Chapter 4 Brother, follow me to eat and drink in the future

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chuan realized that although there are not many people in the village, there are many old men and old ladies who are idle and doing nothing. Don’t let them discover what is happening in their own land.

Otherwise, it will be a hassle.

Can afford the fence!

At home, the best friend Yao Fatty opened an interior design company in the city.

Ask him.

“Fatty Yao, ask you something.” Lin Chuan called Fatty Yao.

“Brother Chuan ordered.”

“Fat man, don’t you work in your interior design company? You find me some masons to work. I want to build a wall in my house.”

“Huh? Build a fence?”

“Yes, you can find me a few reliable masters. If you can come today, you can come today, and if you can come tomorrow, you can come tomorrow. In short, the sooner the better.”

“What kind of operation is this? Your home? Taoyuan Village?”

“Nonsense, do I have a second home?”

“Okay, I’ll contact you in a moment. By the way, what do you do with the broken vegetable plot and the fence? Afraid of someone stealing your order?”

“Don’t ask so much, oh, yes, I only have more than 5,000 yuan on hand, you can let the master calculate it for me, is it enough.”

“Don’t worry, it’s all buddies. The person I’ll find for you must be reliable! If the money is not enough, I will give you a plan first, and I will treat it as a poverty alleviation!”

Lin Chuan rolled his eyes and said, “Don’t hesitate, when my brother gets rich, he will kill you with the money!”

“Oh, you still used money to kill me, just your one-third acre of land, unless you plant gold, or I will see how you smashed it!”

“Damn fat man, I owe it to clean up, right? Just wait, this day shouldn’t be too far away!”

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chuan’s mouth showed a hint of warmth.

He and Fatty Yao’s four-year friendship at university has always been the cause of trouble.

You hurt me, I hurt you, love and kill each other.

Lin Chuan came from the countryside. In the school days, he was looked down upon by his classmates, and his family conditions were not good and financially difficult.

Four years of classmates, Fatty Yao’s meal ticket has always been shared with Lin Chuan, and Lin Chuan already regards Fatty Yao as a real brother.

Lin Chuan is now looking forward to what Fatty Yao will look like when he makes a lot of money.

Lin Chuan said to himself: “Brother, follow me to eat and drink spicy food from now on!”

The next day.

Just before the dawn, Lin Chuan, who had an extremely accurate biological clock, lifted the quilt, put on his slippers, and ran into the vegetable field in the backyard.

Damn it! ! !

Lin Chuan thought it was because he had just got up and his eyes were blurred.

Rubbing his eyes, Lin Chuan was dumbfounded.

Eggplants, green peppers, tomatoes, and Chaotian peppers are all blooming!

The plant is thick and strong.

The leaves are green and big.

There is also the scaffolding area.

Cucumbers, pumpkins, beans, bitter gourd, loofah, these climbing vine vegetables, like crazy, the whole scaffold is full.

At this time, just after the Qingming Festival, according to the normal natural growth, some of the growth is slightly slower now, and the tentacles of the climbing vine have just been extended. The speed-type vegetables such as cucumber and pumpkin can bloom one or two flowers.

But now, white, yellow, purple and white, big and small flowers are vying for beauty! ! !

Lin Chuan’s heart was surging.

The good life of getting promoted and raising salary, becoming general manager, becoming CEO, marrying Bai Fumi, and reaching the pinnacle of life is finally coming!

“Xiaochuan, why do your pumpkins and cucumber vines climb so fast! Why are my vegetable plots just sprouting?”

The second aunt, the head of the village, jumped off the bicycle and looked shocked.

Lin Chuan smiled awkwardly.

The wall must be built sooner!

“My God, your dishes are so good! Xiaochuan, what kind of fertilizer do you use?”

“Nutrition soil and organic fertilizer bought online.”

“I mean, the current science is really advanced. Look at your food, tut, it’s really good.”

“Blindly planted.”

“Xiaochuan, I said, college students are college students, knowledge changes destiny, right, look, look, this dish is really good, and the land my old man has grown for a lifetime is not as good as your offspring. ”

Second Aunt Sun rode away reluctantly.

Lin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

WeChat prompt…

Lin Chuan’s heart jumped.

Damn it, is it because the old gentleman is giving out red envelopes again?

Sure enough, it’s a red envelope from Taishang Laojun.

The hand is slow, the red envelope is finished.

Depend on!

Lin Chuan’s eyes rounded.

It’s the first time to get a mobile phone.

Damn, it’s a big loss!

But is this rare for me?

A treacherous smile appeared on Lin Chuan’s face.

app Store.

Download grab the red envelope plug-in!

After a while, WeChat grabbed the red envelope plug-in and installed it.

See who will dare to compete with Laozi in the future!

Just watched the group news for a while.

Baihua Fairy’s single chat prompt appears.

(Left humming, right humming) Fairy friend Xiaoyao, are you there?

“I am here.”

Fairy Baihua: A total of 200 low-grade high-level spirit gathering pills have been refined, so take it.

Lin Chuan’s heartbeat quickened.

“Fairy, it should be okay for mortals to take it, right?”

Baihua Fairy: No problem, quality assurance, please rest assured, Xiaoyao fairy friends.

“That’s great, hard work fairy.”

Fairy Baihua: (cute face) Fairy Xiaoyao, do you still have instant noodles from Master Kong? Several of my men want to try it. (Shy face)

“There is no box left.” Lin Chuan was telling the truth. He gave it to Fairy Baihua yesterday, before he had time to buy it.

Fairy Baihua: (turning your mouth) Fairy Xiaoyao, don’t be so stingy, some of my fairies will dilute and refine these medicines for you, but if you work hard, you treat them as rewarding them, how about?

“Fairy, you have misunderstood, it is really gone. However, I can give you some spicy tips first, which is my reward.”

Lin Chuan returned to the house, opened the drawer, and swept the last five packets of Weilong spicy strips to Fairy Baihua.

“Fairy, save some food, these things are very complicated to make.”

Fairy Baihua: This…spicy strip, can it be delicious?

“Of course, if it doesn’t taste good, can I give it to you?”

Fairy Baihua: (cute face) I will try it first.

Lin Chuan suddenly felt a sense of guilt, and it was a bit immoral to use these worthless junk food to harm other people’s gods!

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