Chapter 422

“Fuck a big vote?”

“Of course I am interested. Brother Chuan, what are we going to do?”

Fatty Yao heard that he could do a big vote, and he almost jumped up with excitement.

Before Lin Chuan did all kinds of things, he was only envious, and he didn’t have the opportunity to participate at all.

Now that Lin Chuan asked him to participate, Fatty Yao was naturally happy.

“I can’t say yet, I will tell you when the time is right.” Lin Chuan glanced around and gave Fatty Yao a look.

Fatty Yao nodded his head knowingly, and closed his mouth.

Naturally, you have to keep it secret when you do big things, and you can’t let others know easily.

After you have done a big thing, you can tell the world, that can produce the most explosive effect.

Lin Chuan didn’t know that Fatty Yao had so many inner dramas. He signaled Fatty Yao not to ask any more, purely because the elders of the Yuanying Period had been staring at him.

If he says what he wants to do now, he will definitely be heard by them, then maybe he can do it.

“Brother Lin, if you want to do something big, please be sure to call me!” Fatty Yao shut up as a result, Pu Li Qi leaned over enthusiastically.

In the process of participating in the auction with Lin Chuan and coming to kill the ghosts, in fact, he always wanted to find an opportunity to make Batu Caves famous in one fell swoop.

Pu Liqi has been exhausted for the development of Batu Caves.

But according to the traditional method, it takes too long to train the doormen step by step, which is not what Pu Liqi wants.

So Pu Liqi, who was originally a casual cultivator, came up with the idea of ​​casual cultivator, and wanted to make Batu Caves a warm home belonging to casual cultivators.

But now this year, the sect also needs fame.

The lonely and unknown Batu Caves couldn’t attract any powerful casual repairs at all, and there were a lot of ordinary casual repairs, but Pu Liqi couldn’t look down on it either.

So Pu Liqi, who felt embarrassed in the Batu Caves position, had the idea of ​​doing a big deal and becoming famous in one fell swoop.

As a result, there was no chance for him to show up along the way, but Pu Liqi was depressed.

Now that he has the opportunity, he naturally doesn’t want to miss it.

“No problem, wait for me to inform.” Lin Chuan glanced at the cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage and quickly responded.

Even though he responded quickly, he was caught up by the cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage and immediately came over.

“Little friend, are you discussing something important?” Yun Zhongzi asked with a smile.

“No comment!” Lin Chuan responded with a cold face.

“…” Yun Zhongzi, who was smiling, his face became stiff, and his eyes were filled with surprise.

No one has dared to talk to him with this attitude for many years.

Why should Lin Chuan, a little baby in the foundation-building period, dare to talk to him like this?

“Boy, what’s your attitude? Did your sect elders teach you that way?” The elders of the Yuan Ying stage next to him couldn’t hold his back, and said coldly.

“I don’t have a sect, so I don’t have any sect elders.” Lin Chuan said calmly in the face of the anger of the Nascent Soul elder.

“Not a sect cultivator, what about your family, the family elders don’t care about you?” The big man choked and continued.

“My family is not a family of cultivating immortals, but ordinary people.” Lin Chuan was still calm.

“Since you have no elders, then I will discipline and discipline you!” The boss who was pushed back again could not help but teach Lin Chuan a lesson.

“You don’t want Divine Soul Jade Pendant?” Lin Chuan stopped his hand with a word.

These Nascent Soul elders are indeed terrifying in strength.

But even if there is no seamless robes, Lin Chuan dared to attack these primordial elder brothers, because he has what these people want.

People, in order to get what they want very much, they always have strong endurance.

Cultivators in the Yuan Ying period are also humans, and naturally they are no exception.

“What you just said was the soul jade pendant?”

“Didn’t you say that there is no more, why are there again, kid, are you bluffing me?”

The big man didn’t feel embarrassed, and asked nervously.

The immortal cultivators in the foundation building period and golden core period, when using the soul jade pendant, apart from the sudden increase in strength, it will not produce other effects.

Because at that time, they were completely controlled by the spirits of the gods, and at most, after using the spirit jade pendant, the meridians were widened.

But these immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul Stage are different, because their spirits are already relatively powerful, so after the spirits enter their bodies, they still maintain their sanity.

These big guys can watch every step of Shenhun’s operation and absorb a lot of information from it.

You must know that these primordial elders have basically come to an end in the mortal world, learning nothing to learn, and making progress is difficult.

The existence of the spirits gave them a chance to get in touch with the gods at close range, and they would naturally get a lot of information.

As long as they are given time to digest it, each of them can make a certain improvement in their cultivation.

No matter how much they care about the good things that can make the cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage improve their cultivation base.

The other big guys are the same, all staring at Lin Chuan with scorching eyes, expecting him to give an answer they want to hear.

“I just said I don’t have any on hand, it doesn’t mean I won’t be able to get it in the future.”

Lin Chuan felt more stable after seeing them so concerned, and said lightly.

“The soul jade pendant is something that the immortal world only has, how can you get it if you want it.”

“Unless, you have a channel to contact the fairy world!”

Upon hearing this, Yun Zhongzi saw Lin Chuan’s eyes sharpened instantly.

Compared with the jade pendant of the soul, the channel of contact with the immortal world is obviously more important.

“How is it possible, if I can connect with the immortal world, as for the current level of cultivation?”

“I just have a heritage, and that thing will send something over from time to time.”

“If you sincerely pray, the probability of getting what you want will increase, nothing more.”

When Lin Chuan saw Yun Zhongzi tell the truth in a word, his heartbeat was missed for a while, and he quickly found something to cover it up.

It’s an old monster who doesn’t know how many years he has lived, and his mind is keen.

With just one sentence from him, there is such a guess.

If you say a few more words to him, he won’t be able to see through them all?

“So you still have such good things, why didn’t you say it earlier?”

“If you inherit something, will it be effective only when you use it?”

“Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and pray for a little more soul jade pendant. The current situation of the battle really needs this thing!”

“The stability of the world depends on you!”

After listening to his explanation, the elders of the Yuan Yingqi period alleviated their doubts about Lin Chuan, became enthusiastic again, and even directly praised Lin Chuan as the hope of saving the mortal world.

“Aren’t you thinking of white women’s votes?” Lin Chuan said suspiciously without being blown out by them.

“…” As soon as he said this, the scene instantly calmed down.

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