Chapter 405

As soon as Xinxin finished talking about the contents of the jade slip, there was a cultivator on the court who couldn’t wait to get up and wanted the jade slip.

The seller put the horned dragon’s tendons out for auction, originally for the sake of the upcoming war with ghosts, and wanted to improve his own strength.

Now there is a jade slip that can understand all aspects of ghosts, and it will undoubtedly be more helpful to him.

And not only can it help him alone, but it can also change the content of the jade slip, and the value of the harvest will be greater than the leftovers of the beasts.

So he agreed without hesitation and exchanged the horned dragon’s tendons for the jade slips.

“Wait, you think about it again.”

“I also have good things here, little sister, you can change it with me.”

“Such a good thing, don’t want to swallow it alone.”

“Why isn’t my auction item the first one!”

Not only was the seller very interested in the jade slips, but many immortal cultivators also wanted a jade slip, which gave the seller the opportunity to beat their hearts.

“Everyone has heard it. This little girl herself is willing to take out the jade slip.”

“The rules of the auction, as long as the seller agrees to exchange what is offered, the transaction must be completed.”

“Elder Li, you have to be fair to me.”

Seeing that the jade slip had caused such a big response, the seller was proud of his heart, but was also afraid that others would have taken the jade slip away, so he hurriedly said to the host on the court.

“It is indeed such a rule, other people must not interfere with the auction order!”

“It’s just that this jade slip is of great value. If you get it, can you make a few copies?”

Naturally, the host is not good at blatantly violating the auction order, so he can only take the second place and look for a rubbing version of the seller.

“Elder Li, you have spoken, naturally I am fine.” The seller agreed.

In this way, the first auction of the auction ended at the beginning.

The seller got the jade slip, checked the contents, confirmed that it was correct, and happily walked away holding the jade slip.

Xinxin was also very happy to get the horned dragon’s tendons and had a great time.

“Xinxin, what do you want this kind of thing, you can’t use it.” Lin Juan was a little dissatisfied with Xinxin’s prodigal behavior.

Although this jade slip was given to them by Lin Chuan casually, it didn’t seem to be very precious.

However, judging from the reaction of the immortal cultivators on the spot, they attach great importance to jade slips, and they will surely get a lot of good things in exchange.

As a result, Xinxin used jade slips in exchange for a tendon, which made Lin Juan a little dissatisfied.

Xinxin cultivates five-eyed magical powers, and she never needs to use any magical tools.

When the horned dragon’s tendons were in her hands, it really didn’t work at all.

“Why can’t it be used, I can use it to jump rubber bands, it must be fun!” Xin Xin said excitedly, holding the horned dragon’s tendons.

“Jumping rubber band…” Lin Juan and the others were silent.

The precious materials on the beasts, are you going to use them to jump rubber bands?

Lin Chuan couldn’t help quietly giving Xinxin a thumbs up when he heard the words.

It’s said that Nezha was very arrogant when he had cramps, and Xinxin from our family was not too arrogant!

While they were chatting, the auction continued.

“The last lot was just a hot spot. This lot is a blockbuster.”

“This object is called the mysterious tortoise armor, the main material is the mysterious tortoise back armor and the thousand-year-old mysterious iron, and its defensive ability is amazing.”

The elder Li struck the iron while it was hot and got another lot.

This lot is a piece of armor that looks very heavy, and several immortal cultivators at the foundation building stage pushed it together before barely pushing it onto the stage.

“I want this one. I will also produce a jade slip with the same content as the previous one!”

Fatty Yao fell in love with the armor as soon as he saw it, and he raised the jade slip and said without hesitation.

“Why are there jade slips again?”

“It’s good to dare, I said earlier that there is a second one. I was so depressed just now.”

“Why hasn’t it my turn yet, what if there are no jade slips behind?”

Seeing that the jade slips appeared again, the cultivators were relieved, and their enthusiasm was even higher.

The seller of this armor also readily agreed to exchange Fatty Yao with jade slips.

Originally, the person had taken the jade slip before, and they could also find him to rub it.

But for things like information, fidelity is very important.

Find that person to make rubbings, in case he entrains private goods and revises some of the contents, it may bring unpredictable risks to unknowing people.

So even if Fatty Yao took out the second jade slip, it was still popular.

But the immortal cultivator who got the first jade slip was a little bit eager to cry without tears.

Originally, he was expecting to make a fortune with this jade slip.

As soon as the second jade slip appeared, his chances of making a fortune were greatly reduced.

What they didn’t know was not only these two jade slips, but also the third and fourth…

When the people around Lin Chuan used jade slips to bid, and auctioned the items that they liked, the cultivators on the court gradually became numb.

Good guy, it turns out that there are so many jade slips. I was teasing them before!

In the subsequent auctions, the scene became more and more deserted, and the more and more enthusiastic grand occasions of previous auctions were completely eliminated.

This made Lu Yanliang, who was in charge of the auction, see it in his eyes and anxious in his heart, but there was no good way.

He could see that the current situation was completely caused by Lin Chuan.

However, Lin Chuan was able to understand the invasion of ghosts in advance, and now he took out the jade slips containing ghost information.

He knew so much about ghosts, and when such ghosts invaded, he naturally became very important, and Lu Yanliang didn’t dare to move him.

In the end, Lu Yanliang could only let his carefully prepared auction end in a hurry.

Fortunately, there had been free transactions before, and many cultivators had exchanged what they wanted, and there was no dissatisfaction.

After the auction was over, the immortal cultivators who let go of their grievances cooperated a lot with the elders’ command, and they were quickly reorganized and turned into a relatively strict team.

In this process, the immortal cultivators who went to various places to collect news also gathered more and more news to the repair management team, and gradually understood the current situation.

The high-speed repair management team, together with several major sects in the practice world, established the command center to face the invasion of ghosts.

The first order of the command center was issued to Lin Chuan and the team that had just been reorganized.

“There is news from the command center that ghosts have already invaded our mortal world. At least five areas have been reduced to ghost domains!”

“I don’t know how many mortals were killed by ghosts in their dreams!”

“You said, can such a thing be tolerated?”

With red eyes, Lu Yanliang conveyed the news that the repair management team had handed over to the immortal cultivators.

“Unbearable!” The immortal cultivators shouted loudly when they heard the news.

“Well, let’s set off now, rush to the ghost realm, take revenge and kill those ghosts that invade the mortal world!”

“Take revenge, and kill them all!”

In a roar, all the immortal cultivators rushed to the front line of killing ghosts together.

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