Chapter 36: Is such a luxurious villa actually yours?

“Ling Xiaoxiao, don’t you want to see my newly bought villa, just go over now.”

After sending the address to Gao Ping, Lin Chuan said to Ling Xiaoxiao.

“Go now, just the two of us?” Ling Xiaoxiao looked at the sun that was about to set, her fair and pretty face flushed slightly.

Although after she moved to Qinghuang Xiaozhu, the two of them are already living together in a sense.

But Qinghuang Xiaozhu has a large area, and the room between the two people is actually quite far apart.

In addition, Fatty Yao took a group of worker masters and was busy at Qinghuang Xiaozhu every day, and Ling Xiaoxiao didn’t have any special feelings.

But now, Lin Chuan is going to take her to the villa at night, with a single man and a widow in the same room, it is hard for Ling Xiaoxiao to be crooked or not.

“Wow…Although this dog is not a human being, you can’t ignore me!”

Bald Mao looked at the two with resentment in his eyes.

This dog is really out of place in this house, so shall I go?

“Scream again, I will throw you into the septic tank!” Lin Chuan glared at him when he heard the words of bald hair.

Hearing the words, Bald Mao immediately picked up his tail and ran behind Ling Xiaoxiao, not daring to speak any more.

The septic tank in Lin Chuan’s mouth was dug out by Fatty Yao for Qinghuang Xiaozhu these days.

Last time, a worker master opened the lid, and Bald Mao leaned over to smell it, and almost died on the spot. He didn’t want to experience the feeling of being thrown in.

“Don’t bully the bald hair, do you have the heart to bully such a cute dog?” Ling Xiaoxiao hugged the bald hair in a hug, fighting for the injustice.

“Hey, hey…Sure enough, the fragrant little fairy treats me well!”

Bald immediately became proud again, rubbing against Ling Xiaoxiao’s arms, looking at Lin Chuan with a smug look.

“This silly dog, I will clean up you sooner or later!” Lin Chuan stared at the bald villain with a sense of ambition.

He also fed a few spirit-gathering pills to the bald hair, but the guy didn’t react at all when he ate it, and he seemed to have become even more stupid.

This kind of stupid dog, the highest attribution, was thrown into the pot and stewed!

How could the meat quality become better after eating so many spirit-gathering pills?

“Master, I was wrong. Don’t look at me with such a look, okay.”

Bald Mao felt the bad intentions in Lin Chuan’s eyes, and immediately trembled, begging for mercy very bachelor.

This stupid dog is not stupid at all in this respect.

“Aren’t we going to the villa, let’s go.” Being interrupted by the bald hair, Ling Xiaoxiao didn’t have any special feelings about going to the villa.

Holding her bald hair, she walked out the door first.

Lin Chuan took her to Villa 9, and Ling Xiaoxiao was stunned.

“I have been in Changzhou for so many years, why didn’t I know there is such a place in Changzhou?”

“It turns out that the life of the rich is like this!”

Ling Xiaoxiao entered the villa and ran up and down, feeling even more shocked.

She only now knows how luxurious the life of the rich can be.

“It’s just a house, nothing to fuss about.”

“You can simply clean up, and we will entertain many guests tomorrow.”

Lin Chuan responded lazily.

He lay comfortably on the ultra-luxury leather sofa imported from Yidali, feeling more comfortable as he lay down, and didn’t want to get up.

Not to mention, sometimes there is a reason to be expensive, at least this sofa is very good, and someday I have time to buy a few more sets.

Lie down when I’m tired, and feel happy.

Ling Xiaoxiao went to clean up the rooms and worked hard until late at night, only to reluctantly clean up all the rooms briefly.

Then she picked a room at random and went to sleep.

As for lone men and widows living in the same room, it doesn’t exist at all, okay!

There are more than a dozen rooms upstairs and downstairs in this villa. It takes a minute to walk from her room to Linchuan’s room.

Who is so lonely and widow in the same room?

Early that morning, Yuan Cuihua rushed to the gate of Langqin Huangting Community.

She heard Gao Ping say that Lin Chuan was going to have a dinner, and came over without even thinking about it.

As for what Lin Chuan might want her to pay back, she didn’t care at all.

Want to take the money back in her pocket?

Don’t even think about it!

In short, if you want to eat, if you don’t give money, you can’t take advantage of it. This is the portrayal of Yuan Cuihua’s life.

“Ouch, you guys have already arrived.”

“I remember that you are all creditors of the Lin family. Now that the son of the Lin family is paying off, you don’t have to be polite when you ask for a debt.”

Yuan Cuihua saw a few people standing at the gate of Langqin Imperial Court and recognized them at a glance, and said enthusiastically.

To take advantage of the Lin family, but to help outsiders deal with the Lin family, this is what Yuan Cuihua can do with little belly chicken intestines.

“You seem to be a relative of the Lin family… Thank you for your reminder.” The creditors of the Lin family couldn’t stand Yuan Cuihua’s virtue.

However, Yuan Cuihua was also speaking to them, and they could only thank them indifferently.

“No thanks, no thanks. You are all guests when you come. I will go in later, but you can eat more and don’t save money for Lin Chuan.”

“By the way, why are you always standing here and not going in? Come in quickly, how big is the sun outside.”

Yuan Cuihua seemed to regard herself as her master, and greeted others to walk in.

But before she took a few steps, she was stopped by a few big men in uniforms.

“Hey, what’s the matter with you, what’s stopping me? I’m going to be a guest inside.”

Yuan Cuihua’s face changed all of a sudden, she showed her character as a shrew, and wanted to get rid of the big guys who stopped her.

“You are not allowed to enter without the permission of the owner of the Royal Palace of Langqin!” The two big men controlled Yuan Cuihua with one hand, and said stiffly.

After speaking, they let Yuan Cuihua go, still blocking the door, not giving her a chance.

“Hey, what kind of attitude is this? I haven’t been in the community in the city before, so why can’t I enter?”

Yuan Cuihua felt a little guilty when she saw that her usual tactics didn’t work, but she was still very tough.

“This place is different. I heard that this is the most high-end community in Changzhou. The people who live in it are either rich or expensive, so the management is very strict.”

A creditor couldn’t see it anymore and pulled Yuan Cuihua to popularize science.

“There is such a community in Changzhou?”

“Why did the Lin family invite us to eat here? He is not the owner, so he can’t let us in. Isn’t this deliberately preventing us from eating?”

Yuan Cuihua was very surprised when she heard the words, and felt that Lin Chuan was fooling her.

As for the possibility that Lin Chuan was the owner of the Royal Palace of Langqin, she had never thought about it.

How can that little kid can afford such an expensive villa?

“Sorry everyone, we have confirmed with the owner of Villa No. 9 that you are indeed the guests he invited.”

“Please get on our patrol car and we will send you to Villa 9.”

At this moment, a big man walked over, arrogant and respectful, and his attitude was much better than before.

“The owner agreed? What’s the owner’s name?” Yuan Cuihua looked blank when she heard the words, and did not react at all. What is going on.

She was taken to the entrance of Villa No. 9 by the property, with the paste full of her mind, and saw Lin Chuan sitting under a pavilion, looking at them leisurely.

“Mr. Lin, we brought your guest here.” The property walked up to Lin Chuan and said respectfully.

“Such a luxurious villa, is it yours?!” Yuan Cuihua still didn’t understand what was going on, with an expression on her face.

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