Chapter 39 Will Bald Hair Become a Snarling Dog?

Xiaoyaoxian: You’d better explain it to me, this is my favorite dog!

Nezha: Big brother, I was wrong. I did want to give you a pill for enlightenment, but this fellow Honghaier was not reliable and took the wrong medicine (grief)!

Xiaoyaoxian: What does this have to do with Honghaier? What kind of medicine is this?

Nezha: I asked Hong Haier to go to Taishang Laojun’s pill room to get medicine secretly, but he misread a word and regarded Su Ling Pill as Qi Ling Pill.

Lin Chuan couldn’t help but roll his eyes straight after seeing this, Red Boy is not reliable, Nezha this guy is even more unreliable, it’s just messing around.

But what is this Su Ling Pill?

Nezha: This soul-retrieving pill actually has the effect of the soul-enlightening pill, but the effect is more powerful, and it can trace the origin of life!

Before Lin Chuan could ask, Nezha introduced the situation of Su Ling Dan.

But after reading the introduction, Lin Chuan didn’t understand what Nezha meant.

Xiaoyao Xian: Talking about people!

Nezha: (I’m wronged) I have said clearly enough, any animal actually carries the blood of a divine beast. The effect of Su Ling Pill is to stimulate the blood of the divine beast, thereby greatly increasing the chance of becoming a divine beast!

Good guy, Nezha means this stupid dog with bald hair, who has the opportunity to become a beast!

After Lin Chuan understood Ne Zha’s meaning, he couldn’t help but look at the bald hair who was wagging his tail frantically.

Is such a silly dog ​​like a beast?

“Then what kind of beast will this dog of my family become?” Lin Chuan couldn’t help asking.

Nezha: (Thinking) Dogs are usually the bloodline of a snarling dog, but it is not necessarily, and it may become other sacred beasts.

Roaring dog?

Can this silly dog ​​become a snarling dog?

Of course Lin Chuan had heard of the name of the snarling dog, which was the pet of the god Jiro, the god of heaven, and the legend that the dog eats the sun still circulates.

If the bald hair can really become a snarling dog, it will be a big deal.

“It seems that I will have to feed it a little more of the Spirit Gathering Pill in the future. There is a pet dog of a sacred animal, which feels quite exciting.”

After understanding the situation, Lin Chuan immediately decided to increase his efforts to complete the transformation of bald hair as soon as possible.

Nezha: (poke) Brother, I didn’t mean to cheat you. You shouldn’t be angry with me, right?

Lin Chuan looked at Nezha’s cautious look and couldn’t help but laugh, this little brother was quite sincere.

Xiaoyao Xian: Since you didn’t mean it, then forget it this time. If you have this kind of problem in the future, remember to tell me in advance.

Nezha: (Great rejoicing) I will definitely not hide it from you in the future. I have something to say today. Recently, there have been a lot of gods in the heaven. My online store business has improved a lot. Now it’s out of stock. Brother, you give me something. Make up a bit.

Xiaoyaoxian: No problem, report the goods you want, and I’ll give it to you right away.

When Lin Chuan saw that the Xianjie online shop was doing well, his face was full of joy.

Now that the business is so good, it is natural to step up its efforts!

A mortal, a god, just chatted about business happily.

“I’m so angry, I’m so angry, Lin Dahu, your wife, I almost got angry!”

Yuan Cuihua rushed into the house and immediately yelled.

The Lin family has four brothers, named after mountains, rivers, lakes and seas. This Lin Dahu is the third.

“What’s the matter, who is mad at you again?” Lin Dahu was making a basket, and looked up at Yuan Cuihua, his expression very calm.

He has long been used to his wife’s awkward character.

“Who else can it be, naturally it is Lin Chuan of your old Lin family!”

“You treat him as a nephew, but he doesn’t treat you as an uncle. The money borrowed a few days ago, he forced me to pay it back today.”

When Yuan Cuihua thought of Lin Chuan, she felt her teeth itchy.

“I said long ago that the conditions in the eldest brother’s family weren’t particularly good, and you shouldn’t go to him to borrow money.”

“Now that people want to go back, that’s right, don’t forget how you used to treat them!”

Lin Dahu didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with Lin Chuan’s doing this, and said with a calm face.

In the beginning, he did not support Yuan Cuihua’s doing this.

“Well, you Lin Dahu, I’m your wife, don’t you turn your elbow out?”

“Your baby nephew, let the dog bite me, and indulge that dog to pee on my face!”

“Moreover, he is rich now, he lives in a big house in the city, and he wants to return the 30,000 yuan. He has no plans to recognize our relatives again!”

“What kind of evil did I do? I married someone like you who can only look at outsiders!”

Yuan Cuihua saw that even Lin Dahu was attacking her, and she suddenly felt sad, and she lay on the ground crying and robbing her.

Lin Dahu couldn’t help feeling a bit on his face when he heard the words.

He didn’t quite believe Yuan Cuihua’s words, but she had a nose and eyes again, which made Lin Dahu doubt it.

“Mom, are all these things true? Lin Chuan, that bastard, really dare to treat you this way?”

At this moment, a person with pimples on his face rushed in and said angrily.

There was a person behind him, wearing a long robe, and his face was very gloomy.

“Ouch, my baby boy is finally back.”

“Junjun, your mother and I were bullied by your cousin.”

“It just happens that your father is not useful. To your cousin, I am so bitter. I can only count on you in the future.”

Yuan Cuihua cried even more miserably when she saw that her son had come back. She hugged Lin Jun tightly and burst into tears.

“Mom, don’t cry, I’ve grown up now, and I won’t let people bully you.”

“I’m going to find Lin Chuan to settle the account, and I will definitely make him unable to eat!”

Lin Jun became even more angry, and he was about to look for Lin Chuan as a gesture.

“Junjun, or forget it, keep this account, and settle accounts with him later if you have a chance.”

“Their family is no better than before. Now they can afford a large villa in Changzhou. Let’s not mess with it.”

“And the most important thing in our family right now is to help you marry your wife in. It’s better to do more than less.”

Yuan Cuihua stopped him when he heard the words.

Although she has been mad, she is still a little sensible, knowing that this is not a good time to make trouble.

“Mom, don’t worry, teaching Lin Chuan is just a small matter for me.”

“Recently I joined a powerful school, this is my senior.”

“With him, he can definitely handle Lin Chuan unconsciously.”

“He also bought a big villa, right? It will be ours from now on, and I will take your mother into the big villa to enjoy the blessing.”

Lin Jun didn’t think this was a difficult task at all. He pointed to the person who followed, with a confident expression.

“Sect? Brother?”

“Does this really work?”

Yuan Cuihua was a little dizzy when she heard the words, and didn’t react at all. What was going on in the end.

“Of course it does. I have seen my brother make a shot. A flying needle passed by, and a bird a few hundred meters away was shot to death.”

“Senior Brother Sha Dinghai, you will do me a favor, right?”

Lin Jun was full of confidence in his senior, and said with a frantic look at the man.

“Junior Brother, your business, that is my business, the one named Lin Chuan, leave it to me, Jiejie.”

Sha Dinghai finally opened his mouth to speak, his voice didn’t know what was wrong, and it made people feel uncomfortable like ground glass.

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