Chapter 360 I used to be called Xiao Tiantian, now I am called Mrs. Niu?

“Pu Liqi, please explain, why is the Zongmen called this name?” Lin Chuan pointed to the plaque in front of him and stared at Pu Liqi.

No wonder he asked Pu Li Qi Zongmen’s name, but he refused to say it.

It’s hard to tell anyone who changed the name just like that.

Pu Li Qi is good, and he put it out in a fair manner!

The servant is ashamed, he, as the master, will have no light on his face, okay?

“Because Batu Caves is the place where I was born.” Pu Liqi looked at the plaque, her voice was a little hoarse.

“Where were you born?” Lin Chuan’s tone eased a lot when he saw that Pu Liqi’s condition was a bit wrong.

“Yes, that’s where I was born.”

“The Batu Caves are not a sect, but just a place for a few hanging old people, tired of mortal repairs, waiting to sit and transform.”

“And I am an abandoned baby they found.”

“Those few casual cultivators wanted to experience the feeling of mortal befriending grandchildren, so they left me in the Batu Caves.”

“When I grew up, they began to teach me to practice again, and they taught me what they had learned all their lives.”

“The only regret for these casual cultivators is that they do not have the protection of the sect and cannot go further on the path of cultivation and see the scenery higher up.”

“So I made an oath back then to establish sects and shelter casual cultivators, so that more cultivators can have a more relaxed cultivation environment.”

“The Batu Caves is such a place.”

Pu Liqi’s eyes were red, his eyes were full of thoughts, and his voice became choked.

Lin Chuan didn’t expect that Batu Caves, like the name of the robber’s den, had such a story behind it, and he fell silent.

The cultivators who watched jokes around were also silent, and some casual cultivators felt warmth in their hearts.

“If this is the case, then Batu Caves should be the Batu Caves.”

“It’s your sect anyway, you can think of any name.”

“I would like to congratulate the main sect of Pudong on the establishment of a bright future!”

Lin Chuan patted Pu Liqi on the shoulder and said loudly.

“Congratulations on the establishment of the main sect of Pudong, and a bright future!”

The people around also shouted.

For a time, congratulations rang out, and the scene became lively again.

“Thank you for coming to join us. As I said just now, I welcome casual practitioners in Batu Caves.”

“Here is the person from Batu Caves, given the position of Ke Qing, but there is confusion in practice, I must know that everything is endless!”

Pu Liqi finally came back to his senses, looked at the bunch of immortal cultivators in front of him, and said emotionally.

The casual cultivators present suddenly became a little moved, but they were more hesitant.

After all, the Batu Caves are just a start-up, and for these casual cultivators, it is really unattractive.

“There is ample spiritual energy in the Batu Caves, and a spiritual gathering formation will be established, which will be of great benefit to practice, and there will be a regular supply of elixir.”

“When there are many people, everyone can learn from each other and make progress together. With concerted efforts, they can resist foreign enemies. It is indeed a good place.”

“If I didn’t own the site, I couldn’t help but want to join.”

Upon seeing this, Lin Chuan said loudly again.

“Brother Lin, when will I be in the Batu Caves…” Pu Liqi was dumbfounded at what he said.

He didn’t have any medicine for gathering spirit formation.

“I said there is.” Lin Chuan patted Pu Liqi and said softly.

Pu Liqi’s eyes lit up and nodded heavily.

“This is a good place, Hu Hansan is the first to join.”

“My second one, Brother Pu, we are friendly, you shouldn’t refuse.”

“If you really want to be treated like this, then I will be from Batu Caves from now on.”

“And I……”

“And I……”

I was still hesitating in a casual cultivator just now, and hearing so many favorable conditions, all of them couldn’t restrain themselves, and they expressed very enthusiastically that they would join the Batu Caves.

If the name of the sect is unpleasant, it is unpleasant. The benefits in it are the most important!

“Don’t worry, everyone, take your time.”

“What are you still trying to do, don’t hurry up to entertain our sect’s guest officials.”

Seeing this hot scene, Pu Liqi greeted him with great relief.

When facing the casual repairs, he first gave Lin Chuan a deep look, and Lin Chuan responded with a faint smile.

it is more than words.

Pu Liqi was soon surrounded by a group of casual cultivators, and was very busy. Lin Juan and the others went over to help after seeing this.

Only Lin Chuan was still watching the good show.

After Lin Chuan and others’ attention was not on his side, they walked out quietly, looking for a secluded place.

But no matter how quietly he was, he was discovered by the bald hair with unusually sensitive ears.

However, Bald Mao just raised his head and glanced at Lin Chuan’s side, then retracted his head and stared at the little demon not far away.

Yao Mengxue and the others are now busy entertaining casual repairs, and they have no time to control the little demon at all.

Bald Mao naturally wanted to seize this rare opportunity to take a good look at the little demon, and he had solved the pain of lovesickness during this period of time.

As for what Lin Chuan is going to do, it doesn’t matter at all!

Lin Chuan actually didn’t want to do anything. He just wanted to find a place where no one disturbed him and chat with the gods in the fairy world.

The promise just now has to be fulfilled.

Fortunately, he could get a bunch of pills.

The Spirit Gathering Formation is relatively a bit more troublesome, and it is better to find the gods to communicate.

Lin Chuan immediately contacted his little brother Nezha.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Nezha, I need a spirit gathering array now, the lowest level one is fine, do you have it? 】

[Nezha: Oops, Brother Xiaoyao, why do you still have time to care about the gathering of spirits? The football game is all messed up. 】

Lin Chuan was taken aback when he saw this.

He has been paying attention to the situation of the football game, and he didn’t pay much attention to it just when he was fighting.

It didn’t take long. Why did the football match get messed up?

[Xiaoyao Xian: What happened, what happened? 】

Lin Chuan quickly asked about the situation.

[Nezha: Didn’t you read the news in the group? Princess Iron Fan showed up on the football match with a few female fairies! 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: Is there anything wrong with this? 】

Lin Chuan couldn’t figure it out, and the appearance of Princess Iron Fan had anything to do with the chaos of the football game.

[Ne Zha: Of course something is wrong. The clothes they wear are all transparent, but only a few parts are thicker.

With their appearance, who still wants to play football? It’s all watching them go. The football match will not be messed up. Xiaoyao brother, please think of a solution. 】

Lin Chuan was dumbfounded when he heard the situation.

Princess Iron Fan, which is the trouble?

No matter what the trouble is, please contact us first!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Mrs. Niu, I heard that you went to the football match? 】

[Princess Iron Fan: I used to be called Xiao Tiantian, now I am called Mrs. Niu.

Oh, man! 】

[Xiaoyao Xian:? ? ? 】

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