Chapter 434

When Lin Chuan came to the headquarters of the repair management team in a familiar way, he found that the place had completely changed its appearance.

It’s not that there has been any change in the layout of the headquarters of the repair management team, but the overall atmosphere.

When he came last time, the gate of the repair management team headquarters was still deserted, and there were not many people inside.

But this time, before Lin Chuan reached the gate, he saw a group of immortal cultivators driving in and out with various streamers, all busy.

Everyone inside came and went in a hurry, as if being urged to run, which made Lin Chuan a little uncomfortable.

But he knew what was the reason for all these changes.

It’s the ghost and goblin catastrophe that came suddenly!

After the ghost invasion broke out, not only Lin Chuan and the others who had penetrated into the forefront of the immortal cultivators were in action, but the entire spiritual world was moved.

Countless immortal cultivators who were practicing in retreat were awakened and rushed to the front line to support them in batches. The reinforcements were continuous waves after another.

In the face of a war between ghosts and monsters, soldiers alone are not enough, and sufficient logistics are required.

As a result, almost all the people who are involved in combat-related skills such as drawing amulet, alchemy, and refining are all organized, working day and night, and supplying the front lines.

The immortal cultivators with low cultivation bases are instructed to do various chores to ensure that the immortal cultivators on the front line can fight the ghosts without any worries.

The headquarters of the repair management team has now become the command center of this war between the immortal cultivator and the ghost, so it is not surprising that it is so busy.

Under the infection of the tense atmosphere, Lin Chuan’s speed has increased a lot, and he rushed all the way to the blessed place in the headquarters of the repair management team.

Almost all the heads and brains of the command center are concentrated here.

As soon as Lin Chuan entered, he was spotted by a group of people, many of whom were in the Yuanying stage.

“Leader Yue, Lin Chuan is here to report!” Lin Chuan said sternly when he saw Yue Qingyang without a hippie smiling face.

“You still know how to come, I thought you made such a serious mistake, I dare not come!”

“Don’t think you can act so unscrupulously if you have made a great contribution.”

“If everyone is self-assertive like you, do we need this command center?”

“Even if the result is good, that won’t work!”

Yue Qingyang’s face was stern, and he didn’t have a good air.

Lin Chuan heard it out, and Yue Qingyang was helping him speak.

If he really wanted to teach him, Yue Qingyang would never mention his merits, nor would he admit his mischief, the result was good.

Yue Qingyang is reminding others that Lin Chuan is a hero and cannot be too harsh on him.

The others in the command center obviously understood what Yue Qingyang meant, and the look in Lin Chuan’s eyes eased a lot.

“Lin Chuan, do you know it’s wrong?” a Yuanyingqi boss asked.

“I know it’s wrong for me to act privately with the command center behind my back, but I don’t regret it!”

“Annan’s miscellaneous things, dare to take advantage of the fire, then we should resolutely fight back and let them taste the chance of being invaded by ghosts!”

Lin Chuan said firmly.

He never regretted his mischievous behavior, but there was something wrong with the procedure.

“Are you still dead? Do you know how much trouble you have caused Annan by doing this?”

“Annan Kingdom was completely unprepared for the invasion of ghosts. A large group of ghosts poured into Annan to create ghost domains unscrupulously. I don’t know how much chaos it caused.”

“When the practitioners on the northern side of Annan reacted and prepared to organize a counterattack, the practitioners on the southern side of Annan took advantage of the fire and robbed them, which directly caused the actions of the practitioners on the north to fail.”

“The practitioners in the north were unwilling to do so, and they came to provoke disasters, and led the ghosts to the south, causing the entire Annan to fall into the threat of ghosts.”

“It’s not dead. Those ghosts somehow established contact with the ghosts of Annan Kingdom, and the two ghost kings participated.”

“Annan’s big-headed teacher is sorrowful, one-on-one is fine, and one-on-one will be stretched.”

“They failed to clean up those ghosts, but the ghosts spread the ghost realm more and more, and the entire Annan kingdom was about to collapse, hahaha…”

Another immortal cultivator first taught Lin Chuan straightforwardly, and then introduced the current situation of Annan Kingdom.

As he spoke, he laughed himself.

His smile seemed to be contagious, and all of a sudden everyone laughed, and the whole blessed land was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Lin Chuan is also laughing, very happy.

He played that trick, but originally just wanted to get back with revenge.

Who knows that the practitioners of Annan are too powerful to pull the hips and have serious internal fighting. They played with them, and directly destroyed the entire Annan kingdom.

Lin Chuan just wanted to say: Nice work!

“Ahem, serious!”

“Lin Chuan, I must criticize your private actions, and you are never allowed to do so again.”

“But because your action has achieved good results, our command center decided not to punish you.”

“If you have any ideas in the future, you can report to the command center. We are not an old antique, and we are very supportive of good ideas.”

Yue Qingyang severely condemned Lin Chuan’s behavior, then blinked at him again.

“Understood, I will definitely think more of these ideas in the future.” Lin Chuan understood.

“Hahaha…” The cultivators laughed again.

Obviously, the terrible things done by the practitioners of Annan Kingdom made everyone hate them.

Now that Annanguo has received retribution, they naturally feel very happy, and they can’t wait for more such things to happen.

“Well, after the gossip, it’s time to talk about business.”

“Lin Chuan, you can do this, but the method is still too rough, so you won’t think about it to avoid future troubles?”

After the laughter stopped, Yue Qingyang said seriously.

“What can there be troubles? Now that Annanguo himself has been tossed so hard, I don’t know when the ghosts can be cleaned up.”

“Even if they want to retaliate, they don’t have that ability.”

Lin Chuan was stunned, somewhat puzzled.

“You are thinking about it, and there are many future problems!”

“Let’s talk about ghosts first, originally we broke the ghost territory of Southern Xinjiang in one fell swoop, and killed all the ghosts, then Nanjiang can restore peace.”

“But you drove the ghosts to Annan. If the ghosts gain a foothold in Annan, will they come back and threaten the peace of our border?”

Yue Qingyang shook his head and said.

“Ah…” Lin Chuan was a little dumbfounded.

He really didn’t think about this. The main reason was that he didn’t expect that the Ananguo cultivation world would pull his hips like this. Not only did the ghosts not suppress it, but their strength became stronger and stronger.

“More than that, you have caused trouble in Annan Kingdom. Guess whether other countries will be sorrowful and trouble us?”

Lin Chuan hadn’t figured it out yet, Yue Qingyang threw another trouble.

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