Chapter 449

The battle in the kitchen continued to spread, and Xinxin and Cici immediately joined the flour war.

Unwilling to be lonely, Yue Qin’er started to smash people with the dough.

In the end, even Ling Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but join the war, clutching a handful of flour and flying around, his whole body was covered with flour and ignored.

“Do you want to shake the sky? See what you have made the kitchen!”

Lin Chuan went to the toilet and came back, seeing that the kitchen had changed drastically, he roared with a dark face.

The group of people who were fighting heard this and immediately stopped, standing back to knead the dough, pretending to be okay.

After a while, everyone’s dough was kneaded.

“Lin Chuan, the dough is ready, can I start making it?” Ling Xiaoxiao asked with some guilty conscience.

“No hurry, you should clean up the kitchen first, and you have to wait for you to clean up the kitchen before you do.”

Lin Chuan narrowed his eyes and said.

“Ah…” The bear children thought they had escaped a catastrophe, but Lin Chuan was waiting for them here, and they all exclaimed.

However, they knew they were wrong, did not dare to resist, and hurriedly packed up.

The kitchen was indeed destroyed very badly by them. Even if several people worked together, it took more than half an hour to clean up the kitchen.

“Is it all right now?” Yue Qin’er said with a little more confidence looking at the clean kitchen again.

“It’s okay, but the dough will be fermented for a while. Let’s prepare the filling first.”

“Knowing that the monkey is definitely a must, you also need to add cheese for fusion, and the other fillings are up to you.”

Lin Chuan nodded in satisfaction, and then said what to do next.

“Wait, Lin Chuan, are you talking about braised naan or pizza? Why do I sound like pizza?”

Ling Xiaoxiao felt something wrong when he heard that cheese was about to be added.

“It’s just to make pizza. The braised naan is actually similar to pizza. Doesn’t it sound more grounded.”

Seeing that someone had seen through what he was going to do, Lin Chuan blinked and said nonsense seriously.

Tianchao’s braised naan and pizza are indeed similar in appearance, but they are only similar in appearance. There is a big difference in both the method and the taste.

“You are really enough. When you make pizza, you want to know the monkey. Are you doing something dark?”

Ling Xiaoxiao didn’t entangle the problem between braised naan and pizza. He felt speechless when he thought that the monkey would be added to the pizza.

She really hadn’t heard of such dark dishes.

“Don’t be so surprised. Life is all about experimenting. It’s like experimenting. If you don’t try more, how can you make any delicious food.”

Lin Chuan felt that it was nothing, and said lightly.

Ling Xiaoxiao listened to Lin Chuan’s analogy as an experiment, and thought about it carefully. It seemed that it was the case, so he didn’t say anything.

The hearts of those bear kids were bigger, they didn’t care about dark dishes at all, and after hearing Lin Chuan say that they could add anything, they ran home one after another and brought a bunch of things.

“Brother Chuan, can you add ham sausage?”

“This is my bacon, so I should be able to add it.”

“Chili chili, does anyone want to add chili.”

“How about some wormwood, my dad just fished it out of the lake.”

They held a bunch of ingredients and asked around Lin Chuan.

“Gagaga, as long as you want to add, you can add it!”

Lin Chuan waved his hand and asked them to add it at will.

“Lin Chuan, do you really want to cook dark dishes?” Ling Xiaoxiao heard the words and directly petrified, and no longer had any expectations for Zhizhihou’s braised naan.

“You believe me, the taste is definitely not bad.” Lin Chuan said solemnly.

In fact, the charm of pizza is that there is no limit to the fillings added to it.

If the dough is a piece of white paper, then the various ingredients are paints, and when different ingredients are put together, it is a completely different painting.

You can add tomato sausage or cucumber stewed meat. Different ingredients come out with different flavors.

In fact, no matter how much it is said, it’s useless, it’s over if you eat it. The stuff with cheese is actually unpalatable, but it won’t go anywhere~

“If you can add anything, then I’ll get some ingredients.”

The bear children like this unfettered way of cooking. After knowing that everything can be added, their brains are open. Everyone wants to add different ingredients.

As if they were playing games, these children kept trying new combinations, and it took a long time to determine the fillings they would add.

“Brother Chuan, we have everything ready, can’t we just start doing it? I’m already very hungry.”

A bear kid had already prepared, rubbing his hungry stomach and said.

“Yeah, Xinxin is also hungry, she is hungry and thin.” Xinxin also complained, pinching her small fleshy face and said.

Lin Chuan couldn’t help laughing when he saw this.

“Who else is hungry?” He looked at the others and said.

“We are hungry, we are hungry.” As soon as he said this, the other bear children followed suit.

“Don’t make a noise, wait until I see it first.” Lin Chuan couldn’t stand their noise and said loudly.

His words are still very useful here in the bear children, and all the bear children will be quiet as soon as they are spoken.

Lin Chuan went to open the plastic bag, and saw that the volume of the dough had doubled its original size.

He casually poked with his finger, and a hole appeared, and the hole did not retract.

Lin Chuan opened the dough again, and found that the dough was completely empty and full of bubbles. When opened, it looked like a honeycomb, and the bubbles were drawn as soon as they were pulled.

“It’s almost done, you all take out the dough, you can start to make it.” Lin Chuan said with satisfaction.

“Yeah!” After hearing the words, the Xiong children cheered, took out the dough they made, and looked at Lin Chuan with expectant eyes.

“Actually, the things to do later are quite simple.”

“We just need to roll the dough into thin slices, and then add what you want to add to it.”

Lin Chuan said as he moved his hands.

I saw him holding the dough with both hands and pulling it a few times. After pulling the dough apart, he supported it with one finger, as if playing a two-person turn, turning the dough in circles.

The originally small dough slowly grew bigger under his rotation, and soon became a big pancake.

“Look, it’s almost done like this.” Lin Chuan spread the prepared noodles on a plate and said, pointing to the noodles.

In front of a group of bear kids, Lin Chuan felt that he had become the king of kids, and couldn’t help but want to show off.

“It looks so amazing, I want to do this too!” The bear children said excitedly.

They were just eager to try, but Cici had already begun to do it, and she also used spells!

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