Chapter 463

“Bald hair is good, this big stick bone will be eaten for you.” Liang Xi squatted down, rubbed the bald head, and put the big stick bone on the bald mouth.

The bald hair naturally opened his mouth to bite the big stick bone, and ate it chuckingly.

Not to mention, now the bald teeth are also rising.

Originally such a big stick bone, it would take a long time for the bald hair to eat it, but now it can be bitten off in one bite.

“Liang Xi, we are not…” Yue Qin’er was a little dissatisfied when she saw Liang Xi gave the bald hair a big stick.

They are here to teach baldness, not for baldness benefits.

“Shhh!” Before she could finish her words, Liang Xi quickly motioned her to stop.

This guy Bald is a ghost, he can understand people’s words.

If Yue Qin’er talked out their plan in front of Bald Mao, the plan would have been ruined.

Even if Yue Qin’er stopped talking, the alert bald hair stopped eating a big stick and looked up at several girls.

“You eat it, why don’t you eat it, can I feed it to you?” Liang Xi squatted down quickly, picked up the big stick, and stuffed it into the bald mouth.

With something in his mouth, the bald hair ate happily again.

Liang Xi breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed her bald head, and stood up again.

She made a gesture to the girls, motioning to give everything to her.

When the girls saw this, they didn’t say anything, and let Liang Xi do it.

The bald hair chewed on the big stick bone, and he didn’t notice that several girls were preparing to teach him a lesson.

After ten minutes, a big stick bone was gnawed clean by bald hair.

“Baldness is great, I finished eating so soon, do you want to eat something else?” Liang Xi rubbed his bald head again, and said in a persuasive way.

Knowing that there is still food, the bald hair is naturally happy, shaking his head and wagging his tail, looking forward to it.

“Come on, you see what this is.” Liang Xi took out the persimmon.

Bald Mao was disappointed to see that it was fruit instead of meat and bones, but he still shook his head and said he wanted to eat it.

I have eaten a lot of big fish and big meat. It’s okay to eat some fruits. Anyway, I don’t refuse anyone who is bald.

“If you want to eat, then I’ll eat it for you.”

“This persimmon is very particular about eating it. You have to eat it in one bite. You should never eat it in small bites. Do you understand?”

Liang Xi told the bald hair how to eat persimmons.

Hearing this, the bald hair naturally nodded his head again and again. This is something that makes me bald.

After eating the delicious big bones, it has completely lost its guard.

“Bald Mao is really smart.” Liang Xi smiled and narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and brought the persimmon to his mouth.

Seeing that the persimmon had reached his mouth, Bald Mao opened his mouth and swallowed a whole persimmon.

Then… there is no more…

The extremely jerky persimmon, after eating it in one bite, makes its entire mouth feel astringent, so astringent that it can’t even make a call.

Bald, it’s terrible!

“Ha ha ha ha……”

The girls who had been holding back, looked at the bald hairs with their mouths wide open, their tongues out, their saliva drenched, and even tears were streaming out, and they laughed into a ball.

Seeing the bald hair so miserable, they were relieved, and their dissatisfaction with it disappeared.

Neither Yue Qin’er nor Ling Xiaoxiao expected that Liang Xi seemed to be quiet, but when things started, they did the same.

How did they know that Liang Xi was born in an orphanage and was also a disabled person. She had experienced more things since she was a child, how could she be a silly white sweet.

“Bald, know what the end of your bad thing is?”

“If I dare to tear my clothes next time, I can’t spare you!”

After smiling, Yue Qin’er pointed to Bald Mao and said.

“Don’t make trouble in the future, you got my clothes but it took me a lot of effort to clean them up.” Ling Xiaoxiao also reminded.

“You have to be good in the future, and you can’t make trouble anymore.” Liang Xi also followed the lesson.

“Hey…” After listening to their words, Bald Mao realized that he was guilty of public outrage and was punished by several girls.

In order to avoid being persecuted again, the bald hair pulled out his legs and ran.

Seeing that the bald hair disappeared all at once, the girls were a little dazed, yet they didn’t react.

“I’m so awkward, I don’t feel the whole mouth anymore, what should I do?”

The bald hair in the running still had astringent mouth, so that the whole mouth began to numb.

This feeling really makes bald hair very uncomfortable.

After running for a long time, I didn’t see the astringent feeling in my mouth disappear any more, which made the bald hair even worse.

It couldn’t help it, stopped running, stood still and twitched its nose vigorously.

Fortunately, it’s just that the mouth feels astringent, and the function of the nose is still normal.

Bald Mao quickly smelled the scent it wanted to smell, and then ran over in a direction.


Lin Chuan, who had finished picking the persimmons and was about to go back, saw a white and flawless figure rushing towards him from a distance, blocking him in front of him, looking at him with tears.

This figure is naturally bald.

It couldn’t help it, the first thing it thought of was to seek help from the owner, Lin Chuan.

“Bald Mao, what’s the matter with you, why do you look so embarrassed?” Lin Chuan asked in surprise when he looked at the miserable bald face.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is absolutely no beast that can make it such a miserable beast on a whole mountain after several times.

After all, the bald hair is a spirit beast, with the blood of truth-listening, this kind of expression is still there.

In this case, it is strange that the bald hair is so embarrassed.

“Hey…” The bald hair, which was already too astringent to speak, could only use his throat to dry.

“I can’t call it anymore. What’s the situation? What shouldn’t you eat?”

Lin Chuan noticed something was wrong, so he squatted down and grabbed his bald head to observe.

“Didn’t I tell you to wash your mouth carefully, otherwise it will be very smelly, don’t you know!”

Lin Chuan put his head aside in disgust when he reached Balmao’s mouth.

“No, I seemed to smell the persimmon just now.” After complaining for a while, Lin Chuan suddenly reacted.

He endured the nausea and smelled it again, and found that there was nothing wrong with the smell. There was indeed the smell of persimmon in his bald mouth.

“It seems that I ate the persimmons, but the bald hair didn’t go to the persimmon mountain. Why did you eat the persimmons? Is it because Yue Qin’er gave it?”

His mind was as flexible as Lin Chuan, and he quickly thought about things.

“I told you to be naughty, now you have been retaliated against.” Lin Chuan, who understood, patted his bald head, angry and funny.

“Uhhhhhh…” Seeing that Lin Chuan was still teaching him at this time, Tu Mao was very aggrieved, and tears began to flow again.

What kind of master is this, don’t bring such a gloat!

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