Chapter 326 Incarnation pills, incarnation outside the body!

The gods who found that they had been tricked, it was the anger of renunciation.

They rushed into every group they joined, brushing Linchuan over and over again as profiteers.

But when other gods asked Lin Chuan what he lied to them, they hesitated again, embarrassed to say it.

After all, they are rushing to get ahead with the idea of ​​buying a football training manual.

If you explain it seriously, doesn’t it expose them themselves.

But even if the explanation is not clear, so many immortals say that Lin Chuan is a liar, but Lin Chuan is notorious.

Lin Chuan, who was originally well-known in the fairy world, suddenly got a little bit of a rat crossing the street, and everyone was crying out.

But Lin Chuan didn’t care, because the things he gave were real, and these gods weren’t at a disadvantage, at best they were mischievous.

In the future, if he has good things to bring out, believe it or not, these gods who are now scolding him, one by one will come over and call him brothers and sisters.

Besides, since Xianfan is isolated, even if these gods are reborn, they can’t beat him, Lin Chuan has nothing to worry about.

So Lin Chuan allowed them to condemn him in the chat group, and happily counted the various treasures the gods gave him, which was a joy.

These gods, for the little Jiujiu in their hearts, they called a lavish shot.

Lin Chuan was dazzled by the piles of panacea and magic weapons.

It’s just that these good treasures are good, and the requirements for use are also high one by one.

Lin Chuan couldn’t use most of the treasures, which made him a little depressed.

“Co-author, I have tried my best to circle so many babies, and circle loneliness?” Lin Chuan frowned, secretly unhappy in his heart.

He wanted to increase his cultivation by leaps and bounds, but now his cultivation was stuck there and couldn’t move.

Lin Chuan, who already had a lot of common sense of cultivating immortals, knew that he was hitting a bottleneck.

As for how to break the bottleneck, he is not clear.

After all, Xuantian really understands his own cultivation in cultivation, and he can’t break the bottleneck.

“Let’s wait and see, if it doesn’t work, I can only ask someone to ask.” Lin Chuan thought carefully, but resisted the idea of ​​asking other cultivators.

In just a few months of work, he has already cultivated to the foundation-building stage, and it has already been appalling.

If other immortal cultivators learn that he wants to break through the bottleneck and advance to the Golden Core Stage, they will probably treat him as a monster and throw him on the operating table for dissection.

In order to avoid revealing his secrets, Lin Chuan could only keep a low-key and then low-key, but he did not dare to reveal his true cultivation level at will.

But if the cultivation base has not been able to break through, he can only risk a slight exposure and find a way to quietly ask.

As for asking the gods in the sky, Lin Chuan immediately eliminated this idea.

These gods are more than Versailles, some were born as gods, some accumulated great merits and became gods, and they practiced step by step.

In their eyes, the immortal cultivators during the foundation-building period are similar to ants.

Does anyone care how ants cultivate? It doesn’t exist!

Lin Chuan recovered from the chaotic thoughts when the phone prompt sounded.

[Fairy Chang’e: Fairy friend, I seem to be really hot, thank you so much! 】

The news was sent by Fairy Chang’e, and the excitement revealed between the lines almost overflowed.

She, who was originally a high cold goddess, shouldn’t have been so gaffey.

Now it suddenly became hot again, but it was only returning to her previous state.

However, Fairy Chang’e, who has experienced the taste that no one cares about, can better understand how the heat at this time is hard to come by, and naturally he is a little more grateful to Lin Chuan.

Moreover, she regained her fire too fast.

It didn’t take long since the video was sent out, and the entire fairy world was discussing her.

Those gods who hadn’t sent messages to her for many days began to greet her again, and Fairy Chang’e couldn’t come back.

This gave Fairy Chang’e an illusion. Lin Chuan seemed to have mastered a very advanced fairy technique. Whoever wants to be popular can be popular.

For Fairy Chang’e who wants to get angry, this is simply what she needs most, and she naturally values ​​Lin Chuan even more.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Actually, it’s mainly Fairy Chang’e. You have a good foundation, I just did something trivial. 】

Lin Chuan responded modestly.

Boasting or something, too low-level

When things are gone, you can hide your merits and fame deeply. This is a more advanced way of dressing.

[Fairy Chang’e: Friends of the fairy, you are too humble, I know the situation very well, all this is due to you.

By the way, I promised you before that there will be a generous courtesy after the matter is done. I don’t know what fairy friends do you want? 】

Fairy Chang’e’s attitude is good.

If you let those gods who keep humming and inquiring about Fairy Chang’e, they would be surprised to see their conversation.

Because Fairy Chang’e always ignored their attitude when facing them, and often sent a long paragraph to the past, Fairy Chang’e replied a few words perfunctorily.

The difference between people is so great!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Fairy just give it a little, I can accept it. 】

Lin Chuan now has a headache when he sees the word “great gift”.

The better the baby, the less he can use it.

Fairy Chang’e gave him a generous gift, which was simply adding a block to him.

[Fairy Chang’e: How can it be done, you have helped me so much, I must show my heart.

Well, I have treasured up two incarnation pills, all for you! 】

Fairy Chang’e saw that he didn’t seem to want it, so she wanted to give it even more.

If Lin Chuan didn’t accept anything, it would not be considered a fair deal between them.

Don’t look at her as if temporarily taking advantage, next time she wants to ask Lin Chuan for help, it won’t be easy to speak up.

In order to build a good relationship with Lin Chuan, Fairy Chang’e gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and directly sacrificed the blood, and gave Lin Chuan two treasured incarnation pills.

[Incarnation pill: Use the essence and blood as a guide to shape an external incarnation! 】

Lin Chuan didn’t care much about the things that Fairy Chang’e gave, but after a glance, his eyes widened immediately.

Avatar outside!

This pill can actually be transformed into an outside body!

It’s not to blame Lin Chuan’s excitement, it’s really the supernatural power of incarnation outside of his body, which is too high-end.

The most famous external avatar is the Monkey Hair of the Monkey King. Just pluck it out and blow it, and you can transform into an external avatar.

If you pull out a handful at a time, you can transform into a bunch of external avatars, and directly pile up the enemy to death!

There are not many gods who can possess such a powerful magical power in the entire fairy world.

And now, relying on these two avatar pills, he can have two external avatars!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Fairy, do you still have this incarnation pill? I can exchange it with you baby! 】

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