves had completed coverage.

It’s like an upside-down bowl.

And those vapors grew more and more in the bowl until it was completely submerged.

Lin Chuan was also submerged by the steam.

But there was no slightest discomfort at all, instead, it seemed to breathe a scent of the clear field.

Lin Chuan closed his eyes slightly, quietly feeling the steam that made him quiet and peaceful.

Suddenly, it seemed to have a peculiar induction.

At the moment when the steam enveloped his whole body, the heat flow in his lower abdomen also started to circulate.

What makes Lin Chuan feel strange is that this time it seems to be running at least 30% faster than before.

He had no idea what this meant.

If at this moment, there is a master of dark energy here, it will be extremely shocked.

The speed at which Lin Chuan moved his inner Qi was far faster than the normal Anjin monk.

If Lin Chuan has been practicing at this speed, it is estimated that within a few years, he will be able to step into the foundation-building period and become a true practitioner.

Over time, Lin Chuan’s body exuded viscous sweat again.

The sweat discharged this time is no longer as many impurities as the first time, but shiny, like tiny pearls.

I don’t know how long it has passed, and Lin Chuan, who has been like an old monk in peace, wakes up suddenly.

Opened his eyes and looked out to the backyard.

Lin Chuan’s eyes widened immediately.

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