Chapter 78

In the face of these poisonous insects and beasts, those elder brothers don’t say anything, and they are so scared.

Those martial artists were also a little bit unstoppable, each of them pale, looking at the poisonous insects and beasts that came from all directions, and they didn’t know how to respond.

“Insect Repellent Talisman, use the insect repellent Talisman given by the fairy master!”

The one with the surname Huang was more clever, thinking of the Fulu that Pu Liqi had given him just in case.

One person hurriedly opened a package, took out a talisman from it, and stuck it on his body.

The surrounding poisonous insects and beasts immediately stopped about two meters around him, wandering around there, hesitating.

“Why is the effect of this insect-repelling talisman different from what the fairy master said? He clearly said that as long as this talisman is attached, all the poisonous insects and beasts around will run away.”

The surnamed Huang immediately ran near the person who was pasting the talisman, looked at the densely packed poisonous insects and beasts, and noticed a trace of anomaly.

“Brother Huang, don’t worry about that much, come and save us!”

“Yeah, I really can’t hold it anymore.”

“My old Liu’s family is really going to end up later.”

Before he could think about it, those elder brothers were crying and crying for their rescue.

Huang frowned, and he hurried over to get all the brothers to the person who posted the Fu.

If all of these brothers were planted here, he would not be able to bear the revenge.

A bunch of people are all huddled together, it is safe for the time being.

“Brother Huang, what’s the situation? Why do I look familiar with these poisonous insects and beasts!”

Feeling safe, Wang Xi regained his ability to think, and always felt something was wrong.

He came over with these people in the world, originally wanting to watch a good show and witness Lin Chuan’s miserable situation after being calculated by them.

Unexpectedly, they hadn’t seen Lin Chuan’s tragic situation yet, and they were unlucky and tasted of being besieged by poisonous insects and beasts.

Many people were bitten, Wang Xi’s face was bitten by some insects, and he picked up a boss’s bag and was directly disfigured.

“I don’t know what the situation is, it seems that I can only invite the fairy master over now.”

The surname Huang didn’t know what was going on, looking at the poisonous insects and beasts around him, his heart was straightened, and he just wanted to move the soldiers quickly.

“Who is the fairy master, who can come and rescue us?” Wang Xi frowned when he heard this call.

Immortal master or something, it’s usually the exclusive name of a liar, is there this ability to save them?

“Don’t be disrespectful to the immortal master!” Upon hearing this, several people in the world glared at him and shouted in unison.

Wang Xi was stunned immediately, and everything he wanted to say was suffocated.

Could it be that this immortal master is really very powerful, able to tidy up these people in the arena and obedient?

Seeing the son-in-law buddies surnamed Huang stopped, he took out his mobile phone and made a call respectfully.

“Has the matter been settled?” There was a voice on the other end of the phone.

“Master, we are besieged by those poisonous insects and beasts, please come to rescue us.” Huang said with a bitter face.

“Trash, no small things can’t be done well!”

“How is the person surnamed Lin, how is that dog?”

Pu Liqi’s voice instantly became gloomy, and he reprimanded unceremoniously.

“We’ve been staring over there. They were so scared that they hid in the room. They should find a way to escape soon.”

“But we are trapped now, we can’t stop even if we want to, so I contacted you in order not to delay the important affairs of the immortal master.”

The surname Huang looked like Pu Liqi was thinking about it. What he meant was to ask him to come and save his life.

“Sure enough, I still want me to do it myself and wait for me!” Pu Liqi finished speaking and hung up the phone directly.

“This fairy master, can you come and save us?” A group of people remained silent for a long time, and Wang Xi couldn’t help but speak.

I don’t ask where they are or when they will come. Why do I feel so unreliable?

“Shut up, don’t doubt the fairy master!”

“The power of the immortal master is beyond your imagination.”

The surnamed Huang glared at Wang Xi, his expression full of worship of Pu Liqi.

What they didn’t know was that Lin Chuan, who they wanted to deal with, had been watching them nearby and knew everything about them.

“I’m relieved to see these people being so miserable. I dare to laugh at Brother Chuan when you pee your pants. I’m afraid they are only peeing your pants now!”

Fatty Yao recalled the scene of a group of people being frightened just now, feeling extremely comfortable.

“Don’t be too happy, I think we have to leave quickly!” Yue Qin’er said with a solemn expression at this time.

“Why?” Ling Xiaoxiao was a little puzzled.

“I didn’t see them post the talisman, those poisonous insects and beasts would not dare to pass, it is not an ordinary talisman!”

“The immortal master in their mouth is obviously not an ordinary person, we should avoid the edge for the time being.”

Yue Qin’er looked at Lin Chuan with a serious face.

She knew that Lin Chuan was the one who could make the decision among this group of people.

Yue Qin’er had already guessed that there is still a practitioner behind these things today.

Faced with a practitioner, it is completely different from making a fuss with these people.

Even if Lin Chuan had the means to save his life, it would be a difficult task to deal with a powerful practitioner. It would be a wise choice to avoid him first.

“If we leave, wouldn’t you have a chance to see my hole cards?” Lin Chuan turned to look at her, jokingly.

One of Lin Chuan’s purposes for bringing these people over was to let these people know part of his strength.

The good things he gets from the immortal world will definitely be more and more, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, and it is difficult to do it without keeping the people around him.

And these days, there are successive practitioners who want to deal with him. If the people around him don’t understand at all, it’s easy to go wrong.

Therefore, Lin Chuan simply took them to see him, exposing part of his strength and opening the door to a new world for them.

“Don’t make jokes about your life!” Yue Qin’er said angrily when she heard the words.

She wanted to explore the bottom of Lin Chuan, but it was definitely not at this time.

“Don’t worry, I have already figured out the foundation of that cultivator. It’s just a trivial matter to get him.” Lin Chuan understood Yue Qin’er’s intentions and said with a light smile.

Ling Xiaoxiao and Yao Fatty looked confused as they listened to their conversation.

They understood every word of what the two said, how can they not understand how they put it together?

“Red Flame Kuangsha!” At this moment, a deep voice came from a distance.

Small sparks, like meteors, suddenly appeared in the air, and then fell to the ground.

Those venomous insects and beasts, who were killed and wounded in countless numbers, instantly became a mess and fled to the surroundings.

A figure wearing a black robe slowly floated down from the sky.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he was so cool!

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