Chapter 71 The Queen Mother Gives Flat Peach!

“Is it all right so soon, then I’ll take it off.” The Queen Mother heard the words and uncovered the mask without a trace.

Of the gods and Buddhas present, no one paid attention to the whereabouts of the mask. Everyone looked at the face of the queen mother and the empress, with a dull expression.

The Queen Mother was originally beautiful. After applying the mask, she seemed to feel more radiant and brighter.

This mask seems to be really useful!

“Cough cough…” A light cough came from the Queen Mother, and the gods and Buddhas present here quickly narrowed their gazes, watching their noses and noses, not daring to look at the Queen Mother.

The Jade Emperor has given such obvious hints. If you look at the Queen Mother at this time, it’s not going to be death.

“Mother Queen, I always feel beautiful when I see you. I didn’t expect that once this mask is applied, your beauty will increase by a point. You really can give me new surprises all the time.”

Seeing that no one was looking at them again, the Jade Emperor turned to look at the Queen Mother and said affectionately.

“Heh… I didn’t expect that the Jade Emperor’s position is quite high, so it’s no wonder that you can win the Queen Mother.”

Lin Chuan got goose bumps after hearing the nasty love words of the Jade Emperor, and his understanding of the Jade Emperor was greatly refreshed.

Co-author of the Jade Emperor who dominates the Three Realms, he is also a master of love.

The love story still said that there was no leaking, and there was no room for messiness.

It seems that the Jade Emperor’s desire to survive is also quite strong.

The gods and Buddhas present here seem to have become accustomed to this, and they continued to bow their heads silently, without any response.

“Jade Emperor, you know that if you pick it up well, does it really look better after I apply the mask?”

The Queen Mother still ate the Jade Emperor’s set, her majestic and dignified face showed a hint of shyness, and she asked expectantly.

“That’s natural, your face has indeed become a little hydrated, and the faint traces of the years have been faintly smoothed, just like you tens of thousands of years ago.”

“What’s rare is that I didn’t feel the slightest trace of cast, this mask is really amazing.”

The Jade Emperor said in admiration.

As the bedside person of the Queen Mother, naturally no one is more familiar with the Queen Mother’s face.

Although the Queen Mother is sitting on countless treasures, the flat peaches formed from her innate spiritual roots can be eaten as fruits.

These babies can indeed delay the aging of the Queen Mother, but they only delay it.

Heaven is fair, and the traces of the years still appear on the face of the Queen Mother.

However, after applying the mask, those traces of years have been diminished a lot.

Even if this is only temporary, it is enough to make the Jade Emperor who has seen the most treasures in the world marvel at it.

“Is there really such an effect?” After listening to the Jade Emperor’s evaluation, the queen mother and empress, who was extremely surprised, waved her hand, and a precious mirror appeared in front of her.

Looking at the pretty face in the mirror that seemed to be tens of thousands of years younger, the queen mother’s eyes began to shine.

“Fairy Baihua, how much do you have for this mask?” She put away the treasure mirror and looked at Fairy Baihua with scorching eyes.

“Report to the Queen Mother, Xiaoyao Immortal asked me to give me a total of 10,000 masks.”

“Xiaoyao Xian once urged that although the mask is good, it should not be too greedy. It is advisable to stick one piece each morning and evening.”

For the first time, Fairy Baihua, who was stared at by the Queen Mother with this kind of eyes, felt a strong pressure, and it became a little difficult to speak.

“Sooner or later, one slice each, so if these add up, it can only take five thousand days?”

“Such a good thing, shouldn’t we prepare at least one renminbi for this seat?”

The Queen Mother frowned slightly and said with some dissatisfaction.

“…This Queen Mother is also greedy, right? One Huiyuan is 10800 years!”

“When you count it, you have to send millions of facial masks. It may not be enough if I emptied the warehouse of other people’s factories!”

Lin Chuan couldn’t help but vomit after hearing what the Queen Mother said.

At every turn, it is a Huiyuan, and it can only be said that she is the queen mother who is sitting on the four seas and three realms.

Tucao returned to Tucao, Lin Chuan was still very happy after hearing what the Queen Mother said.

The Queen Mother thinks that there are not enough facial masks. What does this mean?

This shows that she likes it. Only if she likes the mask will she be dissatisfied!

The Queen Mother and the Empress all agreed, and the Jade Emperor also participated in the endorsement. It is not easy to get fire in the heavenly court.

“The Queen Mother, I am not stingy with Xiaoyao, it is really difficult to make this mask.”

“These ten thousand pieces of mask have been made by Xiaoyao Xian’s best effort.”

“Of course, practice makes perfect. The production speed of Xiaoyao Immortal has been accelerated a lot, and it will definitely not let you lack the mask.”

Fairy Baihua is quite impressive, not only helped Lin Chuan explain it, highlighting the preciousness of the mask, but also left room for selling the mask in the future.

“It seems that I blamed Xiaoyaoxian. The effect of this mask is so amazing, it’s really not easy to make.”

“This gift can be said to have won my heart. If I don’t reward it, I will feel sorry for it.”

After hearing the words, the Queen Mother felt that there was nothing wrong with Baihua Fairy’s words, and she deeply felt Lin Chuan’s sincerity, and she was a little moved.

“There is a reward?!” Lin Chuan’s breathing became a bit heavy when he heard this.

His original intention to give the Queen Mother and Niang Niang Niang Niang was really just to have a good relationship with the Queen Mother and Niang Niang, and by the way, he advertised the mask.

Who would have thought that there was unexpected joy.

Given the wealth of the Queen Mother, it is no exaggeration to say that just plucking a single leg hair is enough for Lin Chuan to endure.

“Well, if Xiaoyao Xian is not at the flat peach meeting, then you can enjoy a flat peach from Xiaoyao Xian, and you can be regarded as letting Xiaoyao Xian participate in the flat peach meeting.”

“When Xiaoyao Xian returns to the Heavenly Court, please ask him to communicate with me again.”

The Queen Mother thought for a while, and she gave a lot of rewards for something that changed her appearance. The atmosphere of the heavens was not very good, so she could only lower the rewards by a few grades.

But she was still a little embarrassed, and asked for a supplement.

“The Queen Mother Shengming.” Baihua Fairy had anything else to say, of course it was on behalf of Linchuan to thank her.

With so many gods giving gifts to the Queen Mother, Lin Chuan’s treatment can be considered unique.

“Peach, the Queen Mother gave me a peach?!” Lin Chuan almost fainted when he learned that he was about to get a peach.

Happiness came too suddenly, he didn’t have time to prepare!

Of course he had heard of the name of Flat Peach, and knew that it was a spiritual fruit that cultivators would flock to!

It is impossible to say that you are not greedy.

However, Lin Chuan also knew that the bunch of gods in the Heavenly Court were qualified to participate in the flat peach party, and there were only a handful of gods who enjoyed the flat peaches.

No matter how round, he shouldn’t be a mortal.

However, sometimes the surprise comes so suddenly.

Lin Chuan won the favor of the queen mother and got a flat peach by just buying a little mask.

“I’m a good boy, if the effect of the flat peach is not exaggerated, and I eat it after I get it, who on earth can beat me?”

Lin Chuan thought of the scene where he ate the flat peaches and hit the world with invincible hands, and his little heart jumped.

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