Chapter 331 Oops, I’m a Stand-in

The surging of spiritual energy continued, and Lin Chuan could clearly feel that the strength of the incarnation was rising wildly.

Thunder Tribulation is indeed a catastrophe, but after overcoming this catastrophe, the gains are extremely rich.

Lin Chuan’s divine consciousness attached to the avatar witnessed the lake in the dantian of the avatar, condensed and squeezed continuously, and finally turned into a golden pill the size of a longan.

This golden pill also meant that the incarnation was officially promoted to the golden pill stage and entered the ranks of the big brothers in the world of immortality.

You know, in most sects, there is only a Golden Core Immortal Cultivator sitting in town.

The incarnation of this Golden Core Stage Cultivator has enough gold.

While the avatar was absorbing the generous rewards brought by Thunder Tribulation, the others were not idle.

They consciously guarded the avatar, seeming to want to protect the law for him, but their wide-open eyes still exposed their curiosity about the Golden Core Immortal Cultivator.

There were also some immortal cultivators who stopped not far away from ordinary passers-by who were full of curiosity and ran over to check the situation.

This is also necessary. If ordinary people see this, the repair management team may come to trouble.

Of course, the cultivation management team didn’t dare to take care of the matters of the immortal cultivators in the Jindan stage.

But if there is more and less, they have helped, the golden core immortal cultivator should always accept his love.

Finally, there is an opportunity to show courtesy, these cultivators who want to hug their thighs will not miss it.

“Hey, time has passed so long, isn’t this big brother over yet?”

“The rush of spiritual energy has also disappeared. It stands to reason that it should be recovered.”

“This big man, isn’t he stunned by the robbing of the purple sky thunder, right?”

“Hush, you don’t want to die, dare to say this in front of the boss.”

“Wait patiently, finally wait for a chance to meet the Jindanqi boss, it’s nothing to waste a little more time.”

As a result, the cultivators waited left and right, the avatars were standing there all the time, motionless, making the cultivators very confused, not knowing what the avatars were doing.

In fact, the avatar can now move, but Lin Chuan didn’t think about how to deal with these immortal cultivators.

It’s definitely impossible to run away directly, there are too many immortal cultivators around, and the incarnation has just been promoted to the Golden Core stage, and the state is very unstable.

It would be too embarrassing if it suddenly fell off while running.

It doesn’t work to stick there like a wood all the time. I haven’t seen these immortal cultivators already impatient.

If some immortal cultivators are impatient and come forward to talk, then he will be even more passive.

“It seems that we can only fool them first.” Lin Chuan thought for a while before he thought of a solution.

“Thank you fellow daoists for protecting me.” The incarnation put on a hood, turned his head, and said in a low voice.

Don’t ask where the hood came from. There are seamless heavenly clothes that can be transformed at will. It is not too simple to get a hood out.

“Don’t thank the boss, this is what we should do.”

“It is also a very valuable experience for us to witness your journey through the catastrophe with our own eyes.”

“Big brother, what kind of sect do you belong to, do you still accept apprentices? What do you think of me?”

“I’m from the Juque Sect. If you are a casual cultivator, big brother, the position of the elder of my sect is vacant!”

Seeing that the avatar had finally begun to speak, the cultivators were relieved and responded to the avatar very warmly.

Some cultivators are still humble, and some cultivators have already begun to express their ideas, and they want to hug their thighs, and they want to introduce their avatars into the sect.

The incarnation of this newly promoted Golden Core Cultivator, has become a sweet potato.

“Don’t mention these trivial matters. To thank you for protecting the law, I am going to give you a lesson about the exercises. I hope you will listen carefully.”

Lin Chuan was so quarreled by them that he waved his hand with the body of the avatar and shouted in a low voice.

As soon as he spoke, those cultivators stopped immediately.

Knowing that the avatar was about to teach the exercises, each of them held their breath and raised their ears. Some even took out a recording pen for fear of missing a word.

The insight of the cultivation technique of the golden core cultivator is very rare.

If the comprehension is high enough, after listening to a period of insights, the cultivation base will rise by a small amount, it is not a fantasy thing.

“Daozi is faint, lost in four o’clock, Feng Mansion is through the sky, the last man of learning…”

Upon seeing this, the avatar opened his mouth and said a lot of mysterious and mysterious words.

In fact, Lin Chuan hadn’t practiced much at all, so there was no sense of the practice.

The words that the incarnation recites are some passages in the Xuantian Zhenjie. They were disassembled by Lin Chuan, and they were read in random order, and they were not afraid of someone prying into his practice.

If someone really needs to practice according to what he reads, they will get confused in a matter of minutes.

After all, the technique of cultivation is far from the least, but it cannot be sloppy at all.

But these immortal cultivators didn’t know, they thought that Lin Chuan was really talking about the exercises and feelings, and each one listened more seriously than the other.

Lin Chuan talked for a long time, seeing all the immortal cultivators immersed in it, the control avatar turned his head and left.

He talked about exercises and sentiment, just to create an opportunity to sneak away, and now it seems very successful.

“Where are you going, you haven’t said what your name is.” As soon as the incarnation turned around, it was stopped by Yao Mengxue who emerged from nowhere.

The avatar turned his head to look at Yao Mengxue, and saw that Yao Mengxue’s beautiful eyes were staring at him amorously.

Fortunately, Yao Mengxue couldn’t see his entire face clearly with the hood blocking it.

“Hey, why do you look a little like Lin Chuan?” Even if only half of his face was seen clearly, Yao Mengxue was still a little surprised.

“I…” The avatar opened his mouth, and didn’t really think about how to explain it for a while.

“You don’t know Lin Chuan, right? It’s normal, it’s just a small character.”

“It’s an honor for him to look a little like you.”

“Handsome guy, what’s your name, how old are you, do you have a match, and who do you learn from?”

In the end, Lin Chuan didn’t need to explain at all, Yao Mengxue dispelled his suspicion, looked at him with eager eyes, and asked questions.

Seeing that she didn’t doubt it anymore, Lin Chuan was relieved, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Listening to Yao Mengxue’s tone, it seems that he doesn’t care about him at all…

“Thanks to the Venerable for his teaching, dare to ask the Venerable’s name?” Before Lin Chuan could be depressed, he heard the voice of a cultivator.

After being so delayed by Yao Mengxue, those cultivators also recovered.

It seems that it is difficult to get out without leaving a name.

“Pan Dao Xiaoyao scattered people!” The incarnation spit out a few words, and then floated away.

“Respectfully send Xiaoyao to scattered people!” After the immortal cultivators got the famous name, they didn’t do anything any more, and they all stood in place and bowed off.

“Oops, I seem to be a stand-in.” Lin Chuan saw this scene and finally realized a very serious problem.

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