Chapter 363 Xuanzang’s Upgrade Gift Package

[Xiaoyao Xian: Nezha, now that the matter is settled, it is time to tell me if you have a spiritual gathering formation.


Talk to me! Nezha! 】

After Lin Chuan saw that the gods were busy, Shi Shiran contacted Nezha to do what he wanted to do in the first place.

As a result, he sent a bunch of messages, but Nezha Leng didn’t reply to one.

It took a while for Lin Chuan to realize that Nezha should have gone to see Mrs. Yin.

“Then what about my business?” Lin Chuan was a little dumbfounded.

Playing with it, he just put down the business, but he ignored him, who would he call to gather the spirits?

When Lin Chuan was thinking about it, the phone rang.

[Xuan Zang: Donor, every time you appear, you can cause a turmoil. 】

Lin Chuan carefully considered Xuanzang’s words.

Xuanzang’s remarks were a bit like asking the teacher, but also a bit like ridicule. Lin Chuan really couldn’t guess what he meant.

Thinking about it carefully, Xuanzang’s words seem to be fine.

Since he joined the fairy chat group, every disturbance in the fairy world seems to have something to do with him.

In this way, he seems to be a figure in the fairy world.

Of course, he couldn’t admit this kind of thing, otherwise it would make him look like a broom star, and he didn’t want this kind of person.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Where is it, holy monk, you are too high up on me, how can I make waves in the immortal world. 】

[Xuan Zang: Amitabha, in front of the poor monks, the donor does not need to hide.

The poor monk didn’t mean to blame the donor, just because of feelings, the immortal world has not been so lively for a long time. 】

Xuanzang didn’t fight Lin Chuan, but went straight.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Ha ha, holy monk, you still praise me too much. You should have something to do with me. It’s not just to tell me this, right? 】

No matter how straightforward he said, Lin Chuan wouldn’t admit it, and directly changed the subject.

[Xuan Zang: It is true that the poor monk is looking for you for something.

The Buddha was very satisfied with the effect of the football match. The attention that Xitian received was even higher than before, and the previous decline has been completely restored.

So the Buddha decided to give you some sweetness first. 】

Xuanzang did not intend to continue teasing either, and explained his intentions.

“If you haven’t finished your work, will you pay a bonus?”

“I like this kind of Party A!”

Lin Chuan was happy when he learned of the situation.

[Xiaoyao Xian: The Buddha is so polite. I don’t know what this sweetness is, including the gathering of spirit formations? 】

[Xuan Zang: Do you want to gather the spirit formation?

It was originally not included, but it wouldn’t hurt to build another Spirit Gathering Array.

The things that the Buddha wants to give you are mainly some small things such as barrier-breaking pills and heart-protecting pills. I hope you don’t dislike them. 】

Xuanzang was as easy to talk as before, and he directly promised to give him a spirit gathering formation, and by the way, he brought the sweet hair he had originally wanted to give.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Don’t dislike it, don’t dislike it, Buddha can give me some sweetness, I am already very satisfied.

I will try my best to make the football match well, and I will definitely live up to the Buddha’s expectations of me! 】

Lin Chuan, who received the sweetness, responded beamingly.

Lin Chuan only started to check what he got this time after he had a courteous deal with Xuanzang.

Needless to say, the Spirit Gathering Array in Buddhism is also the Spirit Gathering Array, there is not much difference.

It was the barrier-breaking pill and the heart-protecting pill. After reading the functions of these two pill, Lin Chuan’s expression became a little playful.

The barrier-breaking pill allows the cultivator to break through the bottleneck in one fell swoop when encountering the bottleneck of the cultivation base.

The Heart Protection Pill protects the heart and ensures the safety of life when the barrier-breaking pill is used to cause a violent shock in the body’s spiritual energy.

Both of these medicines can be used for unlimited cultivation.

Coupled with the Spirit Gathering Pill that can increase the aura of the body, it is simply an upgrade spree!

If he smashed hard enough, he could completely let his cultivation level break through the Golden Core Stage, or even directly become the Nascent Soul Stage boss.

However, Lin Chuan was relatively stable, hesitated for a moment, then dispelled the idea.

Such an upgrade method has an unstable foundation.

Anyway, he wasn’t rushing to ascend to the immortal world, there was no need to be so anxious.

However, Xuanzang gave him the intention of these two medicines, which is worthy of careful contemplation.

After understanding the function of the pill, Lin Chuan had to doubt that he and Xuanzang were father and son separated for many years.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Xuanzang treated him so well, so that he arranged his path of cultivation clearly, as if he was afraid that his promotion speed would be slow.

If it is not a father-son relationship, it means that Xuanzang must have another plan.

Even boldly guessed that Xitian had a plot against him.

Behind the Buddha, there are still two Western Saints standing.

They have great magical powers, can see the secrets of heaven, maybe they can spot his heels and feet, use him as a chess piece to make certain layouts.

If this is the case, he can’t even use these barrier-breaking pills and heart-protecting pills.

If you don’t follow the path they arranged, you can naturally avoid being calculated by them.

Lin Chuan, who had made up his mind, put away the newly acquired things and walked back to the lively crowd.

At this time, I wanted to join the casual cultivator of Batu Caves, and the registration was almost completed, and a group of immortal cultivators celebrated the birth of the new sect in a lively manner.

Pu Liqi, who has always been very gloomy, is now full of red, full of enthusiasm for everyone.

“Pudong Master, congratulations on the establishment of your sect.”

“I have nothing to give you. I will give you two small gifts.”

Lin Chuan stepped forward and smiled and gave Pu Li Qi two things.

“Thank you, Brother Lin, you are so kind… Is this a small gift?”

Pu Liqi smiled and took what Lin Chuan handed over, and after a closer look, his face changed in an instant.

The other cultivators were paying attention to the movement here, and seeing that Pu Liqi’s expression was wrong, they couldn’t help but look over.

“Spirit Gathering Array, is the Spirit Gathering Array!”

“What is the origin of this Lin Chuan? He actually gave out such a treasure.”

“Before, I was a little bit murmured in my heart, I don’t know if there is any Spirit Gathering Array in Batu Caves, isn’t that all right!”

“Joining Batu Caves is indeed the most correct decision in my life!”

The cultivators saw a bottle of pill and a formation map in Pu Liqi’s hand.

They didn’t recognize the pill, but they recognized the spirit gathering formation at a glance, and it exploded in an instant.

Such a precious thing was unexpectedly given away by Lin Chuan, which surprised them too much.

“You gave Pu Liqi a picture of the Spirit Gathering Array!” Yue Qin’er popped out from nowhere, staring at Lin Chuan, her mouth cocked high.

“People’s Zongmen was founded. Naturally, they have to give them something good to increase their attractiveness.” Lin Chuan said confidently.

“I understand the truth, but why doesn’t the repair management team?”

“Our repair team is so poor that you can’t pity us?”

Yue Qin’er said with a grieved expression.

The monks:? ? ?

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