Chapter 50 This world is crazy, dogs are better than motorcycles

“A shoddy magic talisman?” Lin Chuan felt that the whole person was not good when he heard the name of this talisman.

He asked Nezha to assemble a lower-level acceleration item, and he didn’t let him make it shoddy.

If it doesn’t work, then he will be caught blind, but he made a bet with a group of people.

Lin Chuan, who was speechless in his heart, looked at the talisman carefully, and his mood suddenly became more beautiful.

“A shoddy magical rune: Nezha who can’t make a rune is easily painted with dragon blood, and the effect is extremely poor.

After use, the speed can be increased by six times, and there is no use threshold. ”

Crude products can be up to six times faster!

Lin Chuan didn’t know whether it was Nezha Liupi or the Dragon Blood Liupi he used.

“Extract!” Such a good thing was what Lin Chuan wanted, and he extracted it without even thinking about it.

Lin Chuan was flashed by the golden traces on the talisman as soon as the crudely crafted magic talisman was in hand.

These golden traces should be dragon blood, and they looked very advanced indeed.

While Lin Chuan was admiring the magic talisman in his hand, he realized that the bald hair in his arms, which was originally good, suddenly trembled like sifting chaff.

“What’s the situation, are you convulsive?” Lin Chuan wondered.

“Hey…Master, the talisman in your hand is so terrible, I can’t breathe!”

Bald Mao moved back and forth between Lin Chuan and the magical rune with pitiful eyes.

“This character is terrible?” Lin Chuan was dumbfounded.

This is just a magic talisman, what can I be afraid of?

Lin Chuan took the talisman and looked around, fixed his eyes on the golden trace on the talisman.

If it wasn’t for this talisman itself to be terrible, then the thing that bald hair felt terrible should be the dragon blood on it!

Lin Chuan glanced around. Some cats, dogs and cats brought by the group of elder brothers were already scared to the ground at this time, and their condition was worse than that of bald hair.

Legend has it that sacred beasts have a very powerful deterrent effect on ordinary beasts. It seems that the rumors are true. Even a little dragon’s blood can scare the bald hair and shiver.

“I haven’t thought about this before. There are cultivators in this world. Then, will there be monsters?”

Lin Chuan suddenly thought of many things.

If there were monsters in the mortal world, that would be exciting.

If any vixen comes over to seduce him, if he can’t hold it, wouldn’t it be a big loss.

“Lin Chuan, the game is about to start, do you still hold that dog, do you want to hold it and compete with us?”

When Lin Chuan didn’t know where his thoughts had drifted, Wang Xi yelled to make him come back to his senses.

“What are you in a hurry, let you go first, and you will lose in the end!” Lin Chuan glanced at Wang Xi, disdainfully said.

After finishing speaking, he quietly stuffed a pill of gathering spirits into Bald’s mouth, and then stuck the crude magic talisman on Bald’s body.

After the magical talisman was attached to Bald Mao’s body, it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The bald hair became restless at this time, his eyes were red, and he felt like he was about to explode at any time.

“3, 2, 1, the game begins!”

After someone announced the start of the race, the motorcycles flew out with a roar like an arrow from the string.

The curved and steep mountain road is their track.

After they rushed to the top of the mountain, they needed to loop back on another road to get back to the starting point.

Whoever comes back first is naturally the champion.

After signing the gambling agreement, each of these elder brothers was more serious than usual.

And Yue Qin’er’s driving skills were also very good, and he rushed to the forefront all at once, and was about to disappear in front of the crowd onlookers.

“Brother Chuan, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and put the bald hair down and let it run. Even if we want to lose, we must lose decently!”

When Fatty Yao saw Lin Chuan still standing there calmly, he said anxiously.

“What kind of reminder, don’t I just put down the bald hair?” Lin Chuan slowly put down the bald hair after hearing the words.

As soon as the bald hair fell to the ground, it was like a whirlwind, and there was no shadow in the blink of an eye.

“Ah…” Fatty Yao dropped his jaw when he saw this.

This f*ck can run too!

At this time, apart from Lin Chuan and Fatty Yao, no one found the bald hair running extremely fast.

The sons and buddies are playing seriously, and the onlookers are watching the game through the big screen at the starting point.

“This little girl surnamed Yue is really amazing, she has been pressing in front of me, and her average speed has stabilized at 300 yards per hour!”

“This time the champion should be hers.”

“Fortunately, I’m not betting with her, otherwise I would lose miserably.”

“The guy named Lin Chuan wanted a dog to beat me. Where the dog is now, I’m afraid I can’t even eat the exhaust of my car, haha!”

Wang Xi, who was behind Yue Qin’er, admired Yue Qin’er’s racing skills while thinking about the comfort after winning the bet.

He didn’t think that a little dog had the slightest chance of catching up with him.

His current average speed is nearly 300 yards, and he can run a straight line up to 350 yards!

A little broken dog, even if he vomits blood, can’t run to such a speed, naturally there is no chance of catching up with him.


Suddenly, Wang Xi felt his eyes flicker, and a vague shadow ran past him.

“Did something run past just now, or am I dazzled?” Wang Xi was a little dazed, and finally felt that he must have been dazzled.

His current speed is 300 yards, and there is nothing faster than him.


At this time, Wang Xi again heard a sound in the sound of the wind whistling in his ears.

“Where is the dog barking…wait, the dog barking?!” When Wang Xi realized what the sound was, his expression suddenly changed.

“Impossible, impossible, the sound just now must have been made by wild dogs on the mountain.”

“How could the dog in Lin Chuan catch up, even surpass me!”

Wang Xi continued to cheer herself up, and only then did she calm down a bit.

But soon, he clearly saw that a dog exactly like Lin Chuan’s dog appeared in front of him!

The dog ran to his car, then turned around and ran with him again, without any slowness at all!

This is a speed of 300 yards, a dog can actually keep up, and it looks very relaxed!

This world is too crazy. Dogs are better than motorcycles, so f*ck is outrageous!

“Haha, now I know that Uncle Dog is amazing!” Bald Mao grinned as he looked at Wang Xi’s eyes like a ghost.

It remembers what Wang Xi did before.

He even dared to look down on his master and Ben Wang, so he had to teach him a lesson.

“Is it laughing at me, even a dog dare to laugh at me?!” Wang Xi looked at the bald smile, her mentality collapsed in an instant.

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