Chapter 322 The Fairy Chang’e Who Wants to Turn Red

I have to say that Fairy Chang’e is simply a female lecturer who is proficient in human nature.

A short sentence is so fascinating that Lin Chuan feels that pink bubbles are always blowing around him.

Fairy Chang’e doesn’t like me, right?

[Xiaoyao Fairy: Fairy, why are you lonely, just wave your hand, there should be a large number of male fairies willing to play with you. 】

Lin Chuan took a deep breath before responding.

He just has a good impression of Fairy Chang’e, not to the extent that he likes it.

Even so, a goddess who favored him so much would still make Lin Chuan feel nervous.

If she confessed to me, how can I refuse to be polite?

Hey, too good, really distressed…

[Chang’e: What else do you say, people are already dead now, where are so many people like me?

Now Baihua Fairy and Zhao Gongming are the hottest gods in the immortal world, what am I? 】

Fairy Chang’e returned to him immediately, without any trace of Gao Lengfan as a goddess.

Lin Chuan carefully chewed Fairy Chang’e’s sour words, and finally knew what she was coming for.

She didn’t like him with co-author, and wanted to talk to him, purely to complain.

As she said, the various groups are basically discussing Baihua Fairy and Zhao Gongming.

When discussing the fairy of Chang’e, we can’t say that there is no such thing, but compared with before, it is much less.

The two gods, Baihua Fairy and Zhao Gongming, are now hot, and they are both held in one hand by Lin Chuan.

This is equivalent to Lin Chuan’s single-handed planning and stealing the traffic that used to be exclusively for Fairy Chang’e.

It is not surprising that Fairy Chang’e has such a big grievance.

[Xiaoyao Xian: I didn’t expect Fairy to care about this so much, that’s really sorry.

When I did this, I really didn’t expect this to be the result. 】

It’s all taken advantage of by others. A verbal apology is such a blessing and cost-free thing. What Lin Chuan did is called a smooth one.

Fairy Chang’e saw what he said, choked so much that he couldn’t speak, frantically rubbing the jade rabbit in his arms, making the sleepy jade rabbit look confused.

Originally, she didn’t care much about other gods’ attention, even a little disgusted.

It’s just that the gods have been paying attention to her unabated for so many years, and Fairy Chang’e has become used to it.

As a result, if you are the one, Baihua Fairy went on fire, and the situation was completely different.

There are fewer people paying her respects, and fewer people discussing her.

Even Zhu Bajie, a person who had been so infatuated with her, wanted to go to If You Are the One for a blind date!

Fairy Chang’e originally thought that things would calm down slowly, but after Fairy Baihua’s heat subsided, the attention of the fairies would return to her.

The trend was indeed as she thought, and her attention slowly began to rise again.

As a result, the video of Zhao Gongming went viral yesterday, and Zhao Gongming became the most watched fairy in the fairy world, making Fairy Chang’e bad.

She also watched the video, and really couldn’t figure out how a disgusting video made Zhao Gongming so popular.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people paying attention to her, Fairy Chang’e really couldn’t sit still, and found Lin Chuan.

[Fairy Chang’e: I’m not the kind of unreasonable person, I can’t blame you for this.

The blame is that I am no longer attractive to other gods, it may be that the old man has turned yellow. 】

Fairy Chang’e, who is begging for others, behaves quite generously.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Fairy, how can you say that, Meiruotianxian is your pronoun, who dares to say that you are not good-looking?

But everyone really likes new things, and it will be fine after a while. 】

Lin Chuan naturally treats a beauty like Chang’e very preferentially, and feels relieved to her.

[Fairy Chang’e: In that case, can you think of a way for me to make me more fresh? 】

After listening to his words, Chang’e felt a lot more comfortable. Seeing him speak so well, she followed his words and said her purpose.

What Lin Chuan said was really fine.

But there is a key issue, that is Lin Chuan himself.

If after a while, Lin Chuan had any thoughts, and another god became popular, the gods’ attention would still not return to her.

Even to the extreme, after Lin Chuan engages a few more times, the gods in the fairy world may forget her.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Chang’e.

If you can’t beat her, then join and let Lin Chuan come to praise her!

[Xiaoyao Xian: Fairy, do you want to become popular? 】

Lin Chuan understood the meaning of Fairy Chang’e, and said in surprise.

The little fairy who said that she could not eat the fireworks, she couldn’t stand it without a little attention.

[Fairy Chang’e: Yes, I just want to be popular! 】

Lin Chuan can see that Fairy Chang’e has nothing to say, straightforward.

“Is it so straightforward?” Fairy Chang’e was so refreshed, making Lin Chuan a little surprised.

He thought that Fairy Chang’e would find all kinds of excuses to cover up for himself.

Even the basic reservedness is no longer necessary, which shows that Fairy Chang’e is really eager to turn red.

Think about it, it was once hot and sought after by many gods, but now no one cares about it, it is really difficult to accept.

[Fairy Chang’e: What’s wrong, why don’t you speak?

Is it difficult for me to become popular, or you don’t really want to help me?

You can make terms, as long as I can do it, I can accept it. 】

Lin Chuan’s delay in responding made Fairy Chang’e a little flustered.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Let’s not talk about the conditions, Fairy Chang’e, you have to tell me how much you can do in order to become popular. 】

Seeing that she was so persistent, Lin Chuan asked seriously.

[Fairy Chang’e: Of course you can do anything!

Even like Zhao Gongming, I…I can! 】

Fairy Chang’e saw what he said, and instantly thought of Zhao Gongming’s video. After struggling in his heart, he made up his mind.

For her who values ​​her image very much, it is already difficult to make a video like Zhao Gongming to break through the bottom line.

[Xiaoyao Xian: If this is the case, then I can plan well. 】

[Fairy Chang’e: So did you agree, thank you!

Wait, don’t you want me to make a video that is more shameful than Zhao Gongming’s video? There shouldn’t be any video that can surpass that, right? 】

Seeing Lin Chuan’s promise, Fairy Chang’e was surprised at first, and then he became nervous.

If Lin Chuan made a video that was even more unacceptable than Zhao Gongming’s video, Fairy Chang’e might not be able to accept it.

[Xiaoyao Xian: That’s not necessarily true, Zhao Gongming’s video is just for pediatrics. 】

An evil smile appeared on Lin Chuan’s face.

“This is still pediatrics?” Fairy Chang’e missed a beat for a while, and hugged Yutu tightly.

Yutu: I have endured too much!

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