Chapter 400 Going to the Immortal Realm to Sweep the Goods!




The immortal cultivators have long been enthusiastic about what Lin Chuan said.

When Lin Chuan asked, they couldn’t help but chuck their throats, pouring out all the blood accumulated in their hearts with their voices.

It stands to reason that a cultivator should kill three corpses and eliminate six desires, and be indifferent to everything in the mortal world.

However, as the spiritual world is declining and the road to immortality is getting more and more difficult, the culture of the spiritual world has changed.

I don’t know how many immortal cultivators hide in the world as mortals and enter the world to practice.

Compared with the former cultivators who had been hiding in the mountains, they were naturally a bit more smoky.

Moreover, mortals are the foundation of the spiritual world!

The foundation of oneself will be shaken, and the people of one’s dearest and beloved ones may be threatened with their lives at any time.

Under this circumstance, if the cultivators don’t do anything, they are sorry for themselves.

“The military will be usable. As long as we are united, no matter how great the difficulty is, we can overcome it!”

Lu Yanliang and the other elders were relieved to hear the earth-shaking roar.

“Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and organize these immortal cultivators into groups, ready to set out to kill ghosts!”

Lin Chuan didn’t have so much leisure time to feel, seeing them standing motionless like a wood, he urged unceremoniously.

“Yes, yes, we must quickly organize these immortal cultivators.” Lu Yanliang and the others suddenly realized that they quickly went down to organize the immortal cultivators.

“This elder is really not good. I need to remind me of this little thing.”

After they ran to work, Lin Chuan instead stayed where the old god was, shaking his head and sighing constantly.

The few immortal cultivators who were still by Lin Chuan rolled their eyes frantically after hearing his words.

A cultivator in the foundation-building period, unscrupulously commanding the immortal cultivator in the Jindan period, is fine, and he is still talking about it here.

This kind of behavior…I’m so envious!

Lin Chuan is naturally not the kind of person who is still talking about him if he doesn’t work.

He didn’t organize immortal cultivators, mainly because he wanted to find an opportunity to contact the immortal world.

As the saying goes, the armed forces have not moved, and the food and grass will go first.

This ghost invasion is obviously a protracted battle.

The demand for pill Talisman will definitely be huge.

And those gods in the immortal world, obviously, they can’t help much other than manifesting their spirits.

So Lin Chuan was going to the fairy world to scan the goods and get as many good things as possible.

When Lin Chuan turned on his phone, he found that the news of the fairy world chat group had reached an astonishing 999+.

He clicked in and took a look, and found that the immortal world chat group at this time had been blown up because of the collapse of the Naihe Bridge in the underworld.

[Tota Heavenly King: The underworld did a terrible job this time, and it collapsed the Naihe Bridge. 】

[Cow Demon King: Yes, they did something wrong, and we have to wipe his buttocks and pass on so many good things with God’s knowledge, but I feel so sorry for me. 】

[Princess Iron Fan: Why, I feel distressed when I give this thing. Why didn’t I feel distressed when you gave the jade-faced fox so many things yesterday? 】

[Marshal Canopy: My old pig feels distressed. The money I have saved to marry a wife for so long has all gone out. 】

[Great Sage Monkey: Hey, don’t worry about that thing, anyway, you probably won’t find a Taoist companion in this life, and Junior Brother Sha is more hopeful than you. 】

[Red Boy: Ah, ah, my football game, after so long practiced stunts, I didn’t even have the chance to play. The championship this time must be mine. 】

[Erlangshen: Nonsense, it must be yours, and you can’t be too arrogant. 】

[Red Boy: Who are you, those who have been eliminated are not qualified to talk to me. 】

【Erlangshen: …】

The gods complain about the bad things that the gods of the underground palace have done, feel sorry for the things they have given, and feel depressed because the football match is forced to stop.

Anyway, the entire chat group was almost noisy, and the news was so fast that Lin Chuan almost couldn’t come over.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Everyone, I have got another batch of good things here. Are you interested? 】

Lin Chuan couldn’t help it anymore, and immediately sent a message.

In order to prevent the news from being swiped off and no one saw it, he also copied the news and posted it several times in a row.

[Antarctic Xianweng: What good things, take a look. 】

[Giant Spirit God: It won’t be a man costume again, this one can have it, the last time I bought it is gone. 】

[Torta: Are you missing? I’m embarrassed to expose you, that man’s costume has been taken out by you. 】

[Nezha: Brother Xiaoyao is not righteous, shouldn’t you show me something good first? 】

When the gods saw the news from Lin Chuan, they immediately became interested, and the conversation changed.

[Xiaoyao Xian: This thing is called Huazi. After it is lit, there will be a plume of smoke. As long as you inhale it hard, the smoke will enter your mouth, giving people a dreamlike feeling. 】

Seeing that they were interested, Lin Chuan immediately posted the prepared pictures.

This time, he tried hard to sweep the goods smoothly, and directly sacrificed the big killer Huazi.

Huazi is a thing that kills all quarters in the mortal world, and the taxes paid by this thing are enough for the military expenditure of the celestial dynasty.

Among the immortal cultivators, Lin Chuan has also seen many who like to draw huazi.

If you take out such a good thing, you can’t let the gods rush to it, can you stop it?

[Han Zhongli: Really or fake, and there are such good things? 】

[Taobaijinxing: There is nothing to say, or give me one first and let me try it. 】

[Huo De Xingjun: Look at you, scornful, just give us a bag, we have merit! 】

[Torta: If there is such a good thing, you should take it out sooner. 】

After listening to Lin Chuan’s description, the gods became interested in Huazi.

Lin Chuan was not stingy either, he just opened a few packs of Huazi and swept one of them when he saw anyone interested.

As for how his Huazi came, of course he brought it from Lin Dashan.

I don’t know whether Lin Dashan will be lonely when he finds that he has no Chinese cigarettes.

After Lin Chuan finished sending Huazi, there was a brief silence in the chat group.

After a while, those gods who were going to smoke Chinese children bubbling up one after another.

[Antarctic Xianweng: This Huazi is really energetic. Give me a few more bags! 】

[Taobaijinxing: It’s been a long time since I felt so comfortable, so let’s just talk about it, how much merit is needed to buy a pack of Huazi. 】

[Torta: Bring me a few more Chinese seeds, and they all disappeared in one bite, and I didn’t taste it at all. 】

[Red Boy: Does smoking this thing affect me from stepping on the hot wheel? 】

The gods all praised the taste of Huazi and strongly demanded to buy.

[Xiaoyao Xian: For this thing, I don’t want merit points. I only accept bartering, and I don’t want any high-level things, just some ordinary magic pill. 】

Seeing that they were satisfied, Lin Chuan immediately struck the iron while it was hot and stated his needs.

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