Chapter 53: Birthday Gifts for the Queen Mother and the Empress

The two returned to the car with large bags and small bags and waited for a while, then they saw Fatty Yao coming back with bald hair.

A man pushed a cart to follow behind. There were several cages on the cart, all of which contained dogs.

These dogs are naturally chosen for bald bitches.

Lin Chuan looked around with interest and found that the bitches were of different sizes, thin and fat, and each one was different.

I don’t know what selection criteria were used to select these bitches.

“Brother Chuan, I picked ten dogs this time.”

“You think it’s enough. If it’s not enough, I’ll pick up a few more with bald hair.”

Fatty Yao pointed to his own victory and said with an air.

“Enough is enough, master, don’t give me a bitch anymore, it’s really too much!”

After listening to Fatty Yao’s words, Bald Mao’s heart felt cold, and he quickly pleaded with Lin Chuan.

Even if you want to use it as a breeding machine, you can’t do that.

Ten wives all feel a little overwhelmed, and I will keep him from living with a few more.

There is really no more drop!

“Let’s do it, try it first, not enough.” Lin Chuan saw the pitiful look of bald hair and decided to let it go this time.

If the breeding effect is not good, you can buy more bitches in time.

“Okay, then.” Fatty Yao, who was still a little bit unsatisfied, had to give up when Lin Chuan said so.

The cage of ten bitches is full of the entire car.

Yue Qin’er couldn’t bear the feeling of being surrounded by a group of dogs, and actively asked to go ahead and drive towards Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

“Brother Chuan, look, bald hair is hot this time!” After driving for a while, Fatty Yao raised his cell phone in front of Lin Chuan and said excitedly.

Lin Chuan took a closer look and found that it was a small video of Bald and Wang Xi running side by side.

In this short period of time, there have been hundreds of thousands of likes, and there is a rapid upward trend.

Obviously, everyone was surprised when they saw this video.

But when Lin Chuan was about to click to open the comment area, he found that the comment area was blank. When he clicked back, the video had disappeared.

“Strange, why did this video suddenly disappear?” Lin Chuan was a little bit puzzled after having brushed that video several times without getting it out.

“How can it disappear? Who is willing to delete such a hot video?” Fatty Yao felt unscientific when he heard the words.

But after he took the phone back, he flipped it back and forth several times, but he couldn’t find the video.

Even other videos with bald hairs have all disappeared.

“What’s the situation, is it possible that Young Master Wang did it?” Fatty Yao immediately thought of Wang Xi’s group of elder brothers.

The match with bald hair is the beginning of their shame, and it is reasonable to delete these videos.

“Will those young masters have such a great energy to process all the information so quickly?”

Lin Chuan was also a little skeptical, but he thought about it and didn’t think of any reasonable explanation. He can only believe that Wang Xi’s group did it.

They didn’t notice that when they were discussing, a gloating smile appeared on Yue Qin’er’s face, which was fleeting.

After returning to Qinghuang Xiaozhu, they immediately got all the ten bitches down.

Ling Xiaoxiao heard the movement and immediately greeted her, helping to take the bitches to the nest prepared in advance.

“You are the girl who Lin Chuan said will stay here for a while. I have prepared the room for you. It’s next door to me. I’ll take you there.”

After placing those bitches, Ling Xiaoxiao said to Yue Qin’er enthusiastically.

In fact, she has been looking at Yue Qin’er since the first time she saw Yue Qin’er.

It turned out that Yue Qin’er seemed to be no worse than her, and Ling Xiaoxiao, who was very confident of her beauty, couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged.

Since it can’t be compared, then we can only get along with each other…

“Where is Lin Chuan’s room?” Yue Qin’er followed Ling Xiaoxiao to the door of a room and asked when she stood at the door and looked at it.

“His room is in another courtyard.”

“What’s wrong, do you want to live next door to Linchuan?”

“Originally, I was thinking that we two girls live together so that we can take care of each other. Since you want to live with Lin Chuan, then I will tidy up another room for you.”

Ling Xiaoxiao pointed in the direction of Lin Chuan’s room, and said with an apologetic expression.

Regardless of what she said generously, she was actually a little bit sour in her heart.

Unexpectedly, the relationship between Yue Qin’er and Lin Chuan had developed to this point.

“That’s not what I meant. It’s nice to live in this room. I don’t want to live next to that smelly man!”

When Yue Qin’er saw that Ling Xiaoxiao had misunderstood, her pretty face flushed.

One of her tasks here is to ensure the safety of Lin Chuan.

Now Lin Chuan is causing a lot of trouble, so she naturally has to determine in advance where Lin Chuan’s room is for timely rescue.

As for living next door to Linchuan, she would never agree.

Anyway, with her skill, rushing over to rescue from here, it is completely too late.

Even if it was a little late and caused Lin Chuan to be injured, that was what he deserved. Who would call him such a straight man!

Lin Chuan didn’t know, just because he didn’t give Yue Qin’er a gift, it made her so aggrieved.

At this moment he was in the room, chatting with Nezha happily.

Nezha: (laughs) Brother Xiaoyao, our online store has been doing very well recently. I think we can share a bonus with you first.

Xiaoyao Xian: Oh, how many are there?

Nezha: The turnover of the past few days adds up to a total of 5,400 merit points!

Lin Chuan raised his eyebrows when he learned of the turnover of the past few days.

Recently, he has learned more about the value of merit points.

Heavenly Court’s merit points are very valuable, and they are infinitely useful and can buy a lot of things.

In the chat group, there are even many gods who clearly mark the price, and as long as one thousand merit points, they can be used for a day!

It only takes a thousand merit points to use the gods for a day, which shows how valuable merit points are.

According to the previous agreement, it was divided into eighty-two, and within a few days, Nezha helped him earn more than four thousand merit points!

It seems that opening an online shop is really promising.

“That’s not bad, Nezha, you have to guard against arrogance and rashness, continue to work hard, and strive to make the online store’s turnover reach a new high.”

“I’ll set a small goal for you, first earn it 100 million!”

Lin Chuan said happily.

Nezha (sweating) Brother Xiaoyao, your appetite is too big, a hundred million merit point, I am afraid that only talents at the level of the Jade Emperor can get it.

By the way, speaking of this, the Queen Mother’s flat peach meeting will be the day after tomorrow, are you ready for gifts?

Nezha felt that Lin Chuan was joking, and instead of taking it to heart, he mentioned something else.

Xiaoyaoxian: I have prepared a gift for the Queen Mother, I promise to make her shine!

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