Chapter 380 Plastic surgery is not so fast!

“Mom, where is the little girl I brought back yesterday?” After Lin Chuan finished washing, he moved to Gao Ping’s side.

“What do you want her to do? Isn’t it because you like people. If you don’t see them overnight, you can’t stand it.” Gao Ping teased.

“Mom, what are you talking about, I just met her, and they look pretty ordinary, I won’t fall in love at first sight, right?”

Lin Chuan couldn’t laugh or cry, and felt that Gao Ping’s brain was really getting bigger and bigger.

The so-called love at first sight, in fact, is just to see it.

Therefore, the prerequisite for love at first sight is to look good, and it is the one that can hit people.

Liang Xi’s predecessor daughter, the king of the country, is naturally a beauty who is all over the country.

Now this reincarnation body is too ordinary, and it doesn’t have the conditions for love at first sight at all.

“What are you talking about, the little girl is pure and white, and I feel distressed when I look at it. I feel sorry for what is called a gentleman. Is this still ordinary?”

“Let me see, it’s just that your eyesight is too high. When will I hold my big fat grandson in this way?”

After listening to Lin Chuan’s evaluation of Liang Xi, Gao Ping disagreed very much, and spit out Lin Chuan severely.

“White and pure, I see pity… Mom, are you sure we are talking about the same person?”

Lin Chuan was stunned, these adjectives, and Liang Xi he saw, don’t set up a good idea at all.

“Of course it’s the same person, the little girl whose eyes are invisible. Did you bring a second person back yesterday?”

Gao Ping nodded fiercely.

“Could it be that my memory was wrong?” Lin Chuan couldn’t help but doubt himself when he saw that Gao Ping was really talking about Liang Xi.

Where is the problem?

“Oh, I was fainted by you. Just tell me where she is, and I will see for myself.”

Lin Chuan shook his head, only to realize that Gao Ping had taken him too far, so he quickly turned back to the topic.

“Qin’er and the others took the little girl to buy clothes in the city. It is estimated that time should be back soon.”

Gao Ping informed Liang Xi’s location.

Lin Chuan heard this and knew that he called Liang Xi, and his idea of ​​peeling soybeans with his family fell through.

“Then I’ll wait for her to come back. Mom, I will take these soybeans away first and grind some tofu to eat.”

Lin Chuan was not disappointed, and continued his plan of grinding tofu.

He took the beans that Gao Ping had peeled, poured water and soaked them.

Fresh beans cannot be used directly because they contain soy alkali, which may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Therefore, it is necessary to soak it several times to soak all the soy alkali before it can be used.

While making beans, Lin Chuan went to the wing room with debris and moved out the millstones that had not been used for a long time.

Since Lin Chuan went to school, Lin Juan married, and Lin’s father and Lin’s mother moved to Changzhou with them, this millstone has not been used for a long time, and it is full of ashes.

Lin Chuanzi cleaned it carefully before getting the beans that had been soaked and began to grind the tofu.

He poured a bit of soybeans and water into the grinding eye and started to push the grinding disc.

Streams of white pulp with a little cyan color flowed down from the edge of the stone mill.

“Brother Chuan, what are you doing?” Fatty Yao, who was sweating, saw the movement here and couldn’t help but leaned over to ask.

“Ma tofu, otherwise you think I am doing something.” Lin Chuan slowly pushed the mill, and replied faintly.

“Grinding tofu, this seems a bit interesting. It turns out that tofu is ground.”

Fatty Yao knew the answer, and looked at the puff of white syrup, his curiosity was even better.

He didn’t leave either, so he stayed with Lin Chuan, wanting to see how he made the tofu.

“Are you busy?” Lin Chuan stared at him when he saw that he hadn’t left.

“I’m not free at all, isn’t there a pit in the house? Sister Juan is afraid that Liang Xi will fall there, so she asked me to smooth it.”

“So I first went to the mountain to get the rocks down, and then smashed those rocks into the field one by one, trying to smooth them out as much as possible, not to mention how tired they were.”

“I’m so tired, do you have the heart to let me go further?”

Fatty Yao instantly thought that Lin Chuan wanted him to do coolies, and played the card of suffering.

“I didn’t say to let you grind, but you have to make some contribution.”

“Go to the vegetable garden and get some spinach, greens, and carrots. Cut them into shreds and bring them.”

Seeing that he had misunderstood his meaning, Lin Chuan didn’t have a good temper.

This fat man, Lin Juan told him to be as positive as possible.

And he hasn’t let him do anything yet, Fatty Yao has already begun to push back and forth.

This is the legendary daughter-in-law married into the house, did the brother throw the wall away?

“Don’t you want to make tofu? What do you do with these things?” Fatty Yao was a little confused when he heard the words.

“Can’t you make tofu look better?” Lin Chuan raised his brows and said lightly.

“Oh, you can have this!” Fatty Yao understood what Lin Chuan meant, and ran to get the ingredients excitedly.

Looking at Fatty Yao who was startled, Lin Chuan shook his head and continued to grind.

When Fatty Yao brought the prepared ingredients, Lin Chuan cleaned the grinding plate and replaced it with a pot.

Then he mixed various ingredients and poured soybeans into the grinding eyes. Red, green, and orange soy milk appeared one after another.

“It looks really good-looking, I didn’t expect to make colorful tofu so easily.”

Fatty Yao looked at the colorful soy milk and found it very interesting.

“What are you doing?” A sweet female voice came over.

Ling Xiaoxiao and the others walked over together, making the small courtyard lively all at once.

Seeing them coming in, Lin Chuan immediately raised his eyes to look over, and quickly locked a face he hadn’t seen before.

This person’s pretty face is white and pure, his eyebrows are like distant mountains, he is looking forward to his posture, and he is just like a peerless beauty.

She wore a plain white dress, but she highlighted her own delicateness.

With those eyes that can’t see any color, I really feel sorry for me.

When Lin Chuan saw those eyes, he was immediately sure that she was Liang Xi!

“Lin Chuan, what are you looking at in a daze, don’t you not recognize Liang Xi?” Yue Qin’er noticed Lin Chuan’s reaction and urged.

“How did Liang Xi become like this?” Lin Chuan looked at Liang Xi again, puzzled.

Obviously, it was only after one night, why Liang Xi has changed like a person, and the plastic surgery hasn’t been so fast.

“Because Sister Liang Xi had deliberately smeared her face and body before.”

“If it weren’t for last night, I took her to take a bath, and I didn’t know that Sister Liang Xi was so beautiful, so beautiful that I would be jealous.”

Yue Qin’er hugged Liang Xi affectionately, looked at her with pity and said.

Lin Chuan immediately understood when he heard this.

Based on Liang Xi’s appearance and physical condition, it is true that only by discrediting herself can he be safer.

Otherwise, a blind beauty sitting in a bustling pedestrian street is just waiting for others to disturb her.

Liang Xi has suffered so much before he has this kind of survival wisdom…

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