Chapter 436

“What, unreasonable, is this something that humans can do?”

“Isn’t this sprinkling salt on our wounds, what a herd of beasts!”

“If they dare to organize this event, I dare to sabotage. We suffer, but they still want to be at ease?”

“Yeping, right? I remember, when I’m free, I will have a good communication with them!”

After hearing what Yue Qingyang said, the cultivators were so angry that they couldn’t wait to rush to the country and beat the cultivators there.

In fact, it is not impossible for them to organize activities. After all, the joys and sorrows of people are not the same, let alone between countries.

But if you quietly organize the event, Le Hao Le Ha is over, but you even sent an invitation to the Heavenly Dynasty for them to participate.

It’s impossible for them not to know what’s going on in the celestial dynasty. It’s really too much to do so, and they don’t blame these big guys for being so angry.

“I feel that we should participate in this event, and we have to participate vigorously!” Yue Qingyang gave a different judgment.

“Why give them this face? What kind of activity are you talking about?” The big guys frowned when they heard the words.

“What the country wants to host is the summit meeting of practitioners.”

“To put it simply, Pingguo is ready to invite the spiritual circles of all countries to participate in a contest to select the world’s top figures at all stages.”

“For this reason, the country has been bleeding heavily, expressing that he wants to take out their country’s treasured goddess as a reward.”

“Countries that want to participate also need to come up with heavy treasures of the same level. These are all rewards for the pinnacles.”

“You said such an event, should we participate in it?”

Yue Qingyang gave a detailed account of the content of this event.

The big guys who were still dissatisfied when they learned that the content of the event were like this, couldn’t help but be shocked.

“The goddess statue is a treasure in the bottom of the box, they are willing to take it out?”

“If you have this thing, you can avoid the influence of the demons and speed up the cultivation speed. It is definitely a good treasure.”

“If you follow this rule, the rewards that the pinnacle can get are simply scary.”

“Such a good reward, you can’t make others cheaper!”

The big guys changed their attitudes one after another and felt that this event was worth going.

“Lin Chuan, what do you think?” Yue Qingyang was not surprised at this, and found that Lin Chuan had never said a word, and asked by name.

“I’m wondering why they want to organize such an event at such a time.”

“It’s impossible for them to make their treasures cheaper for others, do they have any support.”

Lin Chuan expressed his concerns.

He didn’t believe that the Congress had spent such a lot of effort to engage in activities, and then made others cheaper.

“They held an event at this time, and it should be right that we were involved in ghosts. It was when the strength was relatively weak.”

“As for their dependence, this is indeed worth noting.”

“But they have support. Don’t we have the strength? We have more cards or something!”

Yue Qingyang obviously had some consideration about this, and said confidently.

“Lao Yue’s words are in my heart. If there are any tricks, even if you let them go, they will count me as losing!”

“They still want to take advantage of us when we are relatively weak, and that’s what they can do.”

“We are about to solve the big problem of ghosts and monsters, and we will definitely be able to give them a big surprise at that time.”

“When the time comes, you don’t want to fight with me, I’ll be the pinnacle figure!”

The big guys nodded one after another and deeply agreed with Yue Qingyang’s remarks.

If someone else has a hole card, he wouldn’t dare to compete. This is not the style of a cultivator in the Celestial dynasty.

You are stronger, I am stronger than you!

You are ruthless, I am more ruthless than you!

This is the mentality of the celestial cultivators facing their opponents.

Lin Chuan was infected by their mentality, and let go of the worry in his heart.

There is nothing wrong with what the big guys say, no matter what Pingguo calculates, everything must be spoken by strength after all.

He has a trump card, he still has a chat group with immortals, what’s to be afraid of.

The atmosphere in the blessed land became relaxed again, and the bigwigs had even begun to talk about the candidates sent to participate in the summit meeting.

But after a while, they became serious.

Because facing the full-scale attack of the third ghost domain, it is about to begin.

The smooth destruction of the previous two ghost domains made the big brothers feel a lot easier when facing ghosts, but they still wouldn’t take it lightly.

The following ghost domain forces are stronger than one. If they accidentally overturned the car and ruined the current good situation, they would regret it.

Lin Chuan, who was still in the blessed land, found that the general offensive had begun, so he lay in the blessed land.

He witnessed with his own eyes how the immortal cultivators were advancing so violently under the powerful control of the command center.

The manual that Lin Chuan obtained from the Patriarch of the Nine Heavens Dangling Demon has been widely disseminated in the spiritual world.

Based on the experience of Master Jiutian Dangmo in dealing with ghosts and monsters, after putting it into practice, they immediately came up with a set of plans to deal with ghosts and monsters.

When all the immortal cultivators facing the ghosts are so familiar with this plan, the end of the ghosts has actually come.

Since we already have a lot of knowledge about ghosts and have sufficient manpower, there are 20 immortal cultivators who participated in the attack on the ghost realm here!

So many immortal cultivators didn’t even need Lin Chuan to provide the soul jade pendant. They swept all the way and easily killed the fifteen ghost kings here.

Other cultivators cooperated and followed up, chasing and intercepting them layer by layer, like a meat grinder, and wiped out all the ghosts in the ghost domain.

Faced with the third battle of ghosts, it was once again a big success!

There are only two ghost domains left in the mortal world of ghosts that have aggressively invaded.

The big guys didn’t want the ghost domain to exist in the world for a moment, and immediately mobilized immortal cultivators, rushed to the other two ghost domains, and started the final total attack.

The result was naturally very smooth, all the ghosts that invaded the mortal world were beaten back to the underground mansion.

All the cracks between the underworld and the mortal world are all guarded by heavy soldiers, so that the ghosts have no chance to counterattack.

At this point, the battle between the cultivators and the ghosts has officially come to an end, and the cheers of the headquarters of the repair management team resounded through Yun Tian.

And Lin Chuan, amidst the waves of cheers, quietly left the repair management team headquarters, ready to rush home to see the sun and moon Baoding at home.

He wouldn’t have rushed back in such a hurry, and wanted to celebrate this hard-won victory like everyone else.

But he got the news from a young man, that his third aunt who didn’t make people worry about it seemed to be on Baoding’s idea again!

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