Chapter 62 Dear Buddhas, tear the meat with your hands to understand

Lin Chuan:…

He looked at the news from Taishang Laojun and almost lost his breath.

Previously, Taishang Laojun was still aggressive, as if the Buddhas of the Western Heavens would not give up without using WeChat.

As soon as he turned his head, he began to admire the fairy dancing, and he ignored the fact that the Buddhas of the Western Heavens would use WeChat.

Is this the boss of the heavens? I just split it directly!

“Is fairy dancing so beautiful?” Lin Chuan, depressed, turned back to the video call interface with Nezha, and saw the group of fairies dancing.

Chang’e, Baihua Fairy, Seven Fairies, more than a dozen beautiful female fairies, danced in a graceful and colorful dance.

The surrounding fairy air, coupled with bursts of fairy music, is simply beautiful!

This dance should only be seen in the sky, how many times are heard in the world!

Well, the fairy dances, it’s really pretty…

Looking around, Lin Chuan was also immersed in it.

Lin Chuan was still thinking about it until the fairy dance ended, and he didn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong Ding Dong!

The phone prompt sounded for a while, which made Lin Chuan come back to his senses.

Taishang Laojun: Poke a poke. You just said that there is a way to let those bald donkeys use WeChat. Let’s talk about it.

Why is there no movement? Are you entertaining me?

Reply quickly, or I will get angry, and the consequences will be serious!

He turned on the phone and found a string of messages sent to him by Taishang Laojun.

“After watching the fairy dance, did you finally remember the business?”

“Where is the boss of heaven, that’s it?”

Lin Chuan felt the importance he attached to this matter from the words of Taishang Laojun, and raised his eyebrows.

If Taishang Laojun doesn’t pay attention to this matter, he still hasn’t had a chance to make a profit.

“Is there such a thing? I forgot.” Lin Chuan responded in a perfunctory manner.

Taishang Laojun: (Angry) Boy, are you pretending to be crazy and stupid? Believe it or not, I will close your shop in minutes!

Lin Chuan was shocked when he saw this.

If Taishang Laojun really closed his shop, then he would be missing an important source of wealth.

However, you can’t persuade you at this time, otherwise you will be pinched by the old gentleman, how can you make a profit?

So Lin Chuan gritted his teeth and planned to take the risk of being shut down and put on a high posture.

Xiaoyao Xian: (Blows the whistle) It’s closed. I will lose one store at most. Lao Jun, what you lose is an opportunity to explore the reality of the West.

Taishang Laojun: Why did you say this? What does it have to do with Xitian when you close your store? As far as I know, no one from Xitian buys things in your store.

Seeing that Taishang Laojun was not angry because of his high posture, Lin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

The big fish is hooked.

Xiaoyao Xian: I have something that will surely make the Buddhas of the Western Heavens like it. If I sell it in a store, why not worry about those Buddhas not using WeChat?

In this way, Lao Jun, isn’t your goal achieved?

Unfortunately, my shop is about to close, and this method is useless.

When Taishang Laojun saw this, his eyes suddenly widened, and he suddenly opened.

“Why didn’t I expect that forcing the Buddhas of the Western Sky to use WeChat, obviously it won’t work.”

“It’s better to use what they want to attract them to actively use WeChat, so that Heaven’s purpose is achieved!”

“If the Tathagata finds something wrong and interferes arbitrarily, then I have a reason to ask the teacher. Just now, he said that the Buddhas of the Western Heavens were free to choose whether to use WeChat!”

“Xiaoyao Fairy, there is something.”

He immediately thought of the beauty of Lin Chuan’s method, and even thought out the countermeasures after the Tathagata reacted.

The more Taishang Lao Jun thinks about it, the more he feels that this idea will work.

The only problem is to find such a thing that can interest the Buddhas of the Western Heavens.

Taishang Laojun: (smiling) You have a good idea. I have some successors in my Dao Sect.

I’m just joking about closing the store or something. You can quickly talk about what you plan to use to attract those bald donkeys.

Lin Chuan almost laughed when he saw this.

Wasn’t his attitude very tough before? Why did you praise him now?

Is this the big guy in the sky? I’m in love with love.

Xiaoyao Xian: I will give this thing to Nezha later, and he will go to the Western Heavenly Buddhas to sell this thing. Then Lao Jun will know it naturally.

Taishang Laojun: That’s great, so hurry up and do it!

Xiaoyao Xian: You can do it, but Xiao Xian still has some troubles. Before this trouble is solved, I’m afraid to do these things unintentionally.

He dangled at this critical time, and immediately made Taishang Laojun anxious.

Taishang Laojun: If you have any troubles, you can tell me that there is nothing I can’t deal with in the entire fairy world!

Xiaoyaoxian: Actually, it’s not a big deal, but I want to open a few more online shops, but I heard that you are not allowed to open a shop, so it is more uncomfortable.

Taishang Laojun: So I can promise you just this little thing, as long as you can do this thing, I will allow you to open the online store, and you can open as many as you want!

Xiaoyao Xian: Then thank you Laojun!

“Hahaha…I know this trick works!” Lin Chuan got the promise from the Supreme Master. In overjoyed, he couldn’t help throwing his phone away and laughed.

Originally, he wanted to open an online shop again, which was a very tricky thing.

But he had an idea, after thinking of a clever plan, not only was he able to open a shop without benefiting Taishang Laojun, he even had no limit on the number!

This means that he can rely on Tianting WeChat to expand his financial resources infinitely, and it is not a matter of Rijin Doujin or something!

Of course, the premise of all this is that Lin Chuan can really attract the Western Heavenly Buddhas to use WeChat.

“Nezha, there is another big business, do you want to do it?” Lin Chuan immediately took action.

“Yes, of course I did. The preparation of gifts for the queen mother has already hollowed me out!” Nezha responded instantly.

“Well, you are like this…” Lin Chuan, who had a plan in his heart, immediately gave the opportunity to him and started planning with Nezha.

“Brother Xiaoyao, even if I become three-headed and six-armed and think with three heads, I can’t think of such a wonderful sales technique.”

“The eldest brother deserves to be the elder brother, and I will have a lot to learn from the eldest brother in the future!”

After the two finalized the plan, Ne Zha said with a look of admiration.

“Stop flattering and act quickly.” Lin Chuan smiled at his words, but still maintained a cold posture in his words.

“No problem, you look okay, Brother Xiaoyao!” Nezha responded confidently, and took a few packages of things that Lin Chuan had just swept over and walked towards the Western Heavenly Buddhas.

After the fairy dance, the Pantao Club entered the free time. The gods and Buddhas gathered together, chatting and laughing, and it looked like a happy scene.

“Buddhas, do you want to know about shredded meat?” Nezha walked to the center of a group of Buddhas, raised the shredded meat in his hands, and said with a smile.

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