Chapter 300 Let You Feel The Love From My Cousin

Lin Chuan and the other team members slept for a whole day before waking up one after another.

When Lin Chuan woke up, he heard a familiar wailing.

The voice came naturally from bald hair, and it sounded a little panicked.

Lin Chuan went out to look, only to find that the bald hair was surrounded by a group of team members, rubbing it all kinds of ways.

“Master, save me soon, I’m not clean anymore!” Seeing Lin Chuan appear, Bald Mao hurriedly called for help.

Lin Chuan almost choked with saliva when he heard this.

Where did Bald Mao learn these tiger-wolf words? Isn’t it just being touched a few times? Why is his body unclean?

“Pixiu, you are awake, come here quickly, we have something to ask you.” Seeing Lin Chuan came out, Bai Ze greeted him with his hand.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Chuan walked over.

“We have learned your dog’s abilities. These ears are really powerful, and they are better than radar.”

“If you can take it with you to perform the task, it will be much easier to complete the task.”

“So I want to ask you, can I bear the pain of giving up?”

“Of course we don’t force it. You can mention the terms as you like, and we can agree to them as long as they are suitable.”

Bai Ze touched his bald ear, and said embarrassedly.

Worrying about other people’s pets is always not very authentic.

It’s just the bald ability, so powerful, you can know where the enemy is from a long distance away.

With bald hair, the enemy’s every move can be fully understood, the key is that it is not easy for the other party to notice.

Duoli this guy is the best portrayal of baldness, completely unaware that they already knew his whereabouts, and they didn’t even know how he died.

When breaking through from behind, the bald hair often warns them, so that they can avoid being caught off guard by the enemy.

With bald hair, it can be said to be even more powerful for the team members who go out to perform tasks.

But Lin Chuan has a special identity, so they can’t assign tasks casually.

The previous few missions by Lin Chuan were all based on his preferences, and later it was estimated that the number of missions would not be many.

In this case, Bald Mao followed Lin Chuan, which was a waste, and Bai Ze started his idea.

“Master, don’t abandon Ben Wang.” When Bald Mao heard Bai Ze’s thoughts, he panicked.

Although Lin Chuan often dislikes it, following Lin Chuan’s life is simply its happiest time.

If you follow Bai Ze and go out on missions, you won’t be tired, and there will be danger.

Even if Bald is a stupid dog, he knows what to choose.

“Well, let’s forget it, after all, it is my pet, and I still have a relationship with it.”

“Captain Bai Ze, don’t just stare at me. Those famous sects have sent a lot of good things. Why don’t we go get some more?”

Lin Chuan looked at the bald and pitiful appearance, after all, he felt softened.

Speaking of which, he also invested a lot in bald hair, and wanted to see what it looked like after it became a divine beast.

Even though he always dislikes baldness, in fact, if he really wants to let him and Bai Ze, he still reluctant to bear it.

Yue Qin’er on the side heard the words, but stopped talking.

She would like to say that bald hair is lazy at home, it is better to let him perform tasks in the group.

But Bald Mao is Lin Chuan’s pet, how to deal with it is his business, she doesn’t want to make the mistake of the last time.

“Is it so easy to make good things from famous schools?”

“If you don’t give it, don’t give it, but I hope that if there is a very important task, you can lend us the bald hair.”

After hearing Lin Chuan’s excuse, Bai Ze gave him a blank look, and felt that the code name Pai Xiu was correct.

“No problem, just say it then.” Lin Chuan said generously.

“If you have nothing to do, come with us to the headquarters.”

“This time the task was done beautifully. The team leader decided to hold a celebration banquet for us. You happened to go to the headquarters to take a look.”

Bai Ze didn’t care too much, and once again resumed his enthusiasm.

For this mission, Lin Chuan can be said to be the number one hero. Bai Ze has completely accepted him and wants to get along with him a lot.

Not to mention anything else, just say that the piles of pills taken out are very greedy!

“No, I still have something to do at home, so let’s go to the headquarters next time I have a chance.”

Lin Chuan took out his mobile phone and took a look, his eyes changed slightly, and he refused Bai Ze’s invitation.

“Well, let’s separate here. We must come to the headquarters to have a look when we have time!”

When Bai Ze heard this, he did not force it.

The other team members bid farewell to Lin Chuan, a little reluctant, and left after a while.

“These guys are quite interesting.” Lin Chuan watched them leave with a smile on his face.

After going through this mission, he really has a sense of belonging to the repair management team.

“Why didn’t you go to the headquarters, what happened at home?” Yue Qin’er also didn’t leave, and couldn’t help asking after the others left.

Qinghuang Xiaozhu has always been calm, and she was really curious about what would happen.

“Just look at it.” Lin Chuan put the phone in front of Yue Qin’er.

Yue Qin’er saw that it was Yao Mengxue who had sent a message to Lin Chuan, “You come back and have a look, it seems that someone is going to steal your tripod”.

“Someone is going to steal the tripod?”

“On the broken tripod, some people actually steal it?”

Yue Qin’er felt incredible after reading the news.

It’s not good to steal, but I’m going to steal the tripod. Qinghuang Xiaozhu has more things than it is worth stealing.

When Lin Chuan heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his mood suddenly became unpleasant.

Well, the tripod stolen from the palace of Touling, in Yue Qin’er’s eyes, even had no value in being stolen.

But think about it, it doesn’t seem to be wrong.

I really want to give Red Boy another little hamburger…

Even though they didn’t really appreciate the tripod, Lin Chuan and the others took the Qian family’s private plane and hurried home as fast as they could.

It doesn’t matter what you steal, it’s important that someone goes to the house to steal something!

In just three hours, Lin Chuan hurried home from a place thousands of miles away.

As soon as he entered the house and went straight to the courtyard where the broken tripod was standing, he saw several people, including two familiar figures.

“Uncle San, what are you doing?” Lin Chuan asked softly with a smile on his face.

“Ouch… Chuan’er, why are you silent when you walk, scared me.”

“My family Junjun called and said that he lacks an antique and what kind of magical device he is.”

“I just wondered, you don’t like your broken tripod. You can just move away and send it to Junjun.”

Lin Chuan’s voice shocked the couple.

Yuan Cuihua deserves to be a spoiled temperament, her face is not red and her heart beats, and she justifies the matter of stealing the tripod.

“So my cousin wanted it.”

“It seems that his character hasn’t changed at all. I have to make him feel the love from my cousin!”

When Lin Chuan heard this, he knew the cause and effect of the incident, and a strange light burst into his eyes.

He actually received another message that Pu Liqi caught a man named Lin Jun, who looked a bit like him.

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