Chapter 444

The hot spring has been soaking for several hours, and it will be dehydrated if they soak again, so they didn’t continue to soak, got up and put on clothes and walked back.

The girls are all very excited, especially Liang Xi. It seems that the whole person has become a lot more cheerful, and they are more able to blend into the atmosphere here.

Lin Chuan, who only had his upper body t-shirt basically scrapped, was shirtless and a little languid.

No way, there were too many collisions, and he was a little nervous.

Lin Chuan returned home, had a hurried dinner, and then went back to the room to sleep.

But I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been soaking in the hot spring for too long, making my body too hot, or what’s wrong. Lin Chuan tossed and turned on the bed and couldn’t fall asleep.

I don’t know how long it took before the phone rang, which ended Lin Chuan’s groggy state.

“Hey, Leader Yue, shouldn’t you be very busy now? Why did you think of calling me?”

Seeing that it was Yue Qingyang’s call, Lin Chuan directly connected the ridicule.

For Yue Qingyang, the leader of the repair group, he is still relatively casual.

“You are so embarrassed to say, knowing I am busy, you still trouble me.”

“Tell me, what’s the matter with Baidumen?”

“When this kind of enemy is overcoming the difficult times, you have provoked internal disputes and wiped out the Hundred Poison Sect. Do you know how many people are dissatisfied with your behavior?”

Yue Qingyang’s tone was not as kind as before, and he asked directly about what happened before.

Lin Chuan felt a little embarrassed when he heard this.

He really did a little arrogantly about the matter of killing the hundred poisons.

However, Baidumen kept doing things, and at that time he was so depressed that he made this somewhat impulsive decision.

After asking him whether he regrets it, then he must not regret it, but the matter is indeed not smooth enough.

No, Yue Qingyang came to the door.

“Leader Yue, young people are young and vigorous, you should understand.”

“Furthermore, Hundred Poison Gate is not a good bird in the first place. It didn’t make much contribution when fighting against ghosts, so I dared to hit my family’s idea.”

“You said that such a sect should be destroyed, shouldn’t it?”

“At any rate, I am also a person who has done meritorious service for the entire spiritual world. The big deal is to offset all of my merits.”

Lin Chuan’s aura is not at all scary, he is justified and confident.

At this time, the more guilty he is, the more he will give Yue Qingyang a chance to take advantage of the problem, and Lin Chuan will not be caught.

He even proposed a way to take credit to offset the effect of eliminating the Baidu Sect, just to block Yue Qingyang’s mouth.

“What’s wrong with meritorious deeds, can meritorious deeds be able to do things unscrupulously?”

“Gong is merit or demerit, there is no such thing as you play!”

“You have to reflect on the Hundred Poison Sect. The command center will also give you rewards for your accumulated credit.”

Yue Qingyang is worthy of being an old river and lake, he can see through Lin Chuan’s calculation at a glance, and still catch him for training.

However, Lin Chuan’s remarks reminded him of Lin Chuan’s contribution, and his momentum was still much lower.

“Team Leader Yue is indeed rewarding and punishing. It is an honor for me to be able to work under your hands.”

“Don’t worry, I will reflect on it carefully, and strive for no next time.”

Lin Chuan saw that the punishment for him was nothing but painful introspection, then it didn’t matter, he would accept it as soon as he saw it, and praised Yue Qingyang.

“It’s pretty much the same. I’ll send you a reward redemption catalog later. You can redeem it with your accumulated points.”

“After the exchange is complete, I will directly ask my granddaughter to send it to you.”

Yue Qingyang was quite satisfied with Lin Chuan’s attitude, and talked about rewarding Lin Chuan.

“If you give a reward, give it a reward. It’s not necessary for Yue Qin’er to deliver it personally. I can’t bear it.”

Lin Chuan felt a little complicated when Yue Qingyang mentioned Yue Qin’er.

When Yue Qin’er first came here, she was rather unruly and willful. In fact, she got along quite nicely and gave him a lot of help.

But she has a problem, that is, she has considered too much for the repair management team, and wants to get any benefits from the repair management team.

This is a good thing for the repair management team, but for Lin Chuan, it is not the case.

Lin Chuan didn’t get too many good things from the immortal world, in fact, it didn’t hurt to give some to the repair management team.

But I am willing to give it, and others are thinking about taking it from my own pocket, this feels completely different.

Based on this, there was a rift between the two, which broke out completely when the ghosts and monsters were brought to the east.

For several days, Lin Chuan didn’t have any news from Yue Qin’er, and thought that the relationship between the two was completely rigid, but she didn’t expect her to come over again.

“I know you two are awkward, but you don’t have to talk like that, do you?”

“Do you know that my dear granddaughter has left the repair team for you!”

Yue Qingyang heard Lin Chuan’s yin and yang strangeness, his face suddenly became ugly, and said what Yue Qin’er had done for him.

“Yue Qin’er left the repair management team?” Lin Chuan was shocked and sat up directly on the bed.

Lin Chuan knows how important the repair team is to Yue Qin’er.

Yue Qin’er can say that everything is for the consideration of the repair management team, and everything he does is for the benefit of the repair management team.

Even if Lin Chuan gave Yue Qin’er the exercises before, so that she could practice, Yue Qin’er’s happiest point was that she was able to formally join the training group.

It can be said that the repair management group occupies the most important part of Yue Qin’er’s heart.

But now, Yue Qin’er actually left the repair team for him.

Lin Chuan couldn’t help but be moved by such deep affection from Chi Guoguo.

“It turns out that the explanation Yue Qin’er said was such an explanation.” Lin Chuan felt quite complicated when he remembered what Yue Qin’er said when he was parting.

As the saying goes, it is the most difficult to accept the grace of beauty.

A beauty like Yue Qin’er gave up even the most important things in his heart for him, which made Lin Chuan moved and a little bit embarrassed.

Yue Qin’er came back this time, I am afraid it will send a more violent offensive against him.

And he is not ready to accept Yue Qin’er now, how can this be done?

There is also Ling Xiaoxiao, who seems to have never given up the idea of ​​doing double repairs with him. When bathing in hot springs during the day, he intentionally or unintentionally showed his amazing figure.

Ling Xiaoxiao alone is enough to make him a headache, if the two go together…

Hiss, I dare not think about it…

“I see, Yue Qin’er is willing to come over, of course I am very welcome.”

“However, Yue Qin’er and I really don’t have the kind of relationship you imagined.”

Lin Chuan’s expression was quite serious, and he resolutely expressed his attitude.

If Yue Qingyang had any misunderstandings, then he would have even more headaches.

“It doesn’t matter to you, my granddaughter will leave the repair team?”

“Forget it, I don’t understand you young people.”

“Anyway, I only have one sentence. If you dare to apologize to my granddaughter, no matter how much you contribute or what it has to do with the immortal world, I will take a layer of your skin if I go out!”

When Yue Qingyang saw that Lin Chuan and Yue Qin’er had separated their relationship, bruises broke out on his face.

He, who has always been very restrained, even directly threatened Lin Chuan.

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