Chapter 429 Baldness is the blood of Di listen?

Lin Chuan’s words to the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva were really puzzling.

He is indeed capable now, and he has a good relationship with many gods, and he has a certain status in the heavenly court.

But in terms of true strength, he couldn’t even compare to the most ordinary heavenly soldiers in the immortal world.

To put it a bit ugly, he might not even be as good as a bird in the fairy world…

With his strength, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said that the hope of repairing the Naihe Bridge fell on him. Isn’t this a problem?

No matter which god is, he is more worthy of the title of hope to repair Naihe Bridge.

However, when Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva mentioned Amitabha, Lin Chuan had to pay attention to it.

Amitabha is a dharma name that the Buddhas often say. There is no problem at first, but in the words of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, it is very problematic.

You know, one of the two holy sages in the West is Amitabha!

The meaning of listening to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s words is that Amitabha Buddha calculated that he has something to do with the repair of the Naihe Bridge.

This made Lin Chuan couldn’t help but believe it.

The two sages of the West, that is the same level as Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of Tongtian.

People can see everything in the world as soon as they look up, and they can know the past and the future at the first thought.

Amitabha said that he is the key to repairing the Naihe Bridge, so he should be the key.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Xiao Xian, I really don’t understand why I am the key to repairing the Naihe Bridge.

I wonder if Amitabha has other instructions? 】

Faced with the existence of the second sage in the West, Lin Chuan didn’t dare to be careless, and asked cautiously.

【Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: Amitabha has something to say, if you have any doubts, you can go to the heaven to find someone to solve your puzzles. 】

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was refreshed, he didn’t play any riddles with him, and directly told Amitabha’s explanation.

After Lin Chuan heard this, he finally had some ideas, and he wouldn’t be like a headless fly.

However, this instruction of Amitabha Buddha is still somewhat inaccurate.

There are so many gods in the Heavenly Court, if he asks them one by one, they will have to treat him as a lunatic.

So, who should I ask?

[Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: Amitabha, if the donor is fine, the poor monk will continue to meditate. 】

While Lin Chuan was thinking, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sent a message to say goodbye to him.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Bodhisattva, wait, I have another question, who is your avatar? 】

Lin Chuan asked quickly when he saw this.

In fact, when the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sent a friend request, he saw the head of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and he was stunned.

The head of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is a divine beast with a tiger head, unicorn, dog ears, dragon body, lion tail, and unicorn feet.

Lin Chuan didn’t care much about this, after all, the heads of the gods in the heavens were originally strange.

But the divine beast in the head of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is somewhat similar to bald hair between the eyebrows and eyes, which made Lin Chuan have to be curious.

[Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: The head of the poor monk is the mount of the poor monk. Is there any problem? 】


It turned out to be true listening!

Lin Chuan had actually guessed in his heart that after being confirmed by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he was still shocked inexplicably.

Bald hair looks like Diting, can deal with ghosts, and has an unusually sensitive hearing.

Could it be said that the baldness has nothing to do with the snarling dog, but the blood of the truth? !

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Chuan was a little excited.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Di Ting may not be better than Snarling Sky Dog.

But the truth can be heard, and all the secrets of the world can be heard by the truth. With this ability alone, the snarling dog can’t catch it.

Lin Chuan is now in the mortal world, and it is enough to have a seamless heavenly robe, and he doesn’t need much combat power at all.

But auxiliary abilities such as snooping news seem invaluable.

If all the secrets of the entire mortal world were known to him, it would make sense to think about it.

[Xiaoyao Xian: dare to ask the Bodhisattva, whether Diting has any offspring? 】

Lin Chuan, who was still not completely sure, then asked.

[Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: In the early years of Dihei, the mind and nature were not fixed, and indeed there are offspring, but they are scattered in the vast wilderness. What do you ask this for? 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: Nothing is nothing, I’m just a little curious.

What? Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, go ahead, I won’t bother you. 】

Lin Chuan, who got the answer he wanted, would have said so much to the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and just slipped away.

Lin Chuan put away the phone, directly found the bald hair, picked it up, and kept pulling it.

This broken dog is actually the bloodline of Di listen. It is simply amazing. He has to take a good look at what is magical about baldness.

I don’t know how many ghosts and immortals have swallowed. They really look more and more like Diting. Their heads are getting bigger and bigger, and their small legs are developing towards the thicker unicorn legs.

In time, the bald hair might really become a little truth listener.

I don’t know if he will be treated as a genetically mutated monster when he walks on the street when he is bald.

The bald hair was dizzy by Lin Chuan’s mind, and he didn’t know what Lin Chuan wanted to do.

“Um, Master, I’ve been very obedient lately.”

“If there is anything wrong with me, just tell me directly, can’t I change it?”

It was frizzy in his heart, and said quickly.

“I didn’t say what you did wrong, what did you do with such a guilty conscience.”

“Did you really do something bad behind my back, or did you hide some secrets and didn’t tell me?”

Lin Chuan, who had no idea at first, became a little suspicious after hearing what it said, squinting at the bald hair and said.

“This, that… Actually, it’s not a big deal.”

“I just heard Liang Xi talking to herself, saying that she hopes she has the strength and can help others or something.”

Bald Mao hesitated for a while, and then told the secret it had heard.

“Liang Xi wants to have power?” Lin Chuan was stunned when he heard the words, and then suddenly became clear.

He was actually not satisfied with the result of bringing Liang Xi out this time.

Originally, he wanted to bring Liang Xi out to have fun, let her open her heart, restore her strength, and he could also get clues to the treasure.

But no matter how the bridge collapsed and ghosts invaded, at this critical juncture, he naturally didn’t care about treasures or treasures.

Even if Liang Xi was frightened out of a psychological shadow by the ghosts, he must face the ghosts without delay for a minute.

But listening to the meaning of bald hair, Liang Xi not only was not frightened by ghosts, but had a strong desire to become stronger.

If she has a wish, then Lin Chuan will have a chance!

Ahem, this seems a bit ambiguous.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that Lin Chuan is going to take advantage of Xuanzang’s woman, he dare not touch it.

He just wanted to use this opportunity to open up Liang Xi in one fell swoop!

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