Chapter 375 Liang Xi, Queen of Xiliang? !

Lin Chuan clearly remembered Xuanzang’s intention to give him the voiceless bell.

The unvoiced ringing of the bell means that the king of the daughter country Xuanzang is looking for is nearby!

Since he agreed to Xuanzang to help him find the King of the Kingdom of Daughters, he has never looked for it seriously.

Unexpectedly, this time I came to the capital to take a walk around, and I found the king of the daughter country!

The mountains and rivers are nowhere to be doubted, and there is still another village in the dark, which is not enough to describe Lin Chuan’s surprise mood at this time.

Lin Chuan immediately turned his head and glanced around.

The place where he is now is a pedestrian street with a lot of people.

Therefore, it is a bit difficult to find someone right away, and Lin Chuan can only screen them one by one.

Of course, men don’t have to watch…

Lin Chuan glanced around and found a suspected target, and he had to pull the bald hair forward to take a look.

As a result, after the bald hair approached, none of the ringtones that could make the unvoiced bell became louder, made Lin Chuan a little headache.

“Lin Chuan, what are you doing, secretly following the young lady?” Yue Qin’er, who was depressed, noticed Lin Chuan’s weird behavior, and finally couldn’t help but speak.

“I am doing a very important thing now.”

“Have you heard this ringtone? It will ring continuously like this only when you are close to someone.”

“I want to find the one who made the bell ring from the people around me. You can help me find it together.”

Lin Chuan, who was feeling a headache, was short of helpers. Hearing her question, he simply told her part of the situation.

“This bell has been ringing for a long time, right?” Yue Qin’er condensed his eyebrows and digested what Lin Chuan said, and suddenly said.

“Yes, it’s been a while.” Lin Chuan nodded.

“That means that the person you are looking for has actually stayed near here.”

“If these people walking around would have gone far, they wouldn’t keep the bells ringing, so you don’t need to watch these passers-by.”

Yue Qin’er analyzed.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect it, it seems I was still too anxious.” Lin Chuan suddenly realized.

He was eager to find the king of the daughter country, and he couldn’t help but fall into a misunderstanding.

Had it not been for Yue Qin’er to remind him, he still didn’t know when he would be able to react.

“Don’t worry, I will accompany you to find it together. If the ringtone doesn’t stop, it means that the person is still there.”

“Now you stare at the store over there, I stare at the store here to see if anyone hasn’t left, so I should be able to target it.”

Yue Qin’er comforted Lin Chuan softly and assigned him tasks.

There are shops on both sides of the pedestrian street, and there are indeed some people who have been staying.

But after Lin Chuan quietly checked, he found that he still couldn’t find the target.

This made Lin Chuan a little dumbfounded, is it possible that the unvoiced bell is broken?

“Forget it, it may be that there is a problem with this bell, let’s go back first.” Lin Chuan said a little depressed.

Xuanzang, it’s not that I’m not righteous, it’s because your voiceless bell is not powerful.

“Wait, maybe we still missed someone.” Yue Qin’er didn’t leave, but looked in one direction.

“You mean her?”

Lin Chuan followed Yue Qin’er’s gaze and saw a girl with long hair scattered on the ground, with dull eyes and a dirty face, sitting on the ground and painting quietly.

He actually saw the girl early in the morning, but he never noticed it.

After all, although she is a girl, in terms of her image, it is really difficult to have anything to do with the king of the daughter country.

This girl should be blind, sitting there quietly all the time, pressing a stack of paper in front of her with one hand and drawing with a pencil in the other.

There was a box and QR code next to her, and a sign that said “Simplified strokes for ten yuan each.”

Because she can’t see, some of the paintings are finished and blown away by the wind, she doesn’t know.

Some paintings were picked up casually, taken away directly, and thrown away with disdain, she didn’t know.

She just sat there, and kept painting.

Quiet, she was incompatible with the bustling crowd around her, as if she was in another world.

Lin Chuan had picked up one of her paintings before, with lines of different thicknesses distributed on it, with a peculiar beauty, but she couldn’t tell what she was painting at all.

Perhaps, she is indeed in another world, a world that only she knows.

“Ring Ling Ling…”

Lin Chuan approached the past hesitantly, and found that the unvoiced bell that had been ringing became louder and louder.

“Is it really her?” Lin Chuan was shocked.

Is this girl really the reincarnation of the king of the daughter country?

What did the king of the daughter kingdom go through? What sin was being punished, or did he cast the wrong person when he was reborn?

Lin Chuan’s thoughts were flying, and it took a while before he came back to his senses.

“Well, is she the person you’re looking for?” Yue Qin’er didn’t know when she stood beside him, and immediately asked when she saw him recover.

“It should be.” Lin Chuan looked hesitant, still not sure.

But that’s how Qingyinling judged it, and Lin Chuan could only be trusted to have it.

“Well, this girl…” Lin Chuan walked to the blind girl and just opened his mouth and said a few words, but he didn’t know what to say.

What can he say.

Ask them directly, are you the king of the daughter country?

I’m afraid I will be treated as a fool…

Or ask if there is a very handsome monk in your memory?

This is not reliable…

Lin Chuan found that he could not rely on questioning to determine the identity of the blind girl.

“Little sister, how many pictures can you draw in a day?” Yue Qin’er said suddenly.

“About a hundred.” The blind girl raised her head. There was no expression in her clear eyes, but her voice was very pleasing.

“I like your paintings very much. I want to buy a thousand copies. You come home with me. Will you finish the paintings for me?”

“Don’t worry, sister is not a bad person, if you have a guardian, I can explain to her.”

“And my sister is not a charity, she really likes your paintings. My family is very big and needs a lot of paintings…”


Upon hearing this, Yue Qin’er made persistent efforts to pull the blind girl away.

In order to convince the blind girl, she thought a lot of things, but before she could finish speaking, the blind girl agreed.

“You agree, you are not afraid that your sister is a bad person?” Yue Qin’er didn’t expect it to go so smoothly, and was a little surprised.

“I can hear.” The blind girl replied unexpectedly.

Yue Qin’er was a little inexplicable, and wanted to ask what the blind girl had heard, but knew that this was not the time to talk about it.

Bring the blind girl home and ask whatever you want.

“Then let’s go.”

“By the way, I forgot to ask your name. My name is Yue Qin’er. What is your name?”

Yue Qin’er took the blind girl’s hand, pulled her up, and asked.

“My name is Liang Xi.” The blind girl responded.

“Liang Xi…Xiliang…Queen of Xiliang?!”

Lin Chuan’s pupils shrank suddenly when he heard the name of the blind girl.

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