Chapter 403 Pre-War Auction

“Have an auction?”

“Aren’t we supposed to rush to resist the invasion of ghosts as soon as possible? How can there be time for auctions?”

Lu Yanliang was once again confused by Lin Chuan’s Qingqi thinking.

“If you can reorganize them now, of course you don’t need to hold any auctions, just pull them to fight ghosts and monsters.”

“But the problem is that you didn’t do it. You said it yourself. They didn’t participate in the auction. They were grieving and didn’t follow the instructions.”

“If this is the case, then hold an auction to satisfy them, and it will be easy to reorganize it naturally.”

“Moreover, everyone actually has a need to buy things. If you replace what you need before the war, and improve your strength, it will also be helpful to the next battle.”

When Lin Chuan saw that he was embarrassed to mention this, he rolled his eyes and said the advantages of holding an auction now.

“It seems that such a pre-war auction is needed.” Lu Yanliang was directly persuaded by Lin Chuan.

“Then you don’t want to act quickly, you won’t be able to reorganize immortals, will you always do auctions?” Lin Chuan urged him to act quickly.

The situation is critical now, every minute of delay, more mortals may be threatened by ghosts.

If it were not for the emotions of these cultivators to calm down, he would not be willing to engage in auctions.

“Of course I will do the auction. Everything is ready and can start right away!”

When Lu Yanliang mentioned the auction, he immediately refreshed and went to greet the staff.

“Please be quiet, please be quiet!”

After Lu Yanliang was busy, Lin Chuan used a lot of PA notes to silence everyone’s voices with a super high volume, and forcibly silenced the scene.

“I know that everyone wants to participate in the auction, so I decided to satisfy everyone’s wishes.”

“In another half an hour, the auction will officially begin. If you have good things to auction, please contact Elder Lu Yanliang as soon as possible.”

“Prior to this, everyone can trade freely and get what they need.”

“We are going to the battlefield soon to fight against ghosts and protect humans. Please ignore the predecessors and seize this opportunity to integrate your own strength as much as possible.”

Seeing everyone’s eyes, Lin Chuan focused on him, and immediately said the next arrangement.

“Great, the auction is finally about to begin.”

“It should have started a long time ago. I lied to us and didn’t hold an auction. Is that fair?”

“You can also trade freely. There are so many immortal cultivators here, maybe you can get what I want without participating in the auction.”

“He made sense. At the time of the war, we should do our best to improve our strength. The rest is not important anymore.”

After listening to Lin Chuan’s words, the cultivators began to discuss again.

Knowing that the auction was about to begin, their emotions calmed down a lot, and they started free trading enthusiastically.

In the next period of time, the market was full of shouts from buyers and sellers, and many transactions were indeed concluded, which made many cultivators smile.

Seeing the order on the court, Lin Chuan relaxed himself, quietly waiting for the auction to begin.

“Lin Chuan, did you forget us?” As a result, he heard Lin Juan before he rested for a while.

He turned his head and saw that Lin Juan came with Xinxin and them aggressively.

“Sister, you are here, I didn’t notice where you are just now, if I see it, I will definitely go to you.” Lin Chuan smiled.

“Yo yo yo, you are a busy man, how dare we let you come to us, of course we should come to you.”

“Said it was to take us out to play, but as soon as the boat docked, you disappeared. Do you think this is appropriate?”

Lin Juan remembered the experience she had just now, and couldn’t help rolling her eyes, ranting frantically.

When the boat docked, they were enjoying the scenery, and in a blink of an eye, they found that Lin Chuan was clutching a disciple of Floating Cloud Immortal Sect and ran away.

When he did this, the other disciples of the Floating Cloud Immortal Sect on the boat would naturally not let them go, so that they would fight on the boat and lose their interest.

“Sister, please understand. You should have heard it just now. I have no choice but to attack by ghosts.” Lin Chuan said with a wry smile.

He really just wanted to come over and play, how could he have thought that he would run into such a thing.

With the collapse of the bridge, his idea of ​​going out for a trip was lost, and the idea of ​​letting Liang Xi relieve his happy knot was also lost.

The situation was so serious that Liang Xi was able to get rid of her happy knot before he saw the ghost.

“Okay, it’s all right, I know the big deal is important, I just complained.”

“Who can imagine that this peaceful and prosperous world encountered such a big crisis in a blink of an eye.”

“Those ghosts are simply hateful!”

Lin Juan is not the kind of person who doesn’t know right and wrong. After spitting out, she disappeared. Thinking of the current situation, she gritted her teeth.

“Ghosts are really hateful. When I meet them, I must let them taste the power of my fists.”

“But Brother Chuan, I don’t know how to say hello. I can make such a big noise when I come out and play around.”

Fatty Yao also clenched his fists to express his stance, and then couldn’t help looking at Lin Chuan and teasing him.

“Fuck you, do you think I want to make such a big noise?” Lin Chuan said to Fatty Yao without being polite.

“Okay, okay, you all have to say a few words.”

“Ogawa, how exactly is this auction played?”

When the two were about to start their daily exchanges, Gao Ping spoke and changed the topic.

“The auction is very simple, similar to a secular auction, but the requirements of the Fairy Realm auction will be a bit more.”

“People who sell things usually come with a need, and only those who can meet his needs can bid.”

“Mom, if you want to have fun, just participate. I will give you a good thing. As long as it is something you like, you can definitely buy it.”

Seeing Gao Ping’s interest, Lin Chuan explained with a smile.

“It’s good to dare, I haven’t participated in this kind of auction yet.” Gao Ping was naturally interested in hearing this.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect you kid to like bragging.” Lu Yanliang didn’t know where he came out, watching Lin Chuan sarcastically.

“Why am I bragging?” Lin Chuan felt inexplicable.

“Did you just say that whatever you have, you can buy it no matter what is auctioned.”

“As far as I know, at this auction, there are several heavy treasures left over from ancient times, and the seller’s conditions are extremely harsh.”

“Even if you spend a lot of money, you may not be able to buy it, so what are you bragging about?”

Lu Yanliang said immediately.

Just now, after being ridiculed by Lin Chuan for so long, he finally had a chance to retaliate back, which made Lu Yanliang feel very excited.

“Hehe, how good you are with my baby, you don’t know anything!” Lin Chuan sneered.

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