Chapter 382

“Gypsum? What do you do when you get the plaster. Isn’t that used to fix the fractured person?” Ling Xiaoxiao felt that Lin Chuan’s request was strange.

No one was injured, and this thing was not needed at all.

“Gypsum is a coagulant for making water tofu, don’t you know that?” Lin Chuan felt that such a problem shouldn’t arise.

“I need gypsum to make tofu?!” Several people really didn’t understand. After learning the truth, they said in unison in surprise.

“Lin Chuan, are you serious? That thing is added to tofu, how can you eat it?” Ling Xiaoxiao felt very awkward thinking of the plaster he had used.

If you put the plaster in, won’t you eat stones?

“Eat whatever you want. The water tofu made with plaster is very tender. Isn’t it good?”

“Of course, if you really can’t accept it, you can also use brine to make old tofu.”

“If you want to be more tender, you can also use lactone as a coagulant to make lacto-fat tofu.”

Seeing everyone making a fuss, Lin Chuan seemed to accept that he couldn’t, and proposed two alternatives.

“Whether it is tofu or not, we can just make tofu and eat it ourselves.”

“Lin Chuan, don’t use gypsum as a coagulant. It always feels weird. Just use brine.”

“Some tofu in brine, this one is more interesting.”

Fatty Yao didn’t care about this, and made a decision for everyone.

“Fatty Yao, you have a good idea, this is an alternative confession.”

“Some tofu in brine, one thing drops one thing, who is the one who can bring you down?”

Upon hearing this, Yue Qin’er couldn’t help pushing the narrow path.

“Ahem, isn’t this far in the sky, right in front of you.” Fatty Yao said cheeky.

“Which right, shouldn’t it be Sister Liang Xi?” Yue Qin’er said with his arms around Liang Xi.

“Ah? I don’t, it’s not me, don’t talk nonsense.” Liang Xi, who was mentioned suddenly panicked, waved his hand again and again.

“Gluck… Sister Liang Xi is teasing you, there is someone else who can bring down Fatty Yao.”

Ling Xiaoxiao looked at Liang Xi’s cute appearance when she denied it, and couldn’t help laughing.

“Yes, yes, the only one who can hold me down is Sister Juan, Yue Qin’er, don’t talk nonsense.” Fatty Yao also said quickly.

This is a matter of principle, and if it makes Lin Juan angry, it would be terrible.

“Hahaha, this time you take the initiative to admit it!” Seeing Fatty Yao anxiously denying it, everyone laughed.

Liang Xi also followed with a smile, her smile brighter than a flower.

Lin Chuan laughed while observing Liang Xi’s expression. Seeing that she was really happy, he felt that grinding tofu was the right choice.

With such a relaxed and joyful atmosphere, he believes Liang Xi will open up soon.

“Since you think brine is good, use brine to make old tofu.”

Lin Chuan did not forget the tofu he was making, and directly replaced the coagulant with brine.

There was brine at home, and Lin Chuan asked Fatty Yao to go back, and he quickly brought it.

Lin Chuan got the tofu, and while stirring the still hot soy milk, he slowly poured the brine into the bucket.

Because soy milk comes in several colors, Lin Chuan naturally pours it several times, and the soy milk bucket of each color comes again.

After waiting for a while, everyone found that the soy milk began to precipitate.

Then, the precipitated soy milk gathered together and became white, tender and smooth, looking very beautiful.

“This is tofu brain. Does anyone want to drink a little? If you wait a little longer, it will turn into tofu.”

Lin Chuan watched the tofu brain have formed and said aloud.

When soy milk starts to solidify, it will first become tofu brains, and then continue to solidify to form tofu.

Compared with tofu nao, Douhua is relatively harder, and there is no strict distinction between tofu nao and Douhua, depending on the taste.

“Then I have to have a bowl, I just happen to be hungry.”

“Can you eat this red tofu? I want to eat this kind.”

“Where is the sugar? I want to add sugar. I haven’t eaten tofu for a long time.”

“How can you add sugar? Those with sugar are heretics. Salted tofu is the best!”

When everyone learned that they could eat tofu brain, they immediately became excited and started to work in a hurry.

Those who are looking for bowls are looking for bowls, and those who scoop tofu brains scoop tofu brains, and even caused disputes between the sweet party and the salty party.

“I think you guys are just being idle, eating sweet ones if you want sweet ones, and salty ones if you want salty ones. What’s controversial about this.”

Listening to their dispute, Lin Chuan arrogantly interrupted them.

There is no need to argue about this kind of thing at all.

Under Lin Chuan’s strong suppression, several people were considered safe and started to eat tofu brains.

The hot and tender tofu brain, the taste did not disappoint everyone.

Several colors make people feel fresh and add some special flavors.

Everyone felt very satisfied with a bowl of tofu.

Liang Xi also held a bowl of sweet tofu and drank slowly, with a smile on her face.

While they were drinking tofu brain, the tofu continued to solidify.

In the end, all the soy milk is almost solidified, and the tofu and water are clearly distinguished in the basin.

Lin Chuan didn’t use any tofu molds. He directly wrapped the tofu in cotton cloth, and pressed a stone on it, and he completed the final step of making tofu.

When the water is drained and the tofu is firm enough, the old tofu is finished.

“Lin Chuan, when can we start cooking? We went out shopping early in the morning and didn’t eat much. Now we are so hungry.”

Seeing that the tofu was ready, Ling Xiaoxiao urged him to cook.

“If you don’t make trouble and help a little bit, this tofu is almost done and you can start cooking.”

Seeing that they didn’t plan to compare, Lin Chuan immediately found something to do for them.

“Isn’t it just cooking a meal, so many of us are needed?” Yue Qin’er asked strangely.

If you cook a lot of dishes, or have more difficult dishes, it will be easier for some people to understand.

Now cooking with tofu is so simple and easy, Yue Qin’er doesn’t think it is necessary to ask someone for help.

“I want to make a simple boiled tofu this time. I really need your help.” Lin Chuan said with certainty.

“Lin Chuan, don’t you think your words are contradictory?”

“Boil tofu in boiling water, do you still need help? Everyone knows how to do it.”

Yue Qin’er was even more confused when she heard the words.

“I see, what you want to do, Brother Chuan, is the boiled tofu, right?”

Fatty Yao suddenly realized that he was very excited.

“Yes, it’s the boiled tofu.” Lin Chuan nodded with a light smile.

“Stop, what dumb riddles are you playing, this and that!” Yue Qin’er became more confused as she listened, and couldn’t help interrupting the conversation between the two.

“Sister Qin’er, haven’t you thought about it? I thought about it.”

“The boiled tofu mentioned by Lin Chuan must be made according to the method of boiled cabbage. It’s not simple at all.”

Ling Xiaoxiao hugged Yue Qin’er’s shoulders and said with a faint smile.

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