Chapter 293 Do You Dare To Get More Pills?

Just as Lin Chuan and Hong Hai’er were talking, they had already encountered several groups of Annan Cultivators.

After the Annan cultivators found them, without exception, they attacked them.

I don’t know what kind of information Duoli’s self-destructive blood light conveyed to these immortal cultivators.

Although they were quickly wiped out by the team members, Lin Chuan still felt the danger, an extremely terrifying danger.

Now there are only a few immortal cultivators, and there is no problem in eliminating them.

But what if dozens of hundreds of immortal cultivators come next time?

One encounter was resisted by the team members. What about the second time, the tenth time, and the hundredth time?

After all, they are on the territory of Annan Cultivator, and they have shown an attitude of immortality.

Lin Chuan would be too naive if he thought they could pass the customs safely.

He was naturally not the kind of innocent person. He noticed the crazy attitude of the Immortal Cultivator Annan and decided to ask Red Boy for the pill and defensive formation.

With the pill, there is an endless stream of mana.

With defensive formations, they can add a layer of protection.

With both offense and defense, their survivability will be greatly improved, and they will be able to face more dangers.

Isn’t it just consumption? It depends on who can consume it!

[Red Boy: What do you want these things for? 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: Don’t ask so much, just say if you can get it. 】

[Red Boy: Of course, you can wait! 】

Soon, Hong Hai’er sent him thousands of Gathering Pills and several copies of team defense formations.

[Red Boy: Is this enough? Give me some fun, I’m so bored now. 】

Seeing that he was so generous in his shots, Lin Chuan didn’t ask for more, so he directly distributed a football training manual.

That’s right, what Lin Chuan gave to Red Boy was an extra training manual from the last training manual.

The version of this manual is different from the one he gave to Xitian, and it is slightly inferior to the one he gave to Xitian.

This is not Lin Chuan deliberately releasing water, mainly to make the football game more interesting.

A football game, unilaterally crushing the game, obviously will not be too exciting.

Only evenly matched confrontation can create an atmosphere of high dynasty and affect the hearts of all audiences.

Now he has given the training manual to Red Boy. After his training, his playing skills will definitely become stronger.

But once the Red Boy was young, he was definitely no better than the Arhats who were training, and the training manual was worse than Xitian.

This effectively guarantees that Xitian can win.

It can make the game exciting, guarantee Xitian win, and get some more benefits.

Lin Chuan would be a fool if he didn’t do things that would kill three birds with one stone.

[Red Boy: Football Training Manual, why did you give me a book? What I want is fun! 】

Seeing that Lin Chuan had given him a book, Hong Hai’er was already unhappy without reading it.

[Xiaoyao Xian: You don’t know the goods anymore. In this book, a very interesting game is explained. You will know how fun it is after training. 】

[Red Boy: Games? Then I like it so much, I’m going to have a look! 】

When it heard that it was a game, Red Boy was satisfied immediately.

“Sure enough, as soon as he got involved with something to play with, he immediately got energized.” Lin Chuan smiled and shook his head, thinking that the god Red Boy was too good to be deceived.

“Ahem, Pai Yao, concentrate, don’t run away!” At this moment, Bai Ze said.

Originally, he opened one eye to Lin Chuan’s behavior of playing with his mobile phone, which was regarded as a reward for Lin Chuan for giving so many pills.

As a result, this guy actually laughed out when the atmosphere was so tense, it shouldn’t be!

“Captain Bai Ze, I remembered, I seem to have a lot of pills and a team defensive formation here.”

Lin Chuan didn’t say anything, and took out a bunch of pills and a copy of the formation.

“…” Bai Ze and the other team members were dumbfounded.

Just now Lin Chuan took out hundreds of pills, which was enough to surprise them.

They thought that this was all Lin Chuan’s possessions, but when they turned their heads, Lin Chuan took out more pills than before, and a formation!

What kind of family, such a wide-ranging, do you dare to have more pill!

Compared with Lin Chuan, one of the players counted as one, and they all felt that they were poor.

“As soon as there are no enemies, the pill will be divided, and show me the formation.”

The well-informed Bai Ze stayed in a daze before reacting.

When the players happily distributed the pill, Bai Ze took the formation called the Tortoise Shell Formation and looked at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more solemn his face became.

“What’s the matter, Captain, isn’t this formation good?” Yue Qin’er couldn’t help asking when Bai Ze put down the formation.

Just looking at the cheesy name of Tortoiseshell Formation, Yue Qin’er felt that it must be quite ordinary.

But no matter how common formations are, they are also formations, but any formations are scarce.

With such a solemn expression on Bai Ze’s face, it is estimated that he is weighing whether or not to use this tasteless formation.

“No, this formation works very well, very suitable for us now!” The solemnity on Bai Ze’s face suddenly loosened, and a smile bloomed.

There is an array with things as the core, so naturally there is an array with people as the core.

Such formations generally require the cooperation and understanding of the people who make up the formation.

This is no small requirement for them at present.

But this tortoise shell formation does not have too high requirements. As long as a simple technique is practiced, everyone can be connected.

Every bit of attack received is shared by them.

This also means that as long as it is not a terrorist attack that can kill them all at once, all of them can live!

It’s like a tortoise carrying a tortoise shell. Don’t try to kill the tortoise until the tortoise shell is broken.

Such a defensive formation can be regarded as a new way, it is simply a genius-like creativity.

“Let’s stop temporarily and use the shortest time to learn this tortoise shell formation.”

“With this formation, I think we can all return safely!”

Bai Ze held the formation tightly with both hands, and a pair of tiger eyes glowed with excitement.

“All members return safely?” The team members couldn’t help but lift up their spirits when they heard these words.

They do have the consciousness of sacrifice, but if they have a chance to live, who would want to sacrifice like this!

Bai Ze never talks nonsense, he said that all the staff can return safely, then it will definitely be possible!

All the team members immediately devoted themselves to the learning of the tactics with the greatest enthusiasm.

After the study is over, everyone activates the tactics at the same time, and everyone has a feeling of being connected to each other.

Now they are truly living together!

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