Chapter 439

Pu Liqi had personally experienced the benefits of the spirit jade pendant. After using it, he was able to multiply his strength.

The overall strength of the Black Wind Cave has doubled, and if he still can’t win the Hundred Poison Sect, Pu Liqi will have no face to see Lin Chuan again.

When he hurried to the Baidu Sect, Pu Liqi was still secretly frightened, not knowing how the Baidu Sect provoke Lin Chuan.

He knew the value of Divine Soul Jade Pei. Even the elders of the Yuan Ying period were eager to get caught by Lin Chuan, and they had to pinch their noses to give a bunch of benefits in exchange.

To put it bluntly, selling the entire Hundred Poison Sect is probably not as valuable as these soul jade pendants.

Lin Chuan’s wave is definitely a big deal!

How did he know that Lin Chuan got so many soul jade pendants, and the price he paid was just a few pieces of Huazi.

Just smashing a few Huazi, you can make yourself happy and get rid of his disgusting relatives, Lin Chuan doesn’t feel distressed at all.

The people in Batu Caves rushed to the outside of the Baidu Gate without saying hello, they broke through the mountain gate and rushed towards the Baidu Gate.

The mountain guard formation in the Baidu Gate opened immediately, and a group of immortal cultivators had already set up their formation to welcome their attack.

Yuan Cuihua, who was brought over by Lin Chuan, saw that the people in the Baidu Sect had been prepared and had a strong aura, and felt a lot more stable in her heart. She wished that they would give Lin Chuan a lesson.

“Use the soul jade pendant!” Lin Chuan immediately ordered.

“Yes, use Divine Soul Jade Pendant!” Everyone in Heifeng Cave took the order and crushed the Divine Soul Jade Pendant in their hands.

In an instant, the aura of everyone in the Black Wind Cave rose like a deep abyss, making the immortal cultivators of the Hundred Poison Sect shudder and wanted to avoid the battle.

But the black wind cave immortal cultivators who had already used the soul jade pendant would not let them go, and rushed past them at a fast speed.

The immortal cultivator who seemed to be powerful in the Hundred Poison Sect was like thin paper in front of them, breaking with a single poke, and being killed in the blink of an eye.

The immortal cultivators in Batu Caves continued to attack, rummaged through every corner of the Hundred Poison Gate, resolutely not letting anyone off.

The Old Poison and Lin Jun, who were hiding in a hidden formation, were discovered just like that and escaped in embarrassment.

“My Hundred Poison Sect and Batu Caves have no grievances and no grudges, why do you treat us this way?”

“Pu Liqi, as long as you can let go of me and my apprentice, I can leave the blame for everything that happened just now, and I can give you the whole hundred poisons.”

“Otherwise, I will detonate the mountain protection formation and die with you!”

The Hundred Poisonous old man who escaped in embarrassment still had the momentum on his body, and he wanted to struggle a bit to get a chance.

“Lin Chuan, don’t think you can be magical if you are supported by Pu Liqi.”

“In front of me, you are a bug, bug!”

Lin Jun, who was held by the old man with poison, looked at Lin Chuan’s eyes full of resentment.

He finally joined the Hundred Poison Sect, and he could become the master of a sect.

As a result, when Lin Chuan came, he personally destroyed all the things he was about to possess, which made Lin Jun extremely angry and wanted to rush to bite Lin Chuan.

Looking at them, Lin Chuan felt ridiculous in his heart.

Lin Jun is such a bad person, but the old man with poison is regarded as a treasure, and he would rather let all the clerks die than protect him.

It can be seen that he himself is actually a big scourge, how could Lin Chuan keep him?

Not to mention Lin Jun himself. He didn’t think about what he did. He would only hate what Lin Chuan did to him.

Lin Chuan is not a soft-hearted person. He keeps a person who hates himself to his bones. Isn’t that why he finds himself uncomfortable for himself?

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, kill!” He ordered directly.

Hearing the words, the people in the Batu Caves quickly attacked and strangled the Old Poisonous Man together, without giving him a chance to detonate the mountain protection formation.

“Lin Chuan, why can’t I call your ancestor? Just let Lin Jun go. If you want to kill, kill my third aunt.”

“Lin Dahu, you have to say something, your son is going to be killed by your good nephew!”

Yuan Cuihua didn’t know where the strength came from, she forcibly broke a gap from the rope beside her mouth, and screamed.

She did this without a price, her nose and face were rubbed, and her face was bloody and terrible.

Lin Dahu, who didn’t say a word, trembled all over his body after hearing her words, and finally had a reaction.

“Chuan’er, I know that Lin Jun has done countless wrongdoings, and he should do a thousand cuts.”

“But you are looking at the face of my third uncle, let Lin Jun’s life be spared!”

Lin Dahu knelt directly in front of Lin Chuan, begging for mercy for Lin Jun affectionately, tears of the old man.

Lin Chuan turned a blind eye to Yuan Cuihua’s request, without any fluctuation in his heart.

But for Lin Dahu who has been good to him since he was a child, he still has some feelings, and he really can’t bear to make Lin Dahu too sad.

“Leave Lin Jun’s life.” Lin Chuan finally spoke when he was caught by a man in the Batu Caves and was about to cast a spell to kill him.

The people in Batu Caves stopped, and Lin Jun immediately seized the opportunity to break free and hide behind Lin Dahu.

This kid is very clear about who can save his life at this time.

“Lin Chuan…cousin, thank you for forgiving me.”

“I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you in the future, and I will never do anything I’m sorry to you again.”

Lin Jun, who knew his life was already pinched by Lin Chuan, didn’t have the appearance of hating Lin Chuan before, and said incomparably flattering.

“Do you still want to be a cow and a horse for me?”

“You don’t deserve to be a dog for me!”

“For the sake of Sanshu’s face, capital crimes can be avoided, but life crimes are inevitable.”

“All your pride now should be focused on your cultivation base, then I will help you remove it.”

Naturally, Lin Chuan would not be fooled by his incomparably flattering appearance, and directly thought of a way to punish Lin Jun.

Lin Jun’s cultivation talent is really good. I haven’t seen him in a short time, and he has already successfully advanced to the foundation building stage.

His cultivation base can be said to be the capital he is currently proud of.

Taking away his proud things in front of him can be said to be extremely cruel punishment.

“No, you can’t do this!”

“My cultivation is the result of my hard work. How can you take it away.”

“You are jealous of me, right? You must be afraid that my cultivation base will surpass you!”

“Lin Chuan, just admit it. You are jealous of me. If you have the ability, don’t abolish my cultivation level. Let’s compare and see who is practicing faster!”

Lin Jun really panicked when he heard the words. He looked at Lin Chuan viscerally and kept talking to irritate Lin Chuan and wanted him to change his mind.

But Lin Chuan didn’t care so much, he walked directly to him, ran the Xuantian Zhenjie, and injected the violent true energy into Lin Jun’s body, causing his meridians to be broken, and his dantian shattered.

Lin Jun, the rising star of the Hundred Poison Sect, a cultivator prodigy, has since become a useless person.

“This is just the beginning.” Lin Chuan, who had done all this, showed a sneer on his face.

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