Chapter 397

That person didn’t expect Lin Chuan to trade so easily, holding a few bottles of pills, and being sluggish for a while, then he came back to his senses and smiled.

Using one that seems to be very powerful, in fact, after a long time of research, and did not find anything useful, in exchange for a precious pill, no matter how you look at it, it is all blood.

For Lin Chuan, using a few bottles of elixirs can save time and earn blood.

He took the disciple of Floating Cloud Immortal Sect and accelerated forward. Finally, he did not encounter any more accidents on the road, and successfully arrived at the place of Floating Cloud Immortal Sect.

“Seven-star trapped magic array, get up!”

As a result, as soon as Lin Chuan arrived at the door, there was a sudden wave of spiritual energy around him.

The scene in front of Lin Chuan quickly disappeared, and his perception was instantly blocked.

He only felt that his hand was light, that Floating Cloud Immortal Sect disciple had been out of his control.

Lin Chuan, who noticed something wrong, immediately ran the Xuantian Zhenjie solution, discovered the flaws in this formation, then waved the seal of the mountain and river, and slammed it over.

“Boom!” After a violent sound, the scene in front of Lin Chuan disappeared again, returning to its original state.

Lin Chuan cracked a formation.

“Sure enough, there are some means to break the formation so quickly.”

“Who are you, what is the purpose of holding me the disciple of Floating Cloud Immortal Sect?”

At this time, the people of Floating Clouds Immortal Sect had already arrived at the door, seeing Lin Chuan crack the formation so quickly, he immediately put away his contempt for him, and carefully stared at him and asked.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. Bringing a disciple from the Floating Cloud Immortal Sect is also unreasonable, and I definitely don’t mean to offend you.”

“I came here this time to give you a message.”

“The Naihe Bridge in the underworld has collapsed now.”

“However, when the bridge collapses, the ghosts of the underworld cannot reincarnate, so they take the opportunity to make trouble and return to the world through the loopholes in the underworld.”

“So, the world is facing a great catastrophe at this time.”

“It is the duty of the cultivators of my generation to guard the world.”

“So I hope you can report the news as soon as possible, unite and fight against those ghosts!”

Lin Chuan expressed his attitude, and then explained the current situation to these people in front of him as quickly as possible.

Several of these people in front of them are Golden Core Stage cultivators, and they can be called the mainstays of the spiritual world, so it’s right to tell them the news.

“Under what circumstances, is this person here to be funny? If you want to lie, you can also be more truthful.”

“How could the bridge collapse? It’s a fantasy.”

“Why don’t he talk about Shenzhou Lu Shen?”

“I think he was caused by other sects. Seeing that our Floating Cloud Fairy Sect is doing a good job at the auction this time, he wants to add to the trouble.”

A group of people listened to Lin Chuan and ridiculed Lin Chuan in every possible way, but no one believed that Lin Chuan was telling the truth.

“You kidnapped my sect disciple, really just want to say these things?”

One immortal cultivator with white beard and hair, not angry and pretentious, spoke, and the others shut up automatically and listened carefully to his words.

“What are these words? These words are the most important words!”

“The ghosts of the underworld have already begun to invade the world. If you don’t react as quickly as possible and block them back, the consequences will be unpredictable!”

Lin Chuan heard his tone, knowing that he didn’t believe his words at all, and said with emphasis.

Can no one believe the truth these days?

“Still stubborn, want to lie to me Lu Yanliang, let’s practice for decades.”

“Even if there is such a thing as you said, dealing with ghosts, it is a matter of Chenghuang, and we don’t need to act.”

“Now that the auction is about to begin, I don’t want to break the good atmosphere today.”

“I advise you to leave quickly before the old man gets angry, or don’t blame the old man for being rude!”

Lu Yanliang glanced at Lin Chuan disdainfully, and warned with aggravated tone.

“You know that catching ghosts is a matter of Chenghuang, don’t you know how busy Chenghuang is now?”

“Before, there was a problem with the underground palace, which has already made Chenghuang very busy.”

“Now that such a big thing has happened, do you think Chenghuang alone can stop it?”

“You don’t need to believe me, but every minute and every second you delay now may bring a great crisis to the world.”

“At that time, you old antique will be a sinner through the ages!”

Seeing that Lu Yanliang was so rigid and still holding Zhizhu, Lin Chuan was not angry and pointed directly at his nose.

When he said this, Lu Yanliang’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He had heard about the recent situation of Chenghuang.

It was brought up by Lin Chuan, giving Lin Chuan’s words a little more credibility.

However, the words behind Lin Chuan made him feel irritated.

“Come on, fork out this alarmist guy!”

He was angry with a stern shout, and immediately two Jindan stage cultivators stepped forward and wanted to take Lin Chuan away.

“You will regret it!” Lin Chuan turned his head and left when he saw this, without the thought of continuing to make trouble.

Lu Yanliang looked at Lin Chuan’s back, his face even more ugly, and it took a while to heal.

“Go to Chenghuang and ask if there is anything abnormal recently.” He was calm, hesitated for a while, or ordered the humane around him.

“Elder, do you really believe what the man said?” The man asked in surprise.

“Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just in case, do as I said.” Lu Yanliang frowned, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

There must be a reason for it. Lin Chuan ran over for no reason and said such a call, it is impossible to really be nervous, right?

Learn more, you can’t go wrong.

“The elders, the elders from Jing’an Temple, Ziyunzhai, Yufeng Academy, and Misty Peak are here.”

When Lu Yanliang was thinking about what Lin Chuan’s purpose was, someone came to report the news.

“I see, notify the other elders and go to meet me with me.” Upon hearing this, Lu Yanliang immediately put the matter behind and went to the door to greet him.

These sects are all famous sects that are as famous as the Floating Cloud Immortal Sect, and they can’t be careless.

A group of Jindan stage cultivators rushed to the place of Floating Cloud Immortal Sect with their disciples, making this place very lively all of a sudden.

“Brother Lu, I heard that before we came, one thing happened here.”

“A junior ran over to you, saying that there was about to be a catastrophe on earth, and you drove them away.”

After Lu Yanliang and the elders exchanged greetings for a while, an elder suddenly mentioned what had just happened.

“Huh, it’s just an ignorant junior, and I don’t know which child it is. It’s really lacking in education.”

“What else did he say at the time? If I didn’t listen to him, I would become a sinner through the ages.”

“But what he said was that the Naihe Bridge in the Underworld had collapsed. How could this be possible.”

“If I really believed what he said, it would have been ruined by my fame.”

Lu Yanliang had already left Lin Chuan behind, only as it was an interesting incident during small talk.

When the elders heard this, they all laughed, obviously not taking what Lin Chuan said seriously.

“Elders, Zongmen urgent report!”

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly appeared on the court.

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