Chapter 416

Lu Yanliang’s sudden change of attitude was naturally due to his consideration.

Other cultivators don’t know about the isolation of Xianfan, but he does know that there really is a realm of immortals, there are immortals!

After understanding this, the origin of these soul jade pendants in Lin Chuan’s hands became very clear, they were obtained from the immortal world!

Lin Chuan, who inherited a certain immortal tradition, must have obtained these jade pendants during the previous wave of ancestors’ manifestations.

Lin Chuan said that there are many soul jade pendants, which represent Lin Chuan’s ancestors of immortals, who have a vast and high status in the immortal world.

As his inheritor, Lin Chuan’s future is naturally immeasurable. If he recognizes him as the eldest brother in advance, he will not suffer at all.

“Yes, you will be our Chuan brother from now on.”

“Brother Chuan is here, please be respected by the younger brother!”

“Brother, do you still have Divine Soul Yupei.”

“Brother Chuan, my brother was killed by a ghost, I beg you to give me a chance to take revenge!”

Other immortal cultivators, seeing Lu Yanliang’s sudden change of attitude, all reacted, and Chuan’s name is endless.

“It’s over, Brother Chuan is not mine alone.” Fatty Yao on the side heard their voices, and his whole fat face was pulled down.

“What do you mean, it turns out that you love my brother?” Lin Juan reached out to Fatty Yao’s waist when she heard the words.

It’s still good to be fat, at least when you pinch the tender meat around your waist, it feels better.

“It hurts, it hurts, sister Juan, I was wrong, my heart belongs to you alone!” Fatty Yao immediately barked his teeth and begged for mercy.


His weird behavior directly amused all the family.

They didn’t care about the behavior of those cultivators vying to please Lin Chuan.

Because they know very well that as long as Lin Chuan’s soul jade pendant has many, they will definitely have a share.

And Lin Chuan, surrounded by a group of immortal cultivators, had already been numbed by the shouts of their brother Chuan.

He knows that immortal cultivators are very concerned about everything and things that can enhance their strength, but that’s not the case.

Everyone is a lot of age, is it really appropriate to call him a brother?

“Quiet.” He shouted with a loudspeaker, and all the immortal cultivators immediately closed their mouths and waited for him to speak quietly.

“I know you want Divine Soul Jade Pendant, and the amount of Divine Soul Jade Pendant here happens to be quite large.”

“So you don’t have to worry, there will be everything that should be.”

“My intention to bring out the Soul Jade Pendant, everyone should know, that is, I want to investigate the situation in the ghost domain clearly, and I don’t want to make unnecessary sacrifices.”

“Using the Soul Jade Pendant does not mean it is invincible. The danger in the ghost realm is unpredictable. You must be prepared to regard death as home.”

“Now, those who still want to use the Soul Jade Pendant can raise their hands.”

Lin Chuan directly took out a large amount of Soul Jade Pendant, shook it before everyone’s eyes, and said with a serious face.

He took out the soul jade pendant, but it was not for them to play with. If you want to use it, you have to think about whether you dare to sacrifice yourself.

When the cultivators heard his words, many of their complexions changed suddenly, and they lowered their heads in silence.

Only some of the cultivators raised their hands resolutely and looked at Lin Chuan with extremely firm eyes.

“Okay, that’s it for you. Everyone will go in in batches and try to figure out the situation in the ghost domain as clearly as possible.”

“Ma Lingtian took away a developing mirror. In order to avoid conflict, you can leave after he comes back.”

Lin Chuan waited for a while, and when no one raised his hand, he clapped.

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure fell from the sky.

“Who is calling me?” Ma Lingtian, who fell on all sides, said with difficulty.

“Why did you come back in such a short time, you shouldn’t.” Lin Chuan said in surprise.

The soul jade pendant he used for the incarnation and bald hairs lasted a long time.

And Ma Lingtian hadn’t been there for long, but their time to speak had actually come back, and the time was too short.

Could it be that Monkey King’s wicked taste was on the verge of cutting corners for him?

“I don’t know, it’s just that I feel the spiritual energy in my body is overdrawn, and then I come back in a blink of an eye.” Ma Lingtian stood up with difficulty and said with a confused expression.

Regarding his previous experience, Ma Lingtian himself was confused.

“Disciple, please tell me, how did you feel just now?” Lu Yanliang asked Ma Lingtian, not paying attention to the question of time.

“Of course it feels very good. I seem to have mastered a mysterious power, which makes my strength rapidly increase.”

“In just that moment, I killed fifteen giant ghosts, it was so cool!”

Ma Lingtian recalled his previous experience and said very excitedly.

“The power is not controlled by you, but worn by the Soul Jade. You don’t have to dream of mastering the mysterious power, and practice steadily.”

“Brother Chuan, now my apprentice is back, can you give me a jade pendant? I want to be the first to investigate.”

“With my strength, I should be able to exert the greater effect of the Soul Jade Pendant!”

Lu Yanliang ruthlessly broke Ma Lingtian’s dream, and when he turned to look at Lin Chuan, he changed his face again.

“It’s okay if you want to go.” Lin Chuan nodded when he saw his strong desire.

“Brother Chuan, I also want to go in the first batch. You can pick me a special Soul Yupei.” Fatty Yao squeezed over and said.

For new things, he is always full of interest.

“What is special?” Lin Chuan was a little puzzled.

“It’s the kind that is different. It’s best to immediately make me the coolest cub in the audience.” Fatty Yao winked his eyes.

“If you want to say something special, the female fairy’s soul jade pendant should be the most special.” Lin Chuan heard the words, took out a soul jade pendant, and said playfully.

“Fairy’s soul, is it a little strange to possess me?” Fatty Yao hesitated.

“I don’t care what I do, I’ll know if I try.” Lin Chuan directly crushed Baihua Fairy’s soul jade pendant no matter what he thought.

“Oh, where is this? I’m so scared.”

After the light flashed, Fatty Yao spoke a lot of sweet words in a rough voice, and patted his heart with his hands, making a bang.

Now Lin Chuan can be sure that the female fairy’s spirit possessed by the man is indeed very special, and he has directly become a non-male and non-female person.

“Do you want to try?” Lin Chuan looked at Fatty Yao’s current state, suffocating a smile and said to the other cultivators.

“No, no, no, we just want normal ones.”

“Such a special spirit, we can’t bear it.”

“It’s okay to be a man, anyway, the gods must be much better than me.”

The immortal cultivators who were singled out as the first batch to enter, all rejected Lin Chuan’s “kindness”.

“Well, the soul jade pendant for you, I wish you all return safely!” Lin Chuan handed the soul jade pendant to them, wishing heartily.

“Definitely!” The cultivators solemnly promised, smashing the jade pendant together and rushing into the ghost domain.

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